Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck
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Good analysis of the economic & social impact of taxitrucks is subtitled "The imminent need for basic income in recognition of our machine-driven future ... We are facing the decimation of entire small town economies, a disruption the likes of which we haven’t seen since the construction of the interstate highway system itself bypassed entire t…

Google's Plan to Eliminate Human Driving in 5 Years
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"What’s important here is Google’s commitment to its all-or-nothing approach, which contrasts with the steady-as-she-goes approach favored by automakers ... One of the trickiest ... challenges facing automakers is how to handle the transition between computers and humans, particularly in an emergency. ... Audi’s testing has shown it takes an …

GE's Digital-Content Hub on - and by - Quartz
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"Publishing partners have built best-in-class agency capabilities in house... brands and their media-buying agencies are going to publishers, emboldened by larger budgets, to create large-scale interactive ads with graphics, video and text.... "ours is a story that requires more than an ad. Content helps them explain the technology behind th…

Finally decided to kick Medium’s tyres
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Finally kicked Medium’s tyres. Result: an unfair comparison between my post originally on BlogActiv with a new version on Medium. Unfair because Medium is all about the content [and] I reduced the historical blah-blah... Medium’s editor is as good as they say, import post function worked like a dream.

Is Blogging a Dying Art?

A thoughtful addition to the neverending "is blogging dead?" debate: "According to the definition, blogging is "regularly adding or updating a blog". But that definition was created in 1997 and no one has bothered to change it. I propose the following: "Blogging is the act of sharing ones ideas, likes, opinions, and/or experiences, via pro…

Expanding the STEM Horizons of Young Girls

The conference gathered about 500 girls between the ages of 11 and 14 to learn about STEM fields from female students and professionals in various tech industries. - Expanding the STEM Horizons of Young Girls — Other Machine Co.

Rise of the machines
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"Firms such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Baidu have got into an AI arms race ... not so much making new sorts of minds as it is removing some of the need for the old sort... deep learning ... is a general-purpose pattern-recognition technique ... any activity which has access to large amounts of data—from running an insurance business to res…

Data visualisation tips from Information is Beautiful
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'add a bit of punch' to stories using data visualisation - Data visualisation tips from Information is Beautiful | Media news

We Analyzed the Top 1,000 Posts On LinkedIn

LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rates compared to Facebook and Twitter, where leads were almost three times higher to convert than Facebook or Twitter. To perform this analysis, we collected one of the largest datasets of top performing long-form content across the LinkedIn Pulse network. This is what we found.... .…

The all-male panel is horribly outdated and lame
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If you've ever sat in the audience at an event and sighed at the lack of gender diversity on stage, someone has made the perfect Tumblr for you.

Editing Applying advanced language technologies to EU democracy

"If you want to know where web design is heading, just look at where architecture has already gone." - The Future of Web Design is Hidden in the History of Architecture — Medium

Sidestepping cognitive biases in group design activities
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If you ever wondered why meetings so often lead to the wrong decision ... "... we are wired in certain ways ... that can block groups from processing information effectively, which leads to bad decisions... Gilbert explains how to use diversity and inclusion to get better results from product ideation efforts... One of the most fundamental …

Tour: Facebook's "Instant Articles"
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the social network will share analytics, and Instant Articles is compatible with audience measurement and attribution tools... won't receive preferential treatment from Facebook's News Feed sorting algorithm... Facebook will parse HTML and RSS to display articles with fonts, layouts, and formats ... also providing vivid media options like embe…

Game theory’s cure for corruption – Suzanne Sadedin – Aeon
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Armed with game theory and a wealth of social data, it seems we have – for the first time in history – the tools to start experimenting with democratic, egalitarian social structures that bring out the best in us.

10 design hacks for responsive emails
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"nearly 67 percent of emails were opened on a mobile device... it’s not that hard to create responsive emails. ... Here are 10 quick design hacks" - 10 design hacks for responsive emails that don’t suck

The Future of Web Design is Hidden in the History of Architecture — Medium
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"If you want to know where web design is heading, just look at where architecture has already gone." - The Future of Web Design is Hidden in the History of Architecture — Medium

What Killed The Infographic?
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Good analyses of where data visualisation is heading: "Today, a slew of new software has made it easier than ever to create data visualizations from scratch. The downside? It has led to more prescriptive design. Take D3. It's a JavaScript library that helps turn information into any number of visual frameworks...Beyond D3... Tableau is the crow…

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"We get what we measure and we are measuring the wrong things... old, mass-media metrics of reach and frequency — translated into their digital equivalents: unique users and pageviews — turn out to be profoundly corrupting... attention is a much more productive measure of media value than traffic.... There is a richer set of metrics that matter…

Why (or when) infographics are bad
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"... infographics are often taken at face value... And it is hard to fact check infographics... Fast Company republished 10 facts from Buffer. Fact checking one of the facts in that list went like this: The fact quoted an infographic -> that quoted a blog post at Huffington Post -> which in turn quoted another infographic -> which quoted a blog…

Ultimate Guide to Facebook News Feed Changes
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I’ve broken down all of the major algorithm changes that have occurred over the past 2 years... Read on for your ultimate guide to Facebook news feed changes... - The Ultimate Guide to Facebook News Feed Changes... and How They Impact YOU!

Amazon tests delivery drones at secret Canada site
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The company wants to offer its customers the ability to have packages dropped on their doorstep by flying robots within 30 minutes of ordering goods online... highly autonomous drones of less than 55lbs, flying through corridors 10 miles or longer at 50mph and carrying payloads of up to 5lbs that account for 86% of all the company’s packages …

How Facebook’s Algorithm Suppresses Content Diversity (Modestly) & How the Newsfeed Rules the Clicks — The Message — Medium
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"usually, researchers are at a pains to highlight their findings. This one buries them as deep as it could, using a mix of convoluted language and irrelevant comparisons... this study is not about all of Facebook users, despite language ... that’s quite misleading: “Finally, we conclusively establish that on average in the context of Facebook…”…

The Facebook “It’s Not Our Fault” Study
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Great takedown of the flaws and bad framing of the Facebook filter bubble study in Science: "Alarm bells are ringing for me. The tobacco industry might once have funded a study that says that smoking is less dangerous than coal mining, but here we have a study about coal miners smoking... the article’s strange comparison between “individual…

Facebook filter bubble study: Here’s what it says
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FiltreBubble author on Facebook's study in Science: "Facebook’s data science team has put part of the “filter bubble” theory to the test ... Upshot: here is a real and scientifically significant “filter bubble effect” — the Facebook news feed algorithm in particular will tend to amplify news that your political compadres favor... For self-de…

How Fold Breaks Stories into Contextual Pieces
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"Fold is a platform for telling stories. It makes it simple to add multimedia background information or create context... the main story reads as all stories do, straight down vertically. But contextual information is placed to the side of the main story, on a horizontal line. That information can be video, photos, or links to other sites..."…

Google and Facebook are our frenemy. Beware
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Google, eight major publishers across Europe, and a couple of trade organizations are forming a partnership ... an alliance born out of desperation on the part of publishers and opportunity on the part of technology companies... the largest news and information companies in the world will be formed out of a hybrid of these current entities... …

Google’s deal with publishers is good for journalism | Media Network | The Guardian
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"Google announced a new partnership with several publishers on Tuesday. ...The Digital News Initiative.... I’m a huge fan of this idea. Contributoria (an open journalism network) and Swarmize (a data journalism platform) wouldn’t exist today without it.

The Guardian is trying to swing Google's pendulum back to publishers

Google promised a €150 million fund to promote platform and product digital news innovation, working with eight top European publishers... Europe is the squeaky wheel that Google decided to grease, with a sum that sounds large to cash-starved news publishers but is a pittance to Mountain View. It's 0.001% of Google's $14.4 billion profit in 201…

The Digital News Initiative - Google
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The Digital News Initiative (DNI) is a partnership between Google and news publishers in Europe to support high quality journalism through technology and innovation.

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