The Case for More Intellectual Humility
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The objectivity that matters so much in science is not primarily a characteristic of individual scientists but of scientific communities. Scientists rarely refute their own pet hypotheses... Their fellow scientists will be happy to expose these hypotheses to severe testing... Not being afraid of being wrong... is a value we could promote... Intel…

Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear
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Fake news is too big and messy to solve with algorithms or editors — because the problem is….us... Racing to implement Band-Aids may feel good, but ... creates a distraction while enabling the underlying issues to flourish... I mostly see “fake news” being deployed by folks as a new frame for pushing long-standing agendas and commitments... coun…

Facebook's 'Town Hall' is probably the best thing the social network has ever done
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Facebook officially released a tool Monday that lets its users — all desktop and mobile users in the U.S. — easily contact their local officials. It's called "Town Hall," reminiscent of what Facebook likes to see itself as, especially in political discussion. 

AI use cases
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Enterprise systems and business processes are constructed... from an organization’s most strategic asset: subject matter expertise. ... doesn’t all sit neatly in some database or model. It sits in the spreadsheets and brains of the business analysts, the ... engineers, etc. Capturing and codifying this expertise to create more intelligent and auto…

IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media

guides you through the traffic of social networks and automatically creates data visualizations for exceptionally insightful discoveries, all on the cloud. Identify a topic and quickly get relevant content that shows you interesting relationships and patterns. You can easily take the pulse of your audience, gain greater visibility into a topic or …

A New Point-and-Click Revolution Brings AI To The Masses
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intuitive ways for people with big ideas to start building AI tools without big expertise.

IBM is ending its decades-old remote work policy
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“agile” describes so many different work systems that it’s become an almost meaningless term... for IBM “the leaders have to be with the squads [his word for small teams] and the squads have to be in a location.”... Research suggests remote workers are more productive and log more hours than employees who work in the office, and for many companie…

Inside scoop
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there are 2 programs available on Medium

Bursting Out of the CEO Bubble
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as CEO... your power and privilege leave you insulated... from information that might challenge your assumptions and allow you to perceive a looming threat or opportunity. Ironically, to do what your exalted position demands, you must in some way escape your exalted position... at firms that are highly successful innovators, leaders are especiall…

This morning, I became a founding member of Medium
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Instagram, Facebook, virtually all news sites… their MO is to keep you on their website for as long as possible... advertisers love  eyeballs.... The scrolling keeps us going... a gravitational force field... takes a lot of energy to escape...premium Medium isn’t an endless feed... It isn’t about keeping us on the website or the app as long as pos…

7 psychological concepts that explain the Trump era of politics - Vox
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I’ve been asking psychologists variations on a basic question: What research can best help us reckon with uncomfortable social and political realities... Here are seven essential lessons on the hidden forces shaping our views and actions in the Trump era... When Gallup polled Americans the week before and the week after the presidential election,…

How To Stay Focussed And Get More Done
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In today’s work environment, with multiple responsibilities and an abundance of sources of distractions, it is difficult to stay focussed. Here are some of the strategies that I’ve used successfully in my own work and in helping my clients be more productive.

7 Ways to Supercharge Your Audience Through Facebook Comments
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readers could only remember where they saw a piece of news from, 56 percent of the time... how can you make your content stand out?... an actively engaged community is key. Content that disrupts a user scrolling through the newsfeed, and compels that person to comment, is a far more memorable experience.

An AI Resource Roundup for Marketers
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a list of basic resources for marketers who want to learn more about AI. Here’s a quick roundup of some of the things I’ve contributed to and some blogs to subscribe to, as of early 2017.

The future of the open internet — and our way of life — is in your hands
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The war for the open internet is the defining issue of our time... By the end of this article, you’ll understand what’s happening, the market forces that are driving this, and how you can help stop it.

There Really Was A Liberal Media Bubble
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Groupthink produced a failure of the “wisdom of crowds” and an underestimate of Trump’s chances... political experts aren’t a very diverse group and tend to place a lot of faith in the opinions of other experts and other members of the political establishment. Once a consensus view is established, it tends to reinforce itself ... Social media, esp…

Inside Facebook’s AI Machine
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Facebook today cannot exist without AI. Every time you use Facebook or Instagram or Messenger... your experiences are being powered by AI... Eventually, this “classifying” step—known as supervised learning—may become automated, as the company pursues an ML holy grail known as “unsupervised learning,” ... Facebook sees the visual cortex merging wit…

How Anti-Science Forces Thrive On Facebook - BuzzFeed News
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vast universe of self-built social media empires devoted to spreading false, misleading, and polarizing science and health news ... Natural News ... are “[o]pening my eyes to the reality that everything about our culture is corrupted and I can’t trust nothing but what I see and experience.”.. people tend to hold beliefs that align with their cultu…

Your Highest Value Activities are The Ones That Nobody Else Could do But You – The Mission – Medium
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Bill Gates. At the end of each day, he would look at what he had worked on, and asked himself “what is on this list that somebody else could have done?”... we should be asking the following questions each day: What’s really important here? How am I using my gifts? What is my genius and how I can I bring it forth to impact my family, culture, a…

Could an auto logic checker be the solution to the fake news problem?
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Material that arouses heated emotions within the viewer spreads faster and wider than well-considered, evidence-based argument.For an elected leader, a u-turn is seen as the ultimate betrayal, but for a scientist, changing views in the face of better evidence is a sign of the highest integrity.... Imagine, if you will, a sort of spellchecker appl…

If You Don’t Invest In Deep Thought Leadership, Don’t Have A Blog At All

research the critical trends and market conditions that are of importance to their clients and the company. From that commitment content flows at relatively low cost. It’s easy to write when you have compelling research to share, that has already been paid for by the strategic needs of the company.

The 5 Jobs Robots Will Take Last
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If you're wondering where your job sits on the list of "Run for your life, the robots are coming," you have a simple, singular mission. Learn how your job is going to be automated. Learn everything you can about what your job will evolve into and become the very best man-machine partner you can.

Fact-checking doesn’t ‘backfire,’ new study suggests
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"conservatives who received a correction telling them that Iraq did not have [Weapons of Mass Destruction] were more likely to believe that Iraq had WMD." ... fact-checking reinforced the mistaken belief... the "backfire effect."A new paper, however, suggests the "backfire effect" may be a very rare phenomenon.... People are extra happy to adopt a…

Fact-checking changes minds but not votes, according to new research – Poynter
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Regardless of partisan preference, belief in Trump falsehoods fell after these were corrected ... research found no evidence of a "backfire effect," i.e. an increase in inaccurate beliefs post-correction... [but] Trump supporters were just as likely to vote for their candidate after being exposed to his inaccuracies.... "If the original informat…

For Quartz, bots are a chance to build a new path for interacting with news (and news outlets)

Bot Studio... will focus on two main areas: How bots and artificial intelligence can help journalists do their jobs better and how news consumers can use them to access news and information... conference bot, a Twitter bot — @newsnerdbot. We scraped the conference website ... fed that into a database, and then wired that up to a natural-language …

NZZ is developing an app that gives readers personalised news without creating a filter bubble | Media news
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uses machine learning to give readers a stream of 25 stories they might be interested in based on their preferences, but 'always including an element of surprise'... personalisation will be based on the meaning of an article... users' existing history that shows roughly what type of stories they are interested in

Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence? - Scientific American
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every Chinese ... ”Citizen Score” will determine under what conditions they may get loans, jobs, or travel visa to other countries. ... individual monitoring would include people’s Internet surfing and the behavior of their social contacts... algorithms know pretty well what we do, what we think and how we feel—possibly even better than our friend…

Why Keeping a Daily Journal Could Change Your Life
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Journaling daily is the most potent and powerful keystone habit you can acquire. If done correctly, you will show up better in every area of your life ... We’ve become addicted to input... to reactively being guided by other people’s agendas... wakes up and immediately ... journal for 30 minutes... sleeping, his subconscious mind has been brewing…

This Is How Your Hyperpartisan Political News Gets Made
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The websites Liberal Society and Conservative 101 appear to be total opposites... published stories that were almost exactly the same, save for a few notable word changes... These for-the-cause sites that appeal to hardcore partisans are in fact owned by the same Florida company... all it takes to turn a liberal partisan story into a conservative…

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