Law is code: visualising law as open data
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"The parliamentary process is indeed so similar to a collaborative software development workflow that it is only natural to try and use a version control tool such as Git to track individual legislative changes." - OpenGov Voices: How GitLaw turns the French parliamentary process into open data - Sunlight Foundation Blog

The Disruption FAQ
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Wow, that's timely: "Q1. What is disruption? Disruption happens when the strong are defeated by the weak....

Secrets of the Creative Brain
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Fascinating account of a leading scientist's decades-long investigation into creative genius and mental illness. creative people are better at recognizing relationships, making associations and connections, and seeing things in an original way... creative people have shown stronger activations in their association cortices ... This pattern h…

"outside experts: pixie dust and rainbows"

A whole bunch of reasons why the wrong consultants are hired for the wrong reasons: "When we don’t know much about somebody, we ... think about people in over-optimistic ways...what normal individual can stand up against an outsider or expert made up of pixie dust and rainbows? ... when we go looking for a better expert ... we tend to find them…

Facebook's Trust Problem

"Whether we regard the Facebook study as one in the field of psychology or market research, there are ethical standards that each requires of its members. Let's take an in-depth look at each" Guess what? It doesn't do that well. Surprise, surprise. - Facebook's Trust Problem | Scott Monty

Blogging's endangered soul?
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"blogs are ... just one specific kind of publishing format, with posts that appear in reverse chronological order.... this is a little like saying that a sonnet is just a specific way of ordering text, featuring iambic pentameter and an offset rhyming scheme. Obviously not every blog post is a poem, but there is something inherent in the practice …

"merging of blogging & reporting a good thing."
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"where this style of reporting was once reserved for a newspaper’s resident weird .... [it now] represents a sort of merging between the opinion page and the front page. ... helps keep journalism outlets more accountable for backing up their opinions. No longer can the Wall Street Journal espouse climate denialism from the fact-less safety of the …

FBLabRats: first report
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"Scientists at Facebook have published a paper showing that they manipulated the content seen by more than 600,000 users in an attempt to determine whether this would affect their emotional state. " - Facebook tinkered with users’ feeds for a massive psychology experiment · Newswire · The A.V. Club

The Blogpocalypse will not be televised

As if blogs were just a question of conversational tone and reverse-chronology ... "We’re going to continue to provide bloggy content with a more conversational tone ... We’re just not going to do them as much in standard reverse-chronological blogs.” " - ‘Almost half’ of the NYT’s blogs will close or merge | Poynter.

Just discovered Nautilus - awesome science longreads
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Fascinating article in Issue 14 (theme: Evolution): "It is a case of convergent evolution—where different species separately developed similar biological adaptations when faced with the same environmental pressures. Salamanders are Wake’s go-to example when asked a decades-old question in evolutionary biology: If you could replay the “tape of lif…

Intrapreneurs, Innovation & Employee engagement

A good framework from @briansolis: "how do you innovate or take chances when the management imperative dictates an invulnerable stance? It starts with business goals and objectives. It's brought to life through a culture of intrapreneurialism and employee empowerment.... Intrapreneurialism ... promotes creativity, imagination and experimenta…

Senate press gallery denies SCOTUSblog press credentials
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"On Monday, at almost the exact same moment as tens of thousands of people — including dozens of professional journalists — were checking the SCOTUSblog site to see whether new decisions by the country’s top court had been posted, the site itself was being denied a press pass" - Senate press gallery ignores the evolution of journalism, denies SCO…

Journalism & content marketing: convergence 101

For those still confused: "Content marketing is not PR as such... But there is a basic realization that people are tired of ads and having promotional messages pushed on them. So called “branded journalism” is ... often compelling high-quality content that many newspaper editors would wish their journalists could produce.... brands seem sometimes …

Is that Gallup'Report 'Deeply Flawed'?
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"Gallup's State of the American Consumer ... appears flawed on multiple levels... based on surveys performed back in December 2012 and January 2013... a virtual lifetime ago... [moreover] "You don't poll consumers whether advertisements or marketing make them buy stuff. People will always say, 'No, I am not influenced... It's not an objective in…

What To Make Of Jill Lepore's Attack On Disruption?
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@digitaltonto weighs in on the LePore v Shristensen debate on Forbes: "Yet Lepore veers off course by essentially affirming the consequent.... In her fervent desire to critique, she conflates. Disruption, innovation and disruptive innovation are, in fact, three distinct entities.... there is more than one way to innovate, what’s really important …

Like My Facebook Page, Buy My Product? Well, No
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More coverage of the non-scoop of the century ... "companies are desperate to reach consumers, and with hundreds off millions of them visiting social media sites every day, marketers feel like they simply have to be there too, so they are-to the tune of more than $5 billion last year in the U.S. alone... Evidently, they're wasting their money…

Build Your Content's Credibility
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"1. Expert credibility comes from having knowledge others do not. People want experts they can understand and trust, especially when trying to understand complex or ambiguous topics like new technology, engineering, advanced science, or law... 2. Harness hierarchical credibility 3. Seek referent credibility 4. Take advantage of associative credib…

Etiquette Lesson for Selfish Brands

New data supporting old news: "According to Gallup ... of 18,000 consumers surveyed, 62 percent said social media had no influence on their buying decisions. Among millennials, 48 percent said social media didn't make a difference... Many social media advertisers have ... neglected the essence, and potential, of social media: people talking to …

No One is Reading Your PDFs!

Seems incredible to me, over 15 years after first setting out thematically organised, 'web first, print maybe' publishing strategies for the EC, that so many organisations are still defaulting to PDFs online. "a recent World Bank report on the consumption and distribution of their reports ... confirms ... that many PDFs are never downloaded. Som…

Rethink your workday in cycles
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Excellent article. Would implement it all if I wasn't so busy ;) "How many hours we work every day is barely important any more in today’s creative economy. Instead, “Manage your energy, not your time ... we have 4 different types of energies to manage every day: - physical energy – how healthy are you? - emotional energy – how happy are you? - …

The Truth About Meetings -- And It's Ugly
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"In the end, meetings turn out to be a waste of time — just people sitting around, chatting, wasting hours of precious time (even preparing for it). Approximately 15 percent of your time working in any company is spent in meetings. That number is more than doubled for middle managers, while executives spend 50% of their time stuck in meetings."

Google's Web Starter Kit
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"Today Google launched Web Starter Kit, a download that consists of all the templates and tooling developers need to create sites that function on any device and any display... Google doesn't plan to compete with Bootstrap in terms of user interface components, of which it has notably less... may tie into some new design concepts coming from Goog…

Surround Storytelling

"steering the storyline between a brand and its consumers must create programs that remember the code, deploy many different types of content at the correct time and inject humanity and purpose into every story..."

Timeline.Js: interactive timelines for stories
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"an open source tool ... has been used by a number of news organisations to show how stories or events have unfolded in an interactive manner. It is essentially a way to create an embeddable timeline with cards of text or multimedia to explain key moments in the story." - Screencast: using Timeline.Js to make interactive timelines for stories |…

NYT, WaPo & Mozilla building opensource audience engagement platform

Good example of CMS innovations emerging from newsrooms - wish I'd added to my recent weekly LinkedIn tour: "a multi-faceted piece of newsroom infrastructure, a set of building blocks that will allow organizations to turn on or turn off various engagement features with relative ease ... a bunch of parts that you can assemble and reassemble ... …

War rages over 'Disruptive Innovation'

Clayton Christensen reacts to Lepore's article on his theory of disruption. Nice to see academics can be as carefree with facts as politicians and think tank gurus ... "in order to discredit me, Jill had to break all of the rules of scholarship that she accused me of breaking... if she was truly a scholar as she pretends, she would have read [tho…

Silicon Valley, the New Yorker, and Disruption
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"Case studies are terrible at proving theory, but they serve as a great way to think through a problem." - winterspeak.com: Silicon Valley, the New Yorker, and Disruption

Weekly Review 2: Innovation

Two Weekly Review posts on the subject of innovation.

Innovation: management and culture (TumblrHub last week, part 1)

'Innovation' threaded its way through a lot of the resources added to my TumblrHub last week: from innovation-friendly management through to innovative Content Management Systems for tomorrow's newsmedia business models and personal productivity tools.

Innovation: CMS, news media & personal productivity (TumblrHub last week, part 2)

Part 2 of my second weekly roundup, where the overriding theme is innovation.

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