Gag of the Year: 9/11 Brand Tweets
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"Brands that try to get in on the social conversation around 9/11 can come off as crass and opportunistic. " "can" come off as crass?? Really? This is the crassest thing I can imagine. - This Guy's Replies to 9/11 Brand Tweets Sum Up Everything That's Wrong With 9/11 Brand Tweets | Adweek

10 Great Examples of Brands as Publisher

"Here I will share some of the companies that I think really "get it" (unlike I did back in 1998) and are doing a great job of providing their targets audiences with information and entertainment that not only meets their customers needs but provide them with a deeper connection to the brands themselves."

The Quick and Dirty on Data Visualization
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"Displaying data can be a tricky proposition, because different rules apply in different contexts. A sales director presenting financial projections to a group of field reps wouldn’t visualize her data the same way that a design consultant would in a written proposal to a potential client. So how do you make the right choices for your situation? …

Chartist: Responsive Infographics
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"Chartist is noteworthy because it doesn't just make existing charts smaller or bigger, it changes the the way the data is displayed so that it makes sense on whichever size screen it's being viewed on. A chart showing each of the 12 months along its x axis when displayed in a full-width browser window, for example, will change to show only six m…

The hive mind migrates — Wordyard
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"I do think that as waves of smart people hit the limits of their frustration with Twitter and Facebook, many will look around and realize, hey, this blogging thing still makes a great deal of sense. "

Exhausted by "Big Internet"?
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Nicholas Carr is: "By Big Internet, I mean the platform- and plantation-based internet, the one centered around giants like Google and Facebook and Twitter and Amazon and Apple. Maybe these companies were insurgents at one point, but now they’re fat and bland and obsessed with expanding or defending their empires. They’ve become the Henry VIIIs…

The Personal Blog – AVC

"There is something about the personal blog, yourname.com, where you control everything and get to do whatever the hell pleases you. God, yes - see Where to find me, Oct 2013: http://mathew.blogactiv.eu/2013/10/02/where-to-find-me/

“Bloggy to the core” indeed — Wordyard
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"People are talking about blogs. Again! And not just random nameless “people” cited in some clueless trend story. Specific people are talking about reviving their actual blogs. In some cases, they are even following through."

Growth = Developers without Project Managers, email or meetings?
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"We couldn't understand why people without technical knowledge had to tell programmers "what" to do and, furthermore, they had to supervise "how" programmers did it." At last. Someone said it. And also quite a bit more about the timesucks that are meetings, email and commuting. These guys avoid all of them, work 4 days/week and are growing …

Algorithm tweaks don’t change the bottom line
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"Facebook seems to be trying to get more transparent about how the algorithms ... function, with a statement on Monday about cracking down on “clickbait.” ... But despite the attempts at openness, the bottom line remains the same: Facebook is a black box. No one really has any clue why the site chooses to show or hide certain content... what com…

7 Social Login Myths Debunked
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"... you have two sides facing each other: the Social Login providers who say that it's a must to drive more conversions, and the cool outsiders who state that "it doesn't worth it, that it screws up your UX and that it's intrusive." The Social Login landscape is full of traps, let's see how to avoid them." - 7 Social Login Myths Debunked — Abou…

How 1 longform piece changed Starbucks policy in 1 day
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"Few pieces of journalism — let alone narrative journalism — effect change in a matter of hours. But that’s what happened with “Working Anything but 9 to 5,” ... A rare combination of intimate narrative and exposé, Kantor’s Aug. 13 story followed a tumultuous month in the life of Jannette Navarro, a young single mother struggling to make ends me…

What is Employee Engagement?

"the biggest impact on competitive advantage comes not from products, processes or technology, but empowered employees. And with the lines between Internal and External Communication becoming increasingly blurred, ensuring your people are engaged and empowered has never been more critical.... Leading Internal Communication teams are already bla…

10 regional newspapers telling stories on Google+
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"Google Stories and ... Hangouts on Air will both play a role in initial experiments ... "Say the council is shutting down the swimming pool," she said of how Hangouts on Air may be used, "we can get a member of the community to talk to the chief executive of the council, what their plans are, why they're doing it. Then we can take that, repackag…

Twitter Cards Complete Guide: How to Choose, Set Up, Measure, And More
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"We’re all pretty familiar with Twitter’s 140 characters—and of course, a photo is always an eye-catching addition. But what if your Twitter audience could sign up for your email list without ever leaving Twitter, or directly download your new app straight from a tweet? What if a photo and article summary could travel alongside every post of your …

Twitter, algorithmically curated: a look ahead
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"I honestly doubt that there is an algorithm in the world that can reliably surface such unexpected content, so well. An algorithm ... cannot surface unexpected, diverse and sometimes weird content exactly because of how algorithms work: they know what they already know.... Twitter brims with human judgment, and the problem with algorithmic filte…

Start with user needs, not government needs
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"Government around the world is pretty good at thinking about its own needs — they often put their political needs followed by the policy needs. The actual machine of government comes second. The third need then generally becomes the system needs, so the IT or whatever system’s driving it... the user comes a poor fourth, really." Turning that ups…

We can’t leave editorial processes down to algorithms
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"Accountability must become part of Silicon Valley’s culture... robots are taking a central role in our lives. But we need an open conversation about who shapes their values." Just because something should happen doesn't mean it will. - We can’t let tech giants, like Facebook and Twitter, control our news values | Media | The Guardian

Conflict Resolution: Being a Successful Manager
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"In a circumstance where two people who report to you are having an acrimonious disagreement, you will need a thoughtful approach with some options to resolve the problem. " - Conflict Resolution: Being a Successful Manager | LinkedIn

11 lessons in The Secret Life of a Content Marketer
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"An 11-point cheat sheet from a weathered Content Marketer to make it all better." Some lessons are wonderfully odd, like the fact that odd numbered titles get better clickthrus, while others are rather bland (does anyone really still need to be told to "Be precise"?) and others are not necessarily correct (one should "Keep it short" unless one d…

Good example of continuous web redesign

"The Guardian released a beta version of its new website to get reader feedback as it continues to tweak its design.... Content discovery is a major focus ... “container model” allows the paper to implement a responsive design while also retaining a story hierarchy, user experience director... Each item contains a story, which are put together…

18million followers for a Facebook page about science?
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"Since it launched in March 2012, I F*cking Love Science has attracted more than 17.9 million Facebook followers—more than Popular Science (2.7 million), Discover (2.7 million), Scientific American (1.9 million), and The New York Times (8 million) combined. ... Her empire has since expanded to include a website, IFLscience.com, which has a staff a…

Facebook’s new algorithm & content marketing
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While possibly a bit naive regarding Facebook's motivation for crucifying organic reach, some good points here: "- Talking doesn’t equal connecting: It seems that many brands take their audience for granted. Liking a page doesn’t always imply interest. ... - Paid reach won’t substitute for great storytelling: While paid reach might get more visib…

Abusing 'Report Abuse' to oppress political enemies
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A new angle on the filter bubble: Facebook's ""Report Abuse" button, which is used to flag content that's hostile or inappropriate ... can also be used as a tool for stifling dissent... If you swarm a page or a person with enough abuse reports, you can kick them off Facebook. Pro-government forces in Vietnam have learned how to do it, and they’re…

Paying for traffic: the end of the last taboo?
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"Buying traffic isn’t so much a taboo as it is a poor business decision for most publishers in most instances ... It’s expensive, and the money could usually be better invested in editors who reach an organic audience.... There are times when paid promotion makes sense. Some do paid promotion on posts that have particularly high engagement alread…

The death of Google Authorship and the journalist as brand

"just because the overlord of search has decided who actually wrote a post isn't all that important, doesn't mean the concept of the journalist as brand isn't still on the up.... ... 'trust' as a variable in an algorithm was unnecessary. Users use Google to search organically using keywords; they get their news from trusted sources on social med…

It's Over: The Rise & Fall Of Google Authorship For Search Results
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" in-depth article, which I’ve jointly co-written with Mark Traphagen, will cover the announcement of the end of Authorship, the history of Authorship, a study conducted by Stone Temple Consulting that confirms one of the stated reasons for cessation of the program, and some thoughts about the future of author authority in search."

The Rise & Fall Of Google Authorship
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"test data collected from three years of Google Authorship convinced Google that showing Authorship results in search was not returning enough value compared to the resources it took to process the data." - It's Over: The Rise & Fall Of Google Authorship For Search Results

The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients - Moz
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"3 main talking points of why your B2C clients should want to work with bloggers."

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream ‘Look at Me’ | Kyla F. | LinkedIn

"Welcome to the age of digital narcissism. Where Millennials are generally not interested in much outside of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. The ALS #icebucketchallenge offers an act the screams ‘look at me!’ enticing its audience to accept the challenge and share it with ‘their’ world."

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