All aboard the bandwagon
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Venting my spleen a little over on Medium.

How Facebook is wrecking political news
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After the standard survey of Facebook's impact on news & democracy, an interesting analysis of the way Facebook's: "trending topics has had a deeply pernicious effect on the way news is produced... encourages publications to look for what's trending and pump out something on that subject as quickly as possible... lots of quickly aggregated p…

The rise of the ‘workation:’ Vacationers pack their jobs in their suitcase - The Globe and Mail
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"53 per cent of the Canadian professionals who responded would work one to three hours a day while on holiday... more Canadian nine-to-fivers are using the increased flexibility that technology offers to travel while continuing to work at their full-time jobs from the road" limited Wi-Fi and spotty cellphone coverage. He simply makes do by settin…

Three Quarters of Americans Will Take a Workation This Year
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"The best way to blend your vacation and work time is to set a few rules, and stick with them: If colleagues need to update or consult you, ask them to send a single daily report, by e-mail, at a set time each day. That way, they won't overwhelm you with hour-by-hour questions and progress updates. Change your smartphone settings so you h…

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