#EmergingUS launches $1 million crowdfunding campaign to cover the country’s changing identity – Poynter
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This is a completely new way to launch a media startup,... Most startups start with VC funding or a foundation grant or corporate support and then go chasing after an audience. But our crowdfunding approach means that #EmergingUS will be built on an audience of thousands... treated as real stakeholders. They'll play a big role in shaping the cont…

Could collaborating with scientists be the next step for investigative reporting?
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What if we viewed investigative reporting more broadly ... used our skills (and the financial resources of many investigative teams) to bring people together to solve problems?... The Tribune didn’t just report on what scientists were doing. We came to them with an ambitious idea, connected them to other top researchers and then became an impor…

What the detractors of Quartz's news app have missed

"We put aside existing notions about news apps and imagined what our journalism would be if it lived natively on your iPhone. It wouldn’t be a facsimile of our website. It would be something entirely different, with original writing, new features, and a fresh interface."... The Quartz news app isn't for everybody ... the app is by design unlikely…

'Three sides to every story': Behind Trinity Mirror's news-aggregation app
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... manually curate 10 stories from other publishers, which will run as a daily edition. Three different articles, often with opposing viewpoints, will run on each story, representing the left, neutral and right-wing political perspectives on the same story... For example, in Wednesday’s edition, it ran a Guardian story entitled “Terrorism publ…

Today's Internet is Optimized for Noise
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But it's possible to build tools designed to connect real experts in government, business and the media in a way that generates valuable insight for the rest of us. From our own experience developing Sidewire, a social communications platform, we know there is an appetite for expert political analysis and insight that helps sort fact from fiction …

Exploring Translated Syndication at Future Media Lab 2016
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The afternoon session at Future Media Lab 2016 showed that while European media are warming to the idea of using advanced language technologies to share content across borders, their audiences are already well ahead of them.

Could We Go Back to the Twitter That Might Have Been? - Fortune
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a big part of Twitter’s current problems stem from choosing to mimic Facebook’s ad-supported, most-eyeballs-possible business model,... forced Twitter to focus on money making strategies that irritate users... becoming more open was also a socially valuable goal, not just an economic one... Instead of becoming more open, however, Twitter turned in…

AI 'could leave half of world unemployed'
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“We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any task... Physicist Stephen Hawking and the tech billionaires Bill Gates and Elon Musk issued a similar warning last year... Vardi, a professor at Rice University and Guggenheim fellow... suggested AI could drive global unemployment to 50%, wiping out middle-…

Ad Agency Execs Optimistic About Twitter's New Algorithm
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It is inevitable that Twitter will need to create some scarce, attention-rich inventory it can sell to advertisers

The Boston Globe is using Notes to publish directly to Facebook
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Facebook’s Notes feature is giving The Boston Globe another way to post directly to the Facebook platform... Notes, an early Facebook staple, stagnated for years until last September, when Facebook updated the feature with a cleaner, more customizable design and editing tool reminiscent of Medium. Unlike video posted directly to Facebook, there’s…

The End of Twitter - The New Yorker
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But cracks in Twitter’s façade had been showing already... getting noisy isn’t the only problem Twitter has today, though it seems to be one of the more pronounced symptoms of a company that has lost its direction.

The Financial Times has a 30-person data team for edit and marketing - Digiday
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Betts ... became the first data head to join the publisher’s board, recognizing data’s importance in growing its subscriptions and audience. Today, he heads up a 30-person team focused on customer analytics and research. Here are lessons from Betts on data maturity and driving audience engagement... While subscriptions are critical ... it’s not t…

How BuzzFeed curates stories for social platforms
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For some news organisations, packaging and distributing news on social media falls under the remit of the engagement team. For others, the task is assigned to a distributed news team or to a social content studio within the editorial department.This is the third in a series of articles on how news for social is produced... BuzzFeed Distributed i…

Your prediction of Twitter’s future is wrong. — Medium
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Sure Facebook has 1.59 billion users, but that not my field of view. I have some 900 “friends” on Facebook. To me, it doesn’t matter who the other one billion five hundred eighty-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand one hundred users are. I can’t reach out to them to begin a relationship... Facebook and Twitter are two very different dif…

Twitter's new timeline is here, and it's all about the algorithm
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The new feature will show tweets that are sorted based on relevancy, rather than only chronology, at the top of your timeline... "While you were away," is still reserved to recap tweets when you've gone significant stretches of time between browsing sessions and may not always appear at the very top of your timeline. The new "best tweets first" f…

Snapchat like the teens
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I don't really see what they send. I tap through so fast. It's rapid fire.Response as message. Virtual eye contact. Like liking or faving. This reminds me of Matt Webb's Glancing project. I'm ok, you're ok. Virtual primate social grooming.

Teenagers Are Much Better At Snapchat Than You
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I would watch in awe as she flipped through her snaps, opening and responding to each one in less than a second with a quick selfie face. She answered all 40 of her friends’ snaps in under a minute.

Pacific Content’s podcasts are all sponsored by companies — but at least there aren’t any ads » Nieman Journalism Lab

the hallmark of a good branded podcast is that the marketing is subtle... this is something where you want to build a long-term relationship with people. It’s not about short-term conversions, or anything like that, but about having an amazing first experience with a brand.

The hidden (and not so hidden) costs of platform publishing
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Publishers are placing big bets on social platforms like Facebook and Snapchat, praying that fishing for audiences outside their owned sites will eventually pay off in new readers and advertising... it’s still a gamble... payoff in audience and ad dollars is uncertain. Plus, fishing expeditions are hardly free. Hiring more staff is just part of t…

Why No One Is Reading Your Marketing Content
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Rather than paying to be sandwiched within ad breaks and between editorial pages, brands can communicate directly with consumers. Unfortunately, the result is often a longer form version of the same old ads. Marketers need to change their approach. Here are four questions that will help you create a viable strategy... ... done effectively, people…

Re-thinking reading on the Web
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Over the last six months we’ve been collaborating with The Atlantic to bring three interactive articles to life... We set out to create an immersive, yet thoughtful reading experience and I’d like to share some of our insights that helped get us there... live site here: http://www.theatlantic.com/sponsored/athenahealth/.. we decided to build an …

Here's What's Wrong With Algorithmic Filtering on Twitter
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... just another fuss that will blow over in time? Perhaps, although users of social services often come to accept many things that might not be good for them. Even the former CTO of Facebook, Adam D’Angelo, acknowledges that there are problems with a filtered feed...It can serve to reinforce the “filter bubble” that human beings naturally form ar…

Line is The Wall Street Journal's fastest-growing platform
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The Wall Street Journal, claims it has been the Journal’s fastest-growing social channel, reaching over 2 million followers since it launched on the Japanese app 15 months ago... Publishers like The Economist, BBC and Mashable have all added Line to their social media arsenal

Twitter has altered the deal. Pray it doesn’t alter it further. — Medium
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Twitter will implement an algorithm ... The degree to which this prospect upsets me is plainly absurd... Being so invested in Twitter has helped me, clearly, but it’s also trapped me... The algorithm will, inevitably, push the marginalized voices out of my awareness. It will promote the old and comfortable over the new and challenging. It will st…

Twitter needs an algorithm — Medium
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the mere suggestion that an algorithm be used instead of pure reverse chronology for displaying the timeline caused people to get their pitchforks out. But I would argue that it’s absolutely necessary for Twitter to make this change — both for the growth of the network with new users, as well as the overall quality of content and connections.

Here's how Twitter's new algorithmic timeline is going to work
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"It tears conversations apart, and it's really confusing when some people have been live-tweeting an event and those things get scattered all across my timeline."

Forbes guarantees its native ads will work
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Advertisers have to spend $250,000 in native plus display over 60 days (up from the minimum BrandVoice package of $150,000). If they don’t get a lift in at least one of four metrics (awareness, favorability, recall, purchase intent), they get their money back.

How do you measure a Filter Bubble?
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I spent a few minutes viewing the Twitter profiles of some of the people who've followed me recently and I was struck by how much of their TweetStreams were simply RTs of other people here in Brussels. Don't they have anything original to say?

Why conversational design is the future
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Bots are to modern messaging apps what APIs were to Web 2.0; a way to build on top of other services, experiment, and create a new way of interacting with existing services... what inspiration can we draw from the past that might help us to think about designing Conversational UIs?

In search of Facebook love, publishers form link-sharing pacts
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At work here is what is called, variously, “social syndication” or “traffic exchange,” a technique increasingly in vogue among publishers looking to get their articles and brands in front of other readers ... help them extend the reach ... fill in the gaps in their own social programming with stories that they didn’t or couldn’t write themselves

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