Trash talk: how Twitter is shaping the new politics | Technology | The Guardian
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You may not care about social media now, but if you read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, then it’s shaping your world already... The real game is hardening your own support in ways dramatic enough to be picked up by the mass media ... the easiest way of doing that is to pick a rollicking fight... Lacking an established political mac…

How Vox Media’s new Storytelling Studio thinks of stories as products » Nieman Journalism Lab

Vox wants to move beyond the web page to tell compelling stories... That Clinton package was the first public product of the Vox Storytelling Studio... launching on the premise of hypercharging the concept of the story, using all resources available to transform the story into a experiential entity... publications and media companies must continue…

Dark Patterns are designed to trick you (and they're all over the Web)
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"If you're too metrics-driven, you're only going to be focused on what moves a particular metric, and you will use any hack or any trick or any deceptive technique to get there.".. many of the worst dark patterns are pushed by businesses, not by designers

5 tips for using analytics in the newsroom
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some advice on how to best approach analytics in the newsroom, helping journalists improve the quality of their content, and a build larger, more engaged readership. Here are five key takeaways

The Complete Guide to Instagram Marketing
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How can you stand out among the other 95 million photos posted each day? How can non-designers and amateur photographers create beautiful content for Instagram?These are all questions we’d love to help you answer in this guide.

Confused Why Donald Trump’s Message Is Resonating?
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The majority of people reading this article on Medium probably haven’t felt the pains that Obama described, so they’re confused, like me, about the popularity of Trump... It takes more than graphs and psychological theory to explain this, but I’m going to try.

Finding Peace in the Kingdom with Publishers and Platforms
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Google formed its Digital News Initiative... €150-million innovation fund, though I see that more as a blackmail pot than as a strategic benefit to a struggling industry: bags of coins tossed to drowning journalists.

Is banning trolls a prerequisite or a defeat for free speech?
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The permanent banning of uber-troll Milo Yiannopoulos from Twitter was probably long overdue. It's time for non-trolls to stop complaining and start defending civility in our social spaces, or simply decamp to build better ones.

Inside The New York Times' new push notifications team - Digiday
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the first article in a series on “The Mobile Publisher,” a look at how publishers are tackling challenges in the shift to mobile, from design to content to monetization... People may spend most of their mobile screen time on apps, but the vast majority of that time is spent on just five apps. Meantime, publishers that haven’t invested in mobile a…

Building Pipelines to Understand User Behavior
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Key takeaways from this post include knowing what’s needed to understand user activity, and seeing some pipeline architectures that support this analysis.

The singularity is plural – diginomica
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Salesforce’s Peter Coffee offers a singular analysis of the meaning of singularity and its key consequences.

Sure, people like online video, but that doesn’t mean they want to watch your hard news videos

Even for brands associated with hard news…their top or second videos in terms of Facebook engagement numbers turned out to be animal videos... interest in video news does increase significantly when there is a big breaking news story. But the rest of the time? Online video news is less of a force than publishers might hope... 97.5 percent of time…

Facebook is a media company, not a journalism company - Business Insider
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Facebook is a weird beast that a lot of journalists still don't understand. That is because it has taken the definition of "news" back to the era before mass media even existed. Yet, as a business, it looks exactly like a mass-media company and competes aggressively for the same advertising budgets... Facebook's flirtation with journalism wasn't d…

The Washington Post is using Slack to create a reader community focused on the gender pay gap » Nieman Journalism Lab

Slack, already an indispensable tool within newsrooms, is becoming a surprisingly effective community tool for publishers as well... quickly become a source of stories, with members providing inspiration or even direct contributions.

Losing my religion
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Brexit, as experienced by a British-Australian comms guy in Brussels.

How remain failed: the inside story of a doomed campaign
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These centrists were the ruling class of an unrecognised state – call it Remainia – whose people were divided between the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems; like a tribe whose homeland has been partitioned by some insouciant Victorian cartographer... Cameron ... and George Osborne believed... “It will be about jobs and the economy and it won’t e…

Ending my relationship with fringe conservative media
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No longer will I read or give attention to hyper partisan news entities or the conservative echo chamber... I remember not long ago when tragic events used to bring us together as a nation. Now because of increasingly powerful and extreme echo chambers on the right and left these events tear us apart...In the clickbait era, media entities, aggrega…

I have facial blindness so I’m crap at networking, but let’s talk anyway
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Networking is something I’ve always been crap at, but I’ve only recently discovered why. It turns out that it’s actually physiological — I have facial blindness — which makes me wonder just how much of my life has been (de)formed by some poor wiring deep within my brain.

A comic treatment of a tragically broken process in journalism — We Are Hearken — Medium
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how newsrooms make decisions about what stories to supply their communities... using processes and mental models designed for the pre-internet era ...in an age where individuals are empowered with access to seemingly-infinite content...to explain this complex issue ... why we made a comic instead

Facebook is *really* boosting Live videos – Poynter
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Facebook Live videos will appear on many more News Feeds — regardless of whether users Like, Wow or Haha the content. Posts linking out of Facebook will need a lot more user interaction to get the extra eyeballs.

Facebook Signals Institutions Are Out, Individuals Are In | DigitalNext - AdAge
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News Feed Changes Mean Brands Should Invest in Facebook People More Than Pages... The News Feed algorithm is a lagging indicator, not a leading one. It now properly reflects what study after study shows the public truly values: relationships... No organization will ever be on the same footing as peers... Invest in Facebook people, more so than p…

How online communities are faring in 2016
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Executive leaders are involved more than ever before in using online communities to solve important business issues ... But budgets are not keeping up with demand, and measuring value isn't getting much help from platform vendors... The majority of organizations have now deployed some form of community platform to help workers, typically in the f…

How Gawker is pulling comments into its Facebook Instant Articles
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Gawker built a tool that pulls in the top 10 comment threads from its network of sites and displays them at the end of its Facebook Instant Articles... [and] Accelerated Mobile Pages... It’s not possible to comment straight on the Instant Article; people who want to add to the discussion have to log in on Gawker’s own sites. Disqus supports Googl…

Building a Better News Feed for You | Facebook Newsroom
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Today, we’re announcing an update to News Feed that helps you see more posts from your friends and family.

Give the audience what they want or what they need?
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Should we give the audience what they want?ORShould we give the audience what they need?...two flawed assumptions: 1. that newsrooms already know what audiences want and 2. that newsrooms can and should determine what their audience needs. The framing of these questions doesn’t leave room for members of the audience to actually speak for themselve…

It’s your filter bubble — not Facebook’s
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“I am actively searching through Facebook for people celebrating the Brexit leave victory,” ... to no avail. He called on his friends in the technology industry to act on this ‘echo-chamber problem’.... Why are they making the demand of social media companies — and not news organisations?...how we see technology now: both as something separate fro…

The case that Brexit is — and isn’t — the end of the European project - Vox
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an organization dedicated to "ever closer union" has never faced a setback as profound as the looming departure from the UK, and it’s natural to wonder if this doesn’t mark the beginning of a larger unraveling.... Rather than a prediction or a hot take, here’s a way to think through the different alternatives.

‘The Voice’ for Conferences
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thank you for raising the awareness of my half of the population on the extra challenges women face in business presentation contexts... co-created conferences may offer a partial solution... I may suggest ensuring Personal Profiles do not include photos or any gender information

The Eurosceptics’ rise: my personal timeline
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In 2007 I tangled with the UK’s Eurosceptic movement when it was nothing more than a lunatic fringe. Post-Brexit, Welcome to the New Normal.

Of technocrats, journalistic balance and telling EU stories (Brexit update)
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“Four years later, this Tweet probably best illustrates, in a single image, the mistaken assumption underlying the failed UK Remain campaign…” - a post-Brexit update of my January 2012 post on BlogActiv, over on Medium.

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