my notes ( ? )
The public is no longer uninformed. They are misinformed, and that requires an entirely different editorial focus ... just reporting the news doesn't actually solve the public's needs. Now your focus must be on explaining the news instead....
the newspaper is stuck in an existential crisis ... stop being a newspaper and start being something else... OR be a really amazing source of the news itself.... Doing this, however, presents you with a number of problems....
If people don't trust the news, you don't have a news business... politicians are winning votes by saying that the press is lying about them... by merely 'covering' the politicians, you are actually helping people to become misinformed...
VOX, The Atlantic, or FiveThirtyEight ... aren't covering the news as much as they are explaining it. These sites don't waste their time telling you what someone said. They instead focus on explaining why what someone said is important (or misleading) and they try to put it into context... We don't need journalists who are just reporting what someone else said. That's the old world. Today, we need someone who can analyse, explain and put it into perspective... using unbiased analysis.
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