Your political Facebook posts aren’t changing how your friends think
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While our experience with political Facebook posts suggests, anecdotally, that the thrust of the story is correct, we cannot confirm the authenticity of the study... Our efforts to reach Rantic before publication were unsuccessful, and Wired has since retracted its story.

Gimlet Media’s latest membership perk? A Slack channel for die-hards
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the company's newest tweak to its membership program is one that puts listeners in direct conversation with the company's staffers. The idea: Give Gimlet's members access to the company's Slack team

Politico’s Brexit strategy will become blueprint for future expansion plays - Digiday
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Politico may be a niche title, but its European expansion has been fast.... A blend of carefully timed Brexit-related editorial and new distribution methods gave its traffic a timely 300 percent boost in June... Twenty percent from the U.K.Its Brexit strategy will now become a blueprint for all future expansion plays,

New York Times buying experiential agency
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The New York Times is acquiring a marketing agency... Fake Love, an agency that specializes in live experiences, virtual and augmented reality... to grow its revenue in part by offering more ad agency services,.. I’m getting daily requests for [augmented reality]... chatbots. And VR, the market is already hot.

Content Marketing: 14 Types Of Media You Need To Master
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So for the sake of simplicity we can break up content marketing into 3 types.A: Traffic Generation Content — Tempt people to click through to your website, blog or landing page and share.B: Engagement Content- The strategic use of educational, informative, entertaining and inspiring content that builds credibility, trust and linkingC: Conversion C…

Why is The New York Times so afraid of my chatbot?
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chatbots and other conversational services should be given the right to link to websites without the threat of legal action.

Translating and Promoting Medium Stories
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The feature enables Medium users to volunteer to translate Medium stories into the language of their choice. Approved translators see a “Translate” button on Medium stories and clicking that button clones the post and seeds the clone with a Google translate version of the story in the language that they select. They then go in and make the Google …

Integrating IT, internal and external communications for META Ventures
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META Ventures provides venture capital fund management, entrepreneurial training and innovation consultancy to cities, regions and national governments in several countries, as well as EU Institutions.

Self-Driving Cars Will Improve Our Cities. If They Don’t Ruin Them. — Backchannel
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we’re falling asleep at the wheel. Most people in charge of shaping cities ...  haven’t realized what is about to hit them and the speed at which it is coming...The advent of autonomous vehicles couldn’t have happened at a better time. Or a worse one. Here’s how to steer towards the better outcome.

How publishers can learn more from their newsroom experiments | Comments from media industry experts
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David and Petros were there to conduct the FT’s first experiment with livestreaming 360-degree video... we failed to produce a watchable live stream... we learnt eight specific lessons for next time:

What to Remember When the Trump Comeback Begins
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Trump’s ability to avoid the political immolation that usually follows overt displays of racism, sexism, pathological dishonesty, or gross incompetence from a presidential candidate has led to a common refrain among political types: “Nothing matters.”... I’ve always found this reply to be a bit silly and overstated... a few political truths that …

Uncovering The Secret History Of Myers-Briggs
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Barb's job is to convince us that this simple system of thought can account for the messiness of many of our personal and interpersonal relationships, regardless of gender, race, class, age, language, education... Type is intensely democratizing in its vision of the world, weird and wonderful in its commitment to flattening the material diffe…

Storytelling and Branded Reality in the Internet of Experiences (and Trump’s Republican Party)
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A couple of months ago I included augmented and virtual reality in Top3ics, my occasional newsletter, adding “Consider these as first notes towards a future post.” I then forgot about it. Thanks, Newt Gingrich!

DIVIDED AMERICA: Constructing our own intellectual ghettos

In this world of hundreds of channels and uncounted websites, of exquisitely targeted advertising and unbridled social media, it is easy to construct your own intellectual ghetto, however damaging that might be to the ideal of the free exchange of ideas. "Right now the left plays to the left and the right plays to the right... That's why we kee…

The Increasing Problem With the Misinformed (by @baekdal) #analysis
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The public is no longer uninformed. They are misinformed, and that requires an entirely different editorial focus ... just reporting the news doesn't actually solve the public's needs. Now your focus must be on explaining the news instead.... the newspaper is stuck in an existential crisis ... stop being a newspaper and start being something el…

Pew poll shows few Clinton-Trump voter friendships | Fusion
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47% of Clinton supporters and 31% of Trump supporters say they have zero close friends who support the opposing candidate... The most segregated groups (those with the highest responses of “no friends supporting the opponent”) were young and black people.. Fewer than half the country has even had a conversation with someone from the opposing side’…

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Effective Landing Pages
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For the purposes of this post, let’s narrow landing pages down to those connected to content marketing or email marketing campaigns, and meant to generate conversions, bearing in mind those conversions may not necessarily be revenue-generating sales.

Die Dashboards Die! Why Conversations Will Reinvent Software
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enterprise software helps the user answer one or more of the following questions:What’s important? (Surface relevant information)What do I do next? (Support decision making)How do I do it? (Facilitate action)... the conversational interface answers all three of the above questions better than the software tools we have today... Dashboards today …

European publishers are teaming together to translate the news

From large national newspapers to small independent websites, outlets are working together to cover news across the continent in many languages.

Make Algorithms Accountable
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Algorithms are ubiquitous in our lives... But they are also being employed to inform fundamental decisions about our lives.“If you are given a score that jeopardizes your ability to get a job, housing or education, you should have the right to see that data, know how it was generated, and be able to correct errors and contest the decision.”

The problem with cognitive ease and news

Cognitive ease is the concept of which when you hear something repeatedly, your brain starts to form connections around it, thus making it easier for you to process later. And since we prefer things to be simple and easy, things that are easy to think about generally makes us feel happier... for newspapers it’s part of the problem that we all face…

Yahoo Has a Tool that Can Catch Online Abuse Surprisingly Well
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f our e-mail inboxes can be kept relatively spam-free, why can’t machines automatically purge abusive messages from tweets or comments?... a way of representing the meaning of words as vectors with many dimensions... “word embedding,” allows semantics to be processed in a sophisticated way. For instance, even if a comment contains a string of word…

So you want to build a chat bot?
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Here are some considerations if you are thinking of building a conversational product or weaponizing an existing product for the bot age.

Trash talk: how Twitter is shaping the new politics | Technology | The Guardian
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You may not care about social media now, but if you read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, then it’s shaping your world already... The real game is hardening your own support in ways dramatic enough to be picked up by the mass media ... the easiest way of doing that is to pick a rollicking fight... Lacking an established political mac…

How Vox Media’s new Storytelling Studio thinks of stories as products » Nieman Journalism Lab

Vox wants to move beyond the web page to tell compelling stories... That Clinton package was the first public product of the Vox Storytelling Studio... launching on the premise of hypercharging the concept of the story, using all resources available to transform the story into a experiential entity... publications and media companies must continue…

Dark Patterns are designed to trick you (and they're all over the Web)
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"If you're too metrics-driven, you're only going to be focused on what moves a particular metric, and you will use any hack or any trick or any deceptive technique to get there.".. many of the worst dark patterns are pushed by businesses, not by designers

5 tips for using analytics in the newsroom
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some advice on how to best approach analytics in the newsroom, helping journalists improve the quality of their content, and a build larger, more engaged readership. Here are five key takeaways

The Complete Guide to Instagram Marketing
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How can you stand out among the other 95 million photos posted each day? How can non-designers and amateur photographers create beautiful content for Instagram?These are all questions we’d love to help you answer in this guide.

Confused Why Donald Trump’s Message Is Resonating?
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The majority of people reading this article on Medium probably haven’t felt the pains that Obama described, so they’re confused, like me, about the popularity of Trump... It takes more than graphs and psychological theory to explain this, but I’m going to try.

Finding Peace in the Kingdom with Publishers and Platforms
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Google formed its Digital News Initiative... €150-million innovation fund, though I see that more as a blackmail pot than as a strategic benefit to a struggling industry: bags of coins tossed to drowning journalists.

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