Dear Journalists: Stop Leaving Your Communities High and Dry
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Community engagement is about shifting that perspective. It’s about continuously listening, interacting and serving a community. How did the work contribute to the community reaching its goals? Far too often, journalists are obsessed with telling the story. And the story is good. But the story. isn’t. enough. design thinking ... can help us achi…

Legendary Physicist David Bohm on the Paradox of Communication, the Crucial Difference Between Discussion and Dialogue, and What Is Keeping Us from Listening to One Another
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what happens in a cultural ecosystem where the hearer has gone extinct and the speaker gone rampant?... so much of our communication today is defined by a rather ungenerous unwillingness to listen coupled with a compulsion to speak.

The Great A.I. Awakening
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how machine learning is poised to reinvent computing itself... What is at stake is not just one more piecemeal innovation but control over what very well could represent an entirely new computational platform: pervasive, ambient artificial intelligence... Artificial general intelligence will not involve dutiful adherence to explicit instructions, …

AI Software Learns to Make AI Software
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leading researchers are finding that they can make software that can learn to... design machine-learning software.

Dear Professionals, It’s Time to Stop Pretending AI Won’t Take Our Jobs
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Over the past week in our Understanding AI series, we heard from a group of professionals exploring the impacts of AI... Sales coaches are valued, highly experienced, and well-paid. It’s hard to believe that a machine could potentially put them out of work, and yet…look at the data. And Sales’ counterparts over in Marketing are hardly any safer...…

Wired for memory: how your brain remembers by completing patterns – The Spike – Medium
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Your brain is the best pattern completion machine in the known universe... But how does it do this? ... new study has unravelled the machinery, right down to the level of individual neurons

Artificial Intelligence Is Setting Up the Internet for a Huge Clash With Europe | WIRED
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With a few paragraphs buried in... bureaucrat-speak, the GDPR also restricts what the EU calls “automated individual decision-making.” ... what neural networks do... prohibit any automated decision that “significantly affects” EU citizens... provides ... a “right to explanation.” ... the option of reviewing how a particular service made a partic…

Human and Artificial Intelligence May Be Equally Impossible to Understand
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artificial neural network... takes in a given type of data... and finds patterns in them... Nobody knows quite how they work. And that means no one can predict when they might fail... If there hadn’t been an interpretable model, Malioutov cautions, “you could accidentally kill people.”.. European Union recently proposed to establish a “right to ex…

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class
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the world’s top artificial intelligence researchers ... discussed their rapidly accelerating field and the role it will play in the fate of humanity... Machines aren’t just taking the place of humans on the assembly line. They’re doing a better job. And all this before the coming wave of AI ... most new jobs are either at the very low end of the p…

Feynman Machine: a New Approach for Cortical and Machine Intelligence
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The Feynman Machine is both an accurate description of how the brain really works, and a blueprint for Machine Intelligence... I won’t dwell too much on why I believe the Deep Learning boom of today is not the panacea it has been hyped up to appear... The central idea of the Feynman Machine is that regions of the brain form a network of NDSs whic…

The innovators taking on echo chambers

Over the next few weeks, on the Online Journalism Blog, I'll be talking to some of the entrepreneurs trying to change the way we use the internet for news and current affairs.

How to plan your digital strategy with the PROSPER framework
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The PROSPER framework is a jargon-free planning model designed to help marketers create consistent work in a digital world.

Tailored Bot Interactions Using IBM Watson
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finely-grained user segmentation could do wonders for bots. The experience becomes tailored to each user, therefore much more personal — and much more effective... how can IBM’s AI service help?

Technology, Social Change, and Future Scenarios
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Convergence is occurring not just across the technology and future scenario curves, but also the various aspects of social change... the social dimension is impacted or squeezed by the curves, while at the same time, social change has a reciprocal effect

Total recall: the people who never forget
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Price was the first person ever to be diagnosed with what is now known as highly superior autobiographical memory, or HSAM, a condition she shares with around 60 other known people. She can remember most of the days of her life as clearly as the rest of us remember the recent past

The Data That Turned the World Upside Down - Motherboard
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model to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the "Big Five." also known as OCEAN... openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism... their needs and fears, and how they are likely to behave. ... the problem with this approach was data collection... Then came the Internet. And Facebook... on the b…

Is Willpower a Finite Resource, or a Myth?
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Seeing willpower as a muscle-like force does seem to match up with some limited examples... the analogy is reinforced by social expectations ... But these ideas also have a pernicious effect, distracting us from more accurate ways of understanding human psychology and even detracting from our efforts toward meaningful self-control... Willpower-bas…

I Helped Create the Milo Trolling Playbook—Stop Playing Right Into It | Observer
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my thinking was that one of the best ways to get young men to go see a movie was to tell them they should not be allowed to see it... ultimately sold millions of dollars worth of tickets, dvds and books... the exact playbook that right wing blogger Milo Yiannopoulos is running on his own cross-country trolling tour... Numerous leaders of the alt-r…

Why Spiegel thinks Community is the killer app for EU Communications (Top3ics, Feb 13)

Three articles unpacking the relationship between community, communications, content and EU communications.

Fake news’ power to influence shrinks with a contextual warning
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pro-active warnings designed to contextualize and pre-expose web users to related but fake information in order to debunk factual distortion in advance... the more detailed warning was about twice as effective as the general warning at shifting opinion towards acceptance of climate science consensus despite exposure to fake news. Warnings were pre…

Why you should have your own Twitter bot, and how to build one in less than 30 minutes
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You’re going to use the twit library to build a Twitter bot. It will like and re-tweet whatever you specify. It will also reply to your followers with a selection of canned responses.

Here's What Facebook's Live Video Filter Bubble Looks Like - BuzzFeed News
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But millions of people chose to skip the media ... and watch the speech live, via Facebook... greeted with a litany of comments and emoticon reactions, all colored by the point of view of the outlet broadcasting it...a live or real-time filter bubble, where a viewer’s perceptions of a live event are colored by the commentary that surrounds it.

The ‘On-Command’ Economy
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voice based AI assistants ... are naturally extremely open ended... not really that good at anything... the best services ... focus on solving one problem with a compelling solution and then expand

There may be an antidote to politically motivated reasoning. And it’s wonderfully simple. - Vox
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While we would like to believe we can persuade people ... with evidence, studies show the other side is likely to become even more deeply entrenched in its view in the face of more information... “politically motivated reasoning,”... people use their minds to protect the groups to which they belong from grappling with uncomfortable truths. The mot…

How Focusing on Content Leads the Media Astray
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author of The Content Trap and professor at Harvard Business School, talks about the strategic challenges facing digital businesses, and explains how he and his colleagues wrestled with them when designing HBX, the school’s online learning platform... success for the best companies does not come from making the best content, it comes from recogniz…

How Can We Change The Medium?
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the most recommended stories on Medium have either to do with startups, life or productivity. Sometimes, all three topics are squeezed in a single story — How to be super productive in your startup and change your life… If we can undo the follower bias, I think everybody becomes a writer and nobody really becomes a celebrity.

Technofascism and the three percent
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everyone is intransigent now ... Social media acts as a massive collective Sorting Hat, silently assigning most of us to filter bubbles wherein our beliefs and biases are rarely challenged. News (or “news”) sources rise up to cater... slowly, these isolated groups do what isolated groups do... become more extreme. Increasing extremity in one group…

Scientists Need to Stop “Othering” the General Public
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Scientists often speak of the “general public” as a group that is far removed from the academic circles that they belong to.... Scientists have “othered” the general public... there is no such thing ... except for in very specific contexts (i.e. vaccine developers are not the general public vs those who do not develop vaccines when one is speaking…

Psychology: One topic, three angles (Top3ics, Feb 2)
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Yet another variation on the Top3ics format: exploring three facets of one topic, highlighting one outstanding resource (plus a few extra links) for each.  Today’s theme... psychology

Cognitive bias cheat sheet
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Wikipedia’s list of cognitive biases ... is a bit of a tangled mess... groups 175 biases into vague categories (decision-making biases, social biases, memory errors, etc) that don’t really feel mutually exclusive to me, and then lists them alphabetically... a simpler, clearer organizing structure to hang these biases off of... biases help us addr…

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