More than 100 fact-checkers from 45 countries in 15 languages... to cover coronavirus
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under Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network... more than 100 fact-checkers in 45 countries publishing in 15 languages. In less than two months, they have published 1,000 fact checks, articles and nine weekly reports pointing out misinformation trends and ways to combat it...journalists not only can but should drop competing with each other…

Poll: Democrats are more worried about the coronavirus than Republicans - Vox
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68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern.... Nearly 80 percent of Democrats believe the worst is yet to come, but just 40 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents believe that...The partisan disconnect …

How I apply Zettelkasten to Roam · Hrvoje Šimić
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How to take smart notes explains the Zettelkasten system... explain how I apply rules 1-4 of Zettelkasten when using Roam

How to investigate health misinformation (and anything else) using Twitter’s API
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step-by-step guide to collect and analyse data from Twitter, about anything from coronavirus rumours to anti-vax claims... understanding how certain hashtags, links or claims are travelling on Twitter could prove crucial to limiting the spread of damaging misinformation... First Draft has prepared a sample script ...

Cornell study of 7,500 adults reveals secret to happiness

New research... definitively shows ... experiences such as travel, entertainment, outdoor activities, and restaurants will improve your happiness much more than any new gadget or outfit...happy memories endure while our perceived value of material items plummets... experiencers to be much happier than those purchasing ... [and] those not consuming…

Will the Millennial Aesthetic Ever End?
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In this era... design was the product. Whatever else you might be buying, you were buying design, and all the design looked the same... Ever since modernism brought industry into design, tastes have cycled ... A forward-looking, high-tech style obsessed with mass commercial appeal ... to one that’s backward-looking, handmade, authenticity-obsessed…

Facebook's fake news labeling has a big catch

When only some news is labeled as fact-checked and disputed, people believe stories that haven’t been marked as fact-checked more—even when they are completely false... the “implied truth effect.”... warning labels did work to flag fictitious content... when no true or false labels were used, people considered sharing 29.8% of all false stories—ye…

How to Use Asana for GTD®
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You can create whatever lists you want, although for GTD, I recommend starting out with something along these lines: New (explained below), Work, Personal, Household, Reference, Someday... The New folder is what GTD would typically call the Inbox... Asana already gives you a different space called Inbox, which shows all activity on tasks assigned …

Does Vertical Video Make a Difference? We Spent $6,000 on Tests to Find Out
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vertical video outperformed square video within the Facebook News Feed... as much as 68 percent less expensive in cost per view... Facebook outperformed Instagram in overall cost per click (CPC) within the feed... But which format drives more engagement within the Instagram Feed? ... vertical video!... organic DIY videos outperformed polished vide…

FAQ: What is MyHub.ai, What is a Hub, and Who’s it for?
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MyHub.ai is a platform for individuals and companies who care about content. You use it to create your Hub: an AI-powered, ad-free centre for your online presence.

Europe sets out to build its own brand of AI | Comment | Encompass
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The von der Leyen Commission’s much anticipated White Paper ... sustained effort to forge a distinctive EU brand of AI... lack of focus ... on human rights... while there are multiple centres of engineering excellence... the raw investment numbers tell a demanding story...2016... EU investment was 3.2 bn euro. In North America, 12.1 bn... goal wit…

A Text Renaissance
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The Four Horsemen of this emerging Textopia are... Roam attempts to implement a near-full conception of hypertext as originally conceived by visionaries... looks like a cross between a slightly weird wiki and ... Evernote. It’s not... block-level addressability, transclusion ... and bidirectional linking ... utterly transform the writing experienc…

HOUSE: Dems roll out sweeping environmental justice bill -- Thursday, February 27, 2020 -- www.eenews.net
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House Democrats ... environmental justice bill, a novel collaborative effort between lawmakers and local groups ... used ... PopVox to allow disparate environmental justice groups around the country to comment on the legislation... also met with hundreds of groups and hosted a daylong environmental justice summit on Capitol Hill...environmental ju…

The Benefits of Framing Culture as a Management System
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despite all the talk about culture, many business leaders remain confused... organizational culture is “the shared basic assumptions, values, and beliefs... taught to newcomers as the proper way to think and feel...think of culture as a management system... makes the idea much more concrete...staff... make all sorts of decisions every day ... in a…

What journalistic process can teach both kids and scientists - Nieman Storyboard
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"Science Storytellers" uses reporters' notebooks as a bridge between childhood curiosity and scientific expertise... give the scientists practice explaining their research without complicated jargon — and challenges them to be interesting.,..Jennifer Cutraro, founder ... felt there was value in the way journalists explore, digest an…

Planned: supporting your personal productivity
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Behind the scenes, your Hub will help you extract the most value from the best content, rather than being drowned in a firehose of meh.

FAQ: How is MyHub.ai free and without ads? What is your business model?
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MyHub is an ad-free, manipulation-free zone. Your privacy is 100% safe. How?

Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?
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the task of sustaining positive behaviors and quelling negative ones as involving an interplay of decisions and unconscious factors. Our minds... have “multiple separate but interconnected mechanisms ... we are aware only of our decision-making ability... the “introspection illusion”... may be why we overestimate its power...someone learning a tas…

Study finds quarter of climate change tweets from bots - BBC News
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tweets posted by bots created the impression there was a high level of climate change denial... 6.5 million tweets from ... Trump's June 2017 announcement that he was removing the United States from the Paris climate accord... Posts in support of action to protect the environment were far less likely to come from bots... only 5%...the number …

What is the Zettelkasten Research Method?
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Zettelkasten allowed him to: build a huge web of knowledge, retrieve the right memory when needed, find meaningful connections among topics, and develop his ideas, arguments and discussions efficiently...The first step ... taking literature notes as you read something ... what you don't want to forget ... be brief ... in your own words ...sec…

A Bank Makes People Cry, Johnnie Walker Bets On Jude Law: The Top 5 Ad

When you’re pitching a luxury product, one rule of thumb is to surround it with other luxury items. ... “A Gentleman’s Wager,” ... a fun, classy-looking short... none of it has the icky feel of a sales pitch.

This Psychological Concept Could Be Shaping the Presidential Election
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misperception of peers’ thoughts and desires... what other voters think and will do... voters commonly refrain from voting for women because they think other voters don’t believe they can win... women were more likely to cite gender as a factor... white men were seen as significantly more electable than white women and women of color... But... in …

Yuval Noah Harari on what 2050 has in store for humankind | WIRED UK
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the best skill to teach children is reinvention... the author of Sapiens reveals what 2050 has in store for humankind...once technology enables us to engineer bodies, brains and minds... We don’t know what people will do for a living, we don’t know how armies or bureaucracies will function...too many schools focus on cramming information. In the p…

Preferences for redistribution are sensitive to perceived luck, social homogeneity, war and scarcity - ScienceDirect
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Higher levels of redistribution are favoured when luck is more important in the initial distribution of resources; when social groups are more homogeneous; when the group is at war; and when resources are abundant...Judgements ... carry moderate or high levels of moral conviction... Individuals are only weakly consistent ... political orientation …

Saying no to more good ideas » Nieman Journalism Lab
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many teams ... have become obsessed with ... being agile ... But agile is not a strategy — it is a capability... cannot permanently affect ... competitive position unless there’s a strategy behind it... constant cycles of optimization... offers little more than diminishing returns... not considering the opportunity costs ... A good idea is not the…

3 Versions of Europe Are Collapsing at the Same Time – Foreign Policy
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Europe has repeatedly failed ... those failures have been the building blocks of Europe’s success. But ... Today’s noise isn’t simply another invitation for Europe to fail upward again. It’s the sound of Europe threatening to fall apart entirely...Postwar Europe is failing today because, for the younger generations, World War II is ancient history…

10 Simple Rules for Creating Engaging Newsletters

Great Copy Solves a Problem. Focus on solving customer problems... If you don’t know what your clients worry about, pick up the phone... Your subject line and opening paragraph should tell the full story... newsletter bait to attract your subscribers toward your website ... A good CTA will help transform engaged subscribers into active customers..…

How to Win Your Next Argument - Forge
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Instead of ... a winner/loser framework, think about your next argument as an opportunity to work toward resolution...change your point of view from I to us. Then, listen carefully... When possible, plan ahead...best persuaders “didn’t rely on the legitimate merits ... the psychological frame ... can carry equal or greater weight... ideas and fine…

The purity spiral - spiked
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a social dynamic in which it becomes more beneficial to hold those views than not. It’s the feedback mechanism by which people are punished for expressing any kind of nuance, doubt or divergence... moral outbidding, unchecked, that corrodes a group from within...the vanity of small differences, and the punishing of people for the most minor transg…

Tracking progress with detailed cohesion investment themes

new interactive visualisations to allow stakeholders explore and compare the detailed investment themes ... across the funds, countries and thematic objectives... provide insight starting from the original planned amounts.  The dataset with full details is open and accessible

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