Can you opt out of online algorithms?
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Interesting & contested view of that Facebook study, by its co-author: ""If you say, 'I don't want to be experimented on,' ... what does that mean?"[Google is ] constantly needing to tweak their algorithm. If I say, 'I want to opt out of that,' does that put me back to Google search 2004? " Others beg to differ: "It's not A/B testing. It's just b…

Content Marketers: Start Giving a Damn About Your Content
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It wasn't supposed to be this way... "The internet is ballooning with fluff, and bad content marketing is to blame. In our obsession with "engaging" our "audience" in "real-time" with "targeted content" that goes "viral," we are driving people insane... Although word on the street is that people want short, “snackable” content, the data says…

Robots Might Not Take Our Jobs
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Sounds encouraging, but what would "a leading scholar of labor markets" really know about where IT's headed? "Autor argues that even as computers have gotten better at rote tasks, they have progressed far less in applying common sense... this weakness leaves plenty of opportunities for humans to serve as intermediaries of sorts between incre…

"Why I Just Quit Facebook"

Unsurprising that LinkedIn promoted this post.... the comments rapidly turned into an interesting conversation on Linkedin v. Facebook... people seem to comment more on LinkedIn posts than elsewhere. Perhaps the return of blogging that people are starting to talk about is next.

The retro-futuristic future of blogging
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Thoughtful longread on the past (and future?) of longreads - i.e., blogging. Plus a hint that Vox's Chorus CMS may be getting wider use in the future... "Today everyone in the media world is launching email newsletters... Great. But what I miss from emails is the sense of community, the shared experience... Obviously Twitter replaced parts of t…

Algorithm Sees Things Art Historians Never Noticed
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Seeing more stuff on robots & AI this year than in previous 3. "In many cases, their algorithm clearly identifies influences that art experts have already found. For example, ... Klimt is close to Picasso and Braque ... the influence of Delacroix on Bazille, ... Munch’s influence on Beckmann and Degas’ influence on Caillebotte. The algorithm is …

Twitter vs. Facebook as a news source
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Seems that, 3+ years after "The Filter Bubble" was pubished, it takes an event like #Ferguson to make people realise what it is. "if there was no Twitter to catch on nationally, would #Ferguson ever make it through the algorithmic filtering on Facebook? ... or be buried in algorithmic censorship?... Facebook has become like a digital version of…

Quantifying the filter bubble
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"relying too heavily on Facebook’s algorithmic content streams can result in de facto censorship. Readers are deprived a say in what they get to see, whereas anything goes on Twitter." Puts some numbers to the opacity of the filter bubble experienced by Facebook users in comparison with Twitter users, by comparing coverage of #Ferguson and 'Ice B…

The Complete Guide to Making Animated GIFs

"Animated GIFs are something of an internet art form, shared by all. Yet, they are created by a comparatively small slice of the internet. There's no reason you can't join in the fun, though. From beginners to advanced tools, we've got the ultimate guide to making your own silent internet picture films."

Convert Videos to GIF
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"If you come across a video, all you need to do is add "GIF" before "YouTube" in the URL, and you will be redirected to the app. For example: Original video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BT1cd49pIw To convert to GIF: www.gifyoutube.com/watch?v=2BT1cd49pIw " - Add "GIF" to the Start of YouTube Links to Convert Videos to GIF

Sonar Solo - european commission

Sonar Solo allows you to search any topic to find trends and influencers about any subject, in real time. Sonar Solo visualizes what’s on people's minds right now, by combining data mining, trend intelligence and advanced sentiment analysis on the world's social media chatter.

Inside the HBR Newsroom
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Beat this: "Each day, HBR.org publish five to seven pieces of top-notch content with a staff of fewer than 10 full-time digital editors and no full-time writers ... four million unique visitors every month." What really stood out for me was how they get the "expert take", using the Content Partnership model I used when trying to decentralise com…

Masterful animated infographic
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Kepler’s Tally of Planets is a wonderful NYTimes.com interactive feature: "NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered more than 950 confirmed planets orbiting distant stars. Planets with a known size and orbit are shown below" - Kepler’s Tally of Planets - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com

Why It's Good to Be a "Technology Company"
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(and why I joined a technology company, not another comms agency): "...organizations that had software engineers and Web enthusiasts in the room when big decisions were made navigated the seas of change more successfully than those that didn’t... When you think about how news and entertainment have been delivered over the internet so far, four m…

Designers are translators are science journalists.
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A wonderful presentation from Jonathan Corum, science graphics editor at The New York Times, on creating infographics and data visualisations that truly add value: "Sometimes, I feel more like a translator than a designer. Trying to translate the point the scientist is trying to make to a wider audience, and removing all of the jargon. ... If I …

"Horses aren't unemployed now because they got lazy as a species, they're unemployable. There's little work a horse can do that...

“Horses aren’t unemployed now because they got lazy as a species, they’re unemployable. There’s little work a horse can do that do that pays for its housing and hay.” Are you next? Probably. - Humans need not apply

Visualising Data, Jan-June 2014
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At least 1 year's reading right here: " ... the main projects, events, new sites, trends, personalities and general observations that have struck me as being important to help further the development of this field." A well-timed survey, given the recent publication of the UpShot's opus on the US economy and other daa visualisation ventures. But t…

Just don’t call it a blog
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"Because blogging isn’t new and hip, many people dismiss this form of content as less effective.... Blogging is a great front door for any individual or organization because it is real estate that you can own.... Contrast that with social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and G+. All are good, but you will never own your real estate the…

Tracking #Ferguson on Twitter. Via @Mathewi, GigaOm

Tracking #Ferguson on Twitter. Via @Mathewi, GigaOm

My Company Adopted a Holacracy
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Excellent insider's view of both theory & practice... "My first holacracy meeting made me want to quit my job. One year later, ... I can’t imagine going back to our old way of working.... a holacracy eschews titles and instead builds a chain of command based on the work that needs to be done. The group decides to distribute tasks. Those responsi…

Engineering Minimum Viable Inspiration. — Medium
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"this is the eternal founder dilemma — which hats do you wear, which ones do you give to others, which ones do you forget about? all in less time than you need, while your hair is on fire & your house is burning down. Choose. but there’s one job you can’t hand off to anyone else: setting the vision and inspiring your team. that job is yours & you…

Internal Entrepreneurs' Lonely Brains Club
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"Recent research confirms that entrepreneurs inside large, established organizations ... largely follow the same act-learn-build logic as new venture entrepreneurs, but ... have few colleagues (and sometimes no one) to talk to, explore ideas with, or gain emotional support from." - Internal Entrepreneurs Don't Have to Be Lonely - Len Schlesinger,…

Content marketing is ruining the web
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"We are moving toward a new Internet paradigm where Google responds to questions with answers, rather than redirections to bog-pits of branded content – and marketers loathe it.... People want to read things that are relevant, interesting, and not predicated on barely veiled advertising guile. Mercifully, search engine technology is catching up. T…

Yahoo Labs & the future of content consumption
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"... envisions a Yahoo that’s as ubiquitous as computers seem destined to be. Phones, watches, public terminals, brain implants — Yahoo wants to be able to deliver content to all of them... Yahoo Labs’ biggest focus appears to be on machine learning... a dedicated machine learning group based in New York; ... “hardcore science and some theory,…

BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers
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"Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor Find the key influencers to promote your content "

Your online community: be a gardener, don’t practice bonsai
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"Your community, as it grows, is not really your choice. ... Your first 10 members will define your 100 will define your 1,000 will define your 1,000,000. The only choice you have as a business and as a host is who you invite to be your first 10-100 members. After that, you sort of have to get out of the way and then meet the needs of this new thi…

On headlines
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"But the ramification of this fundamental shift in design is that we now consume content in headlines, thumbnails and mini descriptions. According to a recent study by Copyblogger, on average 8/10 people will read headline copy, but only 2/10 will read the rest. We have all become headline hunters." While I dispute the idea here that Facebook inv…

Airing internal problems publicly

"Continuing its tradition of airing its internal discussions outside the office, the staff at Jezebel today called out the higher-ups at parent Gawker Media today over some pretty disgusting trolling at the site." I wonder how much more loyalty Jezebel's community feel for the site because they air their internal problems so publicly? I wonder ho…

Awesome takedown of native advertising. Via AdAge.

Awesome takedown of native advertising. Via AdAge.

NHS England rethinks Care.data roll-out
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A story in two parts? I'd like to think this is a story about agility-oriented web guys winning the argument with politicians and their unrealistic deadlines and steamroller tactics: "NHS England has abandoned its plan to fully roll out the controversial Care.data patient records sharing scheme in the Autumn. Instead, a trial with up to 500 GP p…

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