
Overview: UX

Relevant resources

Checkboxes: Design Guidelines
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Checkboxes allow users to select one, some, or none of items from a list. They can be used standalone, in checkbox lists, or nested checkbox lists.

How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation
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Step-by-step instructions to systematically review your product to find potential usability and experience problems. Download a free heuristic evaluation template. A heuristic evaluation is a method for identifying design problems in a user interface. Evaluators judge the design against a set of guidelines (called heuristics) that make systems ea…

7 Tips for Memorable and Easy-to-Understand Imagery
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A few relevant, high-quality visuals placed next to associated text can boost users’ comprehension of your content and its memorability.

Cookie Permissions 101
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Cookie permissions need to follow the law and strike the balance between respecting user privacy and being user-friendly.

Design Patterns For... Almost Anything!
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UI components and design patterns, from dashboards and design systems to data visualization and presentation decks — all in one single post.

Design System In 90 Days Canvas (FigJam template)

Design System In 90 Days Canvas (FigJam template), with useful prompts to get a design system up and running — and adopted! — in 90 days, for small and large organizations that are building a design system or plan to set up one. Kindly shared by Dan Mall as a part of the Design System University. (shared by Vitaly Friedman, LinkedIn)

13 QR-Code Usability Guidelines
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To be effective, QR codes need clear, brief, contextual information and must lead the user to relevant pages. QR codes provide a seamless transition from the physical world to digital spaces or across digital channels. QR codes have a lower interaction cost than typing in a URL,

Intranet Usability Guidelines: New Findings From 57 Intranets
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Updated intranet guidelines feature enhanced content practices by teams, refined search design to meet elevated expectations, task-oriented navigation, and standardized design elements for visual consistency.

Error-Message Guidelines
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Design effective error messages by ensuring they are highly visible, provide constructive communication, and respect user effort.

NN/g UX design Study Guides Articles & Videos
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Free study guides by Nielsen Norman group on almost every UX topic. Each study guide is a curated collection of free articles and videos, organised by theme and suggested reading order.

User-Feedback Requests: 5 Guidelines

Surveys asking users to give feedback during or after an interaction should not interrupt the users' task and should be sent to the appropriate channel. They need to be short, easy to complete, and give the user the opportunity to provide details about their experience.

UX Basics: Study Guide
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Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn more about the basics of user experience.

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