Driverless cars are going to make some people puke
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Surveys indicate ... most people also think they will be able to do things like watch videos, read, play  games, work, text, and browse the internet... content companies could be major beneficiaries from the self-driving car revolution... these types of activities are also the types of thing that increase the frequency and severity of motion si…

Conquering Digital Distraction
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Control the digital overload rather than letting it control you. But how, exactly, does one do that? We asked two experts: Larry Rosen, a psychologist, and Alexandra Samuel, a technologist. We suspected that their disparate backgrounds would lead them to offer dramatically different advice, and we were right. - Conquering Digital Distraction - …

lack of gender equality in EU decision-making: a ‘double democratic deficit’
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despite improvements in the number of female MEPs, there is still a chronic lack of women in key decision-making positions, particularly in the Commission and the Council. - EUROPP – The lack of gender equality in EU decision-making means EU citizens are still suffering from a ‘double democratic deficit’

Stop Treating Millennial Employees Like Enigmas
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"In the next five years, millennials will make up half the workforce and 75% of it by 2025... We want to contribute to building something great... with meaning. We’re also talented, driven, and have really high expectations for the companies we join and the type of work we engage in... companies need to ask us what we think and how we feel. Unf…

Politico launches The Agenda

"Welcome to The Agenda, POLITICO’s new home for the daily conversation around the ideas reshaping the country ... an engaging daily policy magazine that tracks the Washington conversation as it happens ... watch for our deep-dive monthly issue packages, where we identify a major decision point for American leaders and bring together original i…

Politico moves inot 'Brand Journalism'
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"Stephanie Losee, who helped build Dell's content-driven marketing and held the title of managing editor, has joined Politico as its executive director of brand content... Politico Focus will not only help advertisers create content butwill not only help advertisers create content but also provide services around data and research" - Politico H…

Seeking best practices: online communities & public communications
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I need three speakers for a EuropCom2015 workshop to share their thoughts on convening and managing communities in the context of public communications and policymaking. The following throwaway remark on Linkedin landed me with the task of setting up a workshop at EuropCom 2015:"I'd suggest combining "Setting-up and managing online …

Publishers treating enewsletters as a platform
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If your enewsletter is basically an RSS feed from your site's newsroom, you might want to think again. At the very least, we always advocate including an email-only editorial in enewsletters published every week or less frequently. "Publishers are ... already treating email newsletters ... as designed to be read entirely in email without reader…

Reshuffling the Brussels Bubble: ‘Nerds, techies and lobbyists’
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"a study published by... transparency NGOs portrays an expert group system dominated by corporate interests and lacking in basic accountability in how members are appointed and who they actually represent ... over 25 percent of the groups it examined are controlled outright by corporate interests ... in 64 percent of the groups, business interests…

5 Ways To Make Your Staff Meetings More Engaging
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Meetings can be the biggest waste of time. Combat that perception by encouraging brainstorming, removing chairs, and yes—offering treats. - 5 Ways To Make Your Staff Meetings More Engaging | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Why it doesn't matter that no one saw your live stream
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"A successful happening online is more than just a scheduled live stream, live blog, live chat, launch or other moment on the web. While happenings are typically short (60 seconds to 60 minutes), their stories can start long beforetime, which means they arc in realtime and resonate aftertime. So the lifespan of a happening can unfold over weeks, m…

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Absolutely superlative rant. Number 1 of 16: “When challenged on your aims and intentions you repeatedly say profit and growth. When you should know beyond any doubt that they’re the by-product of being brilliant at something people want. Err?" - Busted — Just Thinking — Medium

In The Future, Drones May Deliver You
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In addition to the piloted S2 and the newer four-seat S4, Joby has also started mapping out plans for its next-generation of unmanned, remotely controlled versions. In essence, drones for people.  - Forget Pizza: In The Future, Drones May Deliver You - ReadWrite

No Subscription Goal? Prepare to Be Ignored
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I’ve had the amazing pleasure of meeting with over a dozen of the largest companies on the planet over the last six months... [who] have hired journalists, producers, broadcasters, and editors to refine and tell their story on a consistent basis... but not one ... focused on subscriber growth... While larger enterprises are fighting silo battle…

Driverless cars will shave '£265' off insurance premiums in five years
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Cars will 'eliminate bad driving' and halve insurance costs, according to industry experts - Driverless cars will shave '£265' off insurance premiums in five years - Telegraph

How to make groups more productive? Add women
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"a great deal of recent research suggests that interpersonal intelligence may be as important in business ... social sensitivity, or being attuned to other’s moods, feelings, and psychological makeup." - How to make groups more productive? Add women. — Work Futures — Medium

Self-driving cars and the Trolley problem
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"According to Morgan Stanley, self-driving cars will be commonplace in society by ~2025. This got me thinking about the ethics and philosophy behind these cars... can you imagine a world in which say Google or Apple places a value on each of our lives, which could be used at any moment of time to turn a car into us to save others?" - Self-dr…

Why Create a Culture of Storytelling? | Mitch Ditkoff
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"People bond. Barriers dissolve. Connections are made. Trust increases. Knowledge is transmitted. Wisdom is shared ... a deep sense of interdependence is felt... If you are part of an organization, no matter what it's shape or size, it's time for some meaning making ... by creating engaging opportunities for everyone, from mail room to board ro…

Podcast: Female Perspective on Startups and Lifestyle Businesses
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In Steph’s inaugural episode we explore the experience and perspectives of women in startups and lifestyle businesses. - The Female Perspective on Startups and Lifestyle Businesses (FS111)

How Medium is re-imagining comments

I quite enjoyed the experience of reposting to Medium, and really like how Medium is evolving as a platform, particularly how they are… … re-imagining comments with Highlight, Comment & Respond… these three interactive features echo the ‘nibble, bite, meal’ content model, but in the other direction, from you back to the …

I’ve seen the new face of Search, and it ain’t Google
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It is a Text message... Imagine if in real life, someone would ask you a question, and your reply would be — here, the answer would be inside these 10 links.... - I’ve seen the new face of Search, and it ain’t Google. | Alex Iskold

We'll Need Science Fiction To Imagine The Mind-Boggling Future Of War
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"Nice way of bringing creatives in to think (ugh) out of the box - run a science fiction contest: "The Art Of Future Warfare ...is based on the idea that writers, artists and game designers have a lot to offer policy wonks... “Unconventional,imaginative thinking and expression can contribute meaningfully to the study and professional conduc…

Will semantic cards will replace the URL as the web’s sharing mechanism?
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Cards are bite-sized, self-contained, interactive units of graphical real estate presented within digital apps... cards are mostly used within apps to present information and provide interactive functions ... Things get a lot more fun, however, once cards can be shared between different apps.... The Guardian provides cards on Google Now ... [wh…

6 Strategies For Building A Culture of Innovation
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"As Credit Karma has become a team of nearly 300 people, we've had to think about how to create a culture of uniform quality, where everybody is hungry and engaged with our mission. Successful companies are able to scale their culture of innovation with them. These cultures don't build themselves and require careful planning. Looking back, …

Amal Clooney, the Impossible Princess
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What will we do with our brand-new, regal, compassionate, human-rights-championing royal? We’ll try very hard to destroy her. - Amal Clooney, the Impossible Princess -- The Cut

Why the Hell Are You Even on Facebook?
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"...after this Spring’s most recent NewsFeed algorithm updates is that Facebook Pages—the ones used by businesses—are generating appalling user engagement rates... work-arounds ... mostly involve investing even more resources into Facebook ... more money devoted to advertising to fans brands have already paid to acquire in the first place." …

Growth Hacking on Steroids: 33 Powerful Tools
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"Big enterprises with copious budgets can usually afford to pour tens of thousands of dollars into traditional and digitalmarketing channels. Starting entrepreneurs, by contrast, truly need to think out of the box .. there are quite a few web and mobile tools that were developed specifically for businesses that depend on smart and low-cost mark…

Robots Really Are Going To Take Your Job
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Now that machines can diagnose cancer, trade stocks, and write symphonies, they're not just going to make humans more efficient as they have in the past—they are replacing them entirely and wrecking the economy along the way... Economists tend to dismiss robotization as just another form of "creative destruction." ... that's a mistake... this i…

Playing Leapfrog & Werewolf with Google & Facebook
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"Now we in journalism get to stand back and see technology titans jump over each other to bring benefits to news. But we’d best not stand back too far. We journalists and publishers must collaborate with the platforms as we demand that they collaborate with us. And as they teach us about technology, we must teach them about journalism." - Playi…

The Complete Guide to Productivity
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"If you would like to make more effective use of your time, maintain your energy levels throughout the day, and achieve your goals faster — read on." - The Complete Guide to Productivity

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