The Culture Deck
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a new role that I believe will become more and more important: the Minister of Culture.WARNING: REAL CONTENT AHEAD! This essay links to most of the best research on culture. ... I’ll also show how to generate a culture score for your company and improve it. ... a full 3-6 month course on culture ... Don’t think of this as a long post — think of it…

Humans-machines: not a race but a climb, roped together

... high levels of skills obsolescence. We must anticipate massive quantitative and qualitative educational needs. Technological literacy will be key, obviously, but I also believe we will need to cultivate our “core human competencies”. Collaboration, empathy, active listening and caring, creativity ... anticipate the social effects of a “winner-…

Referendum madness
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Plebiscite-pushers have got Europe's voters hooked on the cheap rush of direct democracy

Rise of the Robots Will Eliminate More Than 5 Million Jobs

About 7 million jobs will be lost and 2 million gained as a result of technological change in 15 major developed and emerging economies... "It is simply not possible to weather the current technological revolution by waiting for the next generation’s workforce to become better prepared."... "routine white-collar office functions at risk of being…

Davos report warns of EU disintegration
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The loss of state control, the fragility of EU institutions, and the rise of populism could bring about a disintegration process in Schengen, the eurozone or "even the Single Market", according to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2016.

George Friedman: EU increasingly unreliable and unpredictable
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The future of the EU is interesting, because it cannot make any significant decisions now, and it cannot decide to dissolve. What will happen is what is happening now: less and less does Europe make decisions, and when it does, European states pay less and less attention to them... Buildings in Brussels continue to issue edicts, and everybody else…

Social media, identity politics & AI (Top3ics, Jan 17)

In which I studiously avoid curating anything about 2016 or David Bowie.

How to Run an Empathy & User Journey Mapping Workshop
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Empathy mapping is a way to characterise your target users in order to make effective design decisions. User journey mapping is a way to deconstruct a user’s experience with a product or service as a series of steps and themes. Put simply, these methods encourage your stakeholders to think about user needs effectively,

The resolution of the Bitcoin experiment
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The fundamentals are broken ... It has failed because the community has failed... What was meant to be a new, decentralised form of money ... has become ,,, a system completely controlled by just a handful of people.

The Wrong Metrics Will Hurt You More than You Know
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Great use of a TV show to explore how bad metrics can kill you: "In the police organization as it is set up, politics are king and results can be gamed. Everyone is looking for the next promotion, and no one is focused on improving lives for the citizens in the city they serve.... People figure out ways to game shitty metrics."

The search for the killer bot
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Howdy, a bot company devoted to automating common workplace tasks. Its product lives in Slack ... operates in the background, listening for the keywords and questions that will activate its powers. ... automates meetings, asking what people are working on, collating their answers, and distributing them to the team ... take your lunch order ... AI…

Digital Media Outlook 2016 - next media accelerator
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Mobile requires a different set of UI/UX and needs different forms of content and advertising, too. That's easy to write, but very hard to implement, especially if you have a newsroom full of experienced people who have learned their trade with a different paradigm in mind. Media startups like vox.com, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and others... adapt…

How Quartz is Bringing Storytelling, Interactive Design to Sponsored Content
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“How data is generating green lights to keep you moving on the road” is a piece of native advertising paid for by Siemens and written by Quartz’s marketing team. It’s also a perfect example of how Quartz is bringing compelling storytelling and design to sponsored content... Quartz uses an in-house creative team to extract relevant stories and ta…

New York Times: The homepage still plays a prominent role
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The news organisation has mostly been focusing on revamping its mobile apps, but the next step is bringing some of the learnings back to the homepage... third in a series looking at how news organisations are now approaching the homepage, after it was pronounced dead by many in 2014... our real challenge everyday is to come in and say 'ok, who…

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
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carmakers must solve an impossible ethical dilemma of algorithmic morality.

Thinking, Fast and Slow
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Thinking, Fast and Slow is a best-selling[1] 2011 book by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics winner Daniel Kahnema...: his early days working on cognitive biases, his work on prospect theory, and his later work on happiness.The book's central thesis is a dichotomy between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System …

Trusting AI with important decisions: capabilities and challenges
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AI in itself isn’t good or bad. We’re just beginning to go past our initial, vague apprehensions, and to look concretely into how AI can benefit society while ensuring that it doesn’t hurt us.

Introducing the Digital Marketing Canvas

The DMC is a practical guide to develop a strategy to accelerate business growth. It's made for anyone in the company to get around the table. Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Developers, Designers, Sales,... It's a tool of co-creation. Brainstorming as a starting point, the digital strategy is the finish line. As you go to through the process you'll lea…

On the dangers of a blockchain monoculture
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So if it’s not defined in the Bitcoin paper, what does “blockchain” actually mean? I’ve asked a lot of people this question, ranging from renowned cryptographers and distributed systems experts to Bitcoin enthusiasts to people not particularly versed in either Bitcoin, distributed systems, or cryptography. No two people have ever given me the same…

Virtual and Augmented Reality Are The Future of Customer Experience

Therein lies the trouble with virtual reality. The hardware is incredible, but the content has been slow to catch up. Shooting 360 degree video and audio in a way that isn’t jarring and tells a coherent story is difficult and expensive... any brand that deals with physical products and experiences should start thinking about what the ultimate VR …

Where is social media taking you in 2016? (updated)
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Social media platforms are built with all the insidious effectiveness of gambling machines, but it is possible to come out in front.

I drew a bunch of dots to explain why social media is broken

What started as 10 things from 5 publishers you trust has turned into 20 things from publishers competing for your attention ... the savviest publishers realize that the cheapest way to produce more is to repackage the work of others. So the quality of the average thing in your feed is getting worse... The social media site ... keeps track of what…

Curation is the new obituary: how media outlets marked Bowie’s life and death
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The media’s reaction to David Bowie‘s death from cancer early this morning demonstrates just how widely curation has become in journalism practice – and specifically, how it has become the web native version of the obituary. Below I’ve done a bit of curation of my own: 8 13 ways that different publications used curation to mark the death of a lege…

The “Other Side” Is Not Dumb
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the idea that everyone is like us is called the “false-consensus bias.”... Online it means we can be blindsided by the opinions of our friends or, more broadly, America... morphs into a subconscious belief that we and our friends are the sane ones and that there’s a crazy “Other Side” ... that just doesn’t “get it,” ... not as intelligent as “us.”…

Why Content Marketers Are Using All the Wrong Metrics (and What They Should Be Measuring Instead)
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For 20 years, the media and marketing world has been beholden to the pageview, a deeply flawed metric that only captures the most superficial impression of how people behave on the Web.... proxy metrics such as shares and likes have proved inadequate as well...

Why bots and why now? — Do it via txt
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Every business in the world will have a bot. It will allow any customer to talk to them in the simplest way possible, sending a message.

Am I too old or too sick for Snapchat? — Medium
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There is no public measure of your ego on Snapchat. No “54 likes” 13469 followers or “423 comments”. When your reader sees your post it doesn’t tell him or her the size of your ego.It’s a huge difference with LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Those three keep reminding you how important the person you’re reading is ... the Snapchat user doesn’t care …

What the Heck is Design Thinking Anyway?
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If we define design as the decisions that determine how something works ... then Design Thinking is simply the process to make more thoughtful decisions.... We can only knit together what we already know in new ways to get to the something that’s never existed before.... Design Thinking offers — a way to get where you’re going when you don’t kno…

Meeting People Where They Are
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On Tuesday, the American people will see a multi-platform streaming and social broadcast of the State of the Union that reflects the ways people experience live events in 2016. We’ll be reaching people where they are — and making it possible for them to engage, respond, and share the President’s speech themselves in new and different ways... vide…

Financial Times aims to transform its opinion section
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bringing new technology into the newsroom to change how the outlet commissions and publishes opinion pieces ... expand the coverage beyond just text, into visual story formats that can be accessed and shared across different platforms.... the FT's comment section is a "huge source of strength and a very valuable asset".... a new Facebook commu…

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