Facebook is patenting a tool that could help automate removal of fake news - The Verge
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Facebook’s application for Patent 0350675: “systems and methods to identify objectionable content.” ... filed in June 2015, describes a sophisticated system for identifying inappropriate text and images and removing them from the network... improve the detection of pornography, hate speech, and bullying... much easier to identify than false news s…

How Your Brain Decides Without You - Issue 42: Fakes - Nautilus
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The brain ... is an “inference generating organ.” ... predictive coding, according to which perceptions are driven by your own brain and corrected by input from the world... When “the sensory information ... does not match your prediction... you either change your prediction—or you change the sensory information that you receive.” We form our bel…

Why do we fall for fake news?
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fake news wouldn’t be a problem if people didn’t fall for it and share it. Unless we understand the psychology of online news consumption, we won’t be able to find a cure... online news readers don’t ... care about the importance of journalistic sourcing ... “professional gatekeeping.”... I mocked up a news site and showed four groups of partici…

Let’s give reader comments another chance — and for real, this time – Medium
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Most people in the news industry hate comments.... yet audience engagement ... is so worth the investment ... trust in media and journalists has sunk to a new low. Talking to each other can help build relationships and therefore trust. What business leader out there doesn’t want to earn more per user? And what journalist doesn’t want to have the b…

Who Really Found the Higgs Boson
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the increasingly collaborative nature of modern science. Perhaps nothing captures this dichotomy better than the story of the Higgs discovery... Almost 3,000 people qualify as authors on the key physics papers ATLAS produces... easier to guard against bias in interpreting the data The depth and breadth of this effort transform the act of discov…

Trump Supporters Are Trying to Reclaim 'Fake News'
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For a term that is suddenly everywhere, “fake news” is fairly slippery... government propaganda designed to look like independent journalism... any old made-up bullshit ... a hoax meant to make a larger point... only ... when it shows up on a platform like Facebook as legitimate news? What about conspiracy theorists ... satire intended to entertai…

How can we learn to reject fake news in the digital world?
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What we need today is metaliteracy – an ability to make sense of the vast amounts of information in the connected world of social media... educators and policymakers must “demonstrate the link between digital literacy and citizenship.” ... Metaliterate individuals ... learn to carefully differentiate among multiple sites... question the validity o…

Unbelievable news? Read it again and you might think it's true
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psychological science suggests that exposure to false news would have an impact on people’s opinions and beliefs... repeated exposure to false information can change people’s beliefs ... phenomenon is called the “illusory truth effect.”... simply repeating false information makes it seem more true... prior knowledge does not protect people from …

The post-truth world of the Trump administration is scarier than you think

Scottie Nell Hughes ... drove a stake into the heart of knowable reality: “There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore, of facts... So, how should Trump’s statements during the campaign have been covered? Should reporters have added something like this in the second paragraph of every news story? “Trump probably didn’t mean that he would appoin…

Digital transformation starts from within
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a new contract where the focus of consulting support doesn’t fall so much on prompt responses (“I have the answers and come to tell you what to do”) as on the facilitated co-creation and dissemination of new operational models (“I’ll use my experience to accelerate your ability to learn and change) ... Only under this condition digital transformat…

What if we walked the walk of Digital Transformation? | Nicolas Bordas | Pulse | LinkedIn

founders of the Hub Institute in Paris, have just released a manual (in French) The guide to Digital Transformation... a useful and simple way for every company to measure its progression, with prioritized steps to follow in order of degree of maturity, as well as defining the next stages to undertake.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google are still failing to curb hate speech, EU says - The Verge
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Tech companies may face new legislation after struggling to comply with voluntary code of conduct... Under a code of conduct announced in May, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft agreed to review and respond to “the majority” of hate speech complaints within 24 hours

The role of the Quantified Organisation in Digital Transformation
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most deployments fall into the ‘deploy and pray’ category, a minority address known pain points and use cases, whilst only about 20% of projects involve a concerted organisation-wide roll-out aimed at creating a connected company. He argued that some kind of paradigm shift is needed to go beyond just adopting social technologies towards creating a…

Are We Really Living in Echo Chambers?

I had lived in prior to the advent of the Internet was the true definition of a Bubble or Echo Chamber... everyone watched the same shows at night. Everyone got their news from the same small number of sources... rarely interacted with anyone who lived much differently from them... Nowadays ... we live in a world of endlessly competing and often …

Google, democracy and the truth about internet search | Technology | The Guardian
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There’s large-scale, statistically significant research into the impact of search results on political views... Google is doing a horrible, horrible job of delivering answers here. It can and should do better... people are finally saying, ‘Gee, Facebook and Google really have a lot of power’ like it’s this big revelation. And it’s like, ‘D’oh.’”…

How to engage readers with digital longform journalism
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Major enterprise stories — stories that take deep dives and attempt to inform readers in substantive ways or to elicit impact... require considerable resources... the potential audience is limited... how can journalists get readers to complete these long pieces?use multiple elements and platforms to tell the story... the parts that pull your reade…

Disinformation Crisis
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Propaganda warfare is increasingly shaping narratives, policies and lives around the world.

Coda Story, focused on deep dives around single themes, is now tackling a “post-truth” Eurasia

We have ideas for sponsored Codas, that are of interest to specific groups.

Redesigning Waxy, 2016 edition
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I think Jason Kottke nailed it back in 2013...the blog died. In 2014, people will finally notice... I think they’re still worth fighting for. Ultimately, it comes down to two things: ownership and control... There’s no guarantee ... platforms will be around ... ten years from now... Here, I control my words. Nobody can shut this site down...

Italy votes on constitutional reform but it may not be enough to save the economy
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what a few decades ago would have just been a matter of internal politics could now become an international economic shock.

Business coaching to a media startup

Business coaching to a media startupOne of the smallest, yet sweetest, projects of 2016 was helping specialist online media Borderlexrethink its business and relaunch its website. Coaching ranged from overall business model right down to the nuts and bolts of social media promotion, engagement and monitoring.

Fake News: Be Careful What You Wish For – Whither news? – Medium
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Do we really want to set up Facebook or Google as censors ... to decide what is real and fake, true and false?

“No one ever corrected themselves on the basis of what we wrote”: A look at European fact-checking sites » Nieman Journalism Lab

a look at the growth of fact-checking sites in Europe... legacy news media remain the dominant source of political fact-checking... in Western Europe. “In the East and the South, meanwhile, the practice is less a supplement to conventional journalism than an alternative to it, based almost entirely in NGOs and alternative media outlets...

Coping with Chaos in the White House
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a post for my Facebook friends about my personal experience with narcissistic personality disorder and how I view the president elect... who almost certainly suffers from it or a similar disorder.

Italy's Most Popular Political Party Is Leading Europe In Fake News And Kremlin Propaganda - BuzzFeed News
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The Five Star Movement controls ... sprawling network of websites and social media accounts that are spreading fake news, conspiracy theories, and pro-Kremlin stories to millions... profitable sites that describe themselves as “independent news” outlets but are actually controlled by the party leadership... crossposted scores of fake stories... o…

How Stable Are Democracies? ‘Warning Signs Are Flashing Red’
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democracies are not as secure as people may think... since 2005, Freedom House’s index has shown a decline in global freedom each year... signs of democratic deconsolidation in the United States and many other liberal democracies are now similar to those in Venezuela before its crisis.

I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation - Brian Solis
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Where are companies at in their digital transformation efforts?... I define iteration as doing the same things better. Innovation is doing new things that unlocks new value for your customers. Only one of those can lead to disruption, which is doing new things over time that make the old things obsolete.

How Le Monde is taking on fake news
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once a user has downloaded the extension, when they come across articles online a red flag will appear if the site or news is deemed fake, yellow if the source is unreliable or green if it’s ok... resemble a search engine that can query relevant databases to spot and provide context around false news

Hoaxy: A Platform for Tracking Online Misinformation

Hoaxy will allow researchers, journalists, and the general public to study the factors that affect the success and mitigation of massive digital misinformation.

Misinformation on social media: Can technology save us?
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my research team’s analysis of data from Columbia University’s Emergent rumor tracker suggests that this misinformation is just as likely to go viral as reliable information... limiting news fakers’ ability to sell ads... a step in the right direction. But it will not curb abuses driven by political motives... Using BotOrNot, our colleagues found…

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