Supervised learning is great — it's data collection that's broken
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Labelled examples are a great way ...we need to fix the way we're collecting and reusing human knowledge.

How To Sell The Problem Before Selling The Solution
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every great business addresses a real customer need. If you’ve ever found expressing your customer need slippery, this is for you... The need narrative outlines a thesis on how to make peoples’ lives better. A clear need narrative helps you prioritise features, communicate the product effectively, and hone in on the most important niche. Every fie…

What to expect when you pitch me your startup idea
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I talk to at least a dozen new entrepreneurs each week and probably review two dozen email pitches. Here’s what to expect the first time you contact me and how to get the most out of it.

Seed Rounds Are Fake News – Hacker Noon
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I don’t think announcing a seed round to the press has ever been helpful.Here are my reasons:

Google Glass 2.0 and the Future of Augmented Reality
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Google announced the return of Glass as Glass Enterprise Edition... a hands-free device, for hands-on workers... AR will stream into every niche where ... ‘hands on’ workers can apply AR... the consumer application of voice will benefit eyeables greatly... AR and voice represents the next computing platform... casually wearing AR goggles as we g…

Your Ultimate Guide For Waking Up Early
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waking up early has nothing to do with the alarm clock, but it has everything to do with these elements... Let’s go through one thing at the time.

On being a bad manager
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We’re bad at most things by default. The only way to overcome the deficit is with the right kind of practice....But have you tried to manage for hours? How do you even practice management?... professional managers don’t start as managers... Observation is no substitute for doing... Many managers over-involve themselves.... get in the way. It’s a…

Prodigy: A new tool for radically efficient machine teaching | Blog | Explosion AI
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a downloadable tool for radically efficient machine teaching.

Arrange your time and tasks according to these seven categories, and you’ll be a creativity machine
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four “stages of control”: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification... The unconscious mind “Incubates” the information collected, and finds connections that lead to “Illumination”... If you arrange your creative work according to these seven categories, you can ease creative insights through the four stages of control.

Self-Driving People, Enabled by Airbnb
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Airbnb has been expanding its trust platform ... allowing them to translate their passions into professions... go to Airbnb’s site and click ... “experiences.” ... endless smorgasbord of people turning their passion into profit and their inner artisan into second careers.... grown tenfold this year... I’d like to say that Airbnb created 100 millio…

Will AR/VR Replace Travel & Tourism? – IoT For All – Medium
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Hotels are beginning to use 360 photos and video to promote their spaces over the flat-photos Google Images provides. Many museums are utilizing technologies like the Hololens to place items, such as full-scale ships, within small buildings. Visitor bureaus, both small and large, are using the ability to envelope potential tourists in an action-pa…

We’re creating a Facebook Group to debate American politics
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with a group, I as a community editor will have much more control and freedom over managing the discussion.... Here are some of the more interesting ways that publishers are using this feature:

This Is How Your Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit
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Every time you open your phone or your computer, your brain is walking onto a battleground... Your captive attention is worth billions ... This has actually changed how you see the world... walls of code have turned you into a predictable asset — a user that can be mined for attention... by focusing on one over-simplified metric, one that suppor…

Forget Breitbart: the White House has a new favorite rightwing media outlet | Media | The Guardian
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Circa has attracted special attention from other news outlets for a series of scoops on the progress of the Russian investigation that many saw as shoring up the administration’s narrative.

Must we all collaborate on this? (Top3ics, July 2017)

Just one topic in this edition, sparked by Collaborative Overload (Harvard Business Review)... reported “time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50% or more”

The Tantalus Problem: Why More Cannot Make Us Happy
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Riches do not satisfy. They only bring desire for more riches.... Winning a lottery typically allows someone to live the life of his dreams. It turns out, though, that after an initial period of exhilaration, lottery winners end up about as happy as they previously were...victims of accidents, despite permanent injury, were soon as happy as they w…

Collaborative Overload
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time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50% or more...How much time do people spend in meetings, on the phone, and responding to e-mails? At many companies ... 80%, leaving employees little time for all the critical work they must complete on their own... In most cases, 20% to 35% of value-added collabor…

This Danish startup evolved into a “newsletter company” because that was what its readers wanted » Nieman Journalism Lab

“The website and the apps are based on the rhythm and structure of the newsletter now.”... daily briefing... published as an email newsletter, in Føljeton’s app, and on its website...features a mix of original reporting that focuses on a single topic each week ... cultural writing, an editorial, and curated links... (USD $7.55) per month... When …

A computer was asked to predict which start-ups would be successful. The results were astonishing | World Economic Forum
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Ironically, the VC world, having fuelled the creation of computing, is one of the last areas of business to introduce computing to decision-making... Evernote, Spotify, Etsy, Zynga, Palantir, Cloudera, OPOWER... The list featured not only names widely known to the public and leaders of industries, but also high performers such as Ibibo... Twenty p…

The evolution of The Economist’s social media team
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We need to strike a healthy balance between striving to reach more readers across platforms over which we have zero control, with bringing them back to... our apps and website... here’s how we’ve changed our approach over the past year:... an over-reliance on social media can leave us particularly vulnerable to sudden changes by platforms. Ultim…

Are you wasting money on periodic website redesign?
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It is only once a site goes live that you can learn how users will behave. Unfortunately, this is the very same moment that the resources disappear... rejecting website redesigns in favour of incremental improvements. Doing so provides significant advantages.... the question then becomes; “how do we successfully replace periodic website redesign …

Considering 2030: Misinformation, verification, and propaganda
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What will misinformation look like in 2030? The full report... includes some ideas for how Wikipedia can fight “misinformation and censorship...:

Predatory Journals Hit By 'Star Wars' Sting - Neuroskeptic

A number of so-called scientific journals have accepted a Star Wars-themed spoof paper. The manuscript is an absurd mess of factual errors, plagiarism and movie quotes. I know because I wrote ... a spoof manuscript about “midi-chlorians” – the fictional entities which live inside cells and give Jedi their powers in Star Wars.

7 Ways That Collaboration Makes Teams Less Effective
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ad-hoc collaboration alienates top contributors, gobbles up time, and makes organizations less effective... an exhaustive study from the Harvard Business Review just revealed that, far from a panacea, collaboration is actually productivity poison. Here are some of the frightening highlights:... 3. Collaboration tends to foists work from the incomp…

'Collaboration' Creates Mediocrity, Not Excellence, According to Science | Inc.com
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what's usually meant by "collaboration" is 1) plenty of ad-hoc meetings and 2) open-plan offices that increase the likelihood that such meetings take place... open-plan offices... are productivity sinkholes... collaboration tends to penalize the competent who end up doing most of the work. A recent study published in Applied Psychology has now co…

The Future of Augmented Reality Ain’t Pokemon Go
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Meta is betting wholly on productivity and the enterprise... over 400 enterprise buyers of his first AR headset... were almost unanimously focused on productivity... he wears his Meta headset throughout the working day... AR’s first killer app in the enterprise, he offers collaborative 3D

The European Parliament is discussing an expiry date for startups
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in an attempt to overcome controversies with the Copyright Reform, some are proposing an exemption for startups... the idea is more of a curse than a blessing... 94% of startup acquisitions were completed by non-European companies, and 70% of the startups were younger than 5 years.

We’re about to enter a whole new phase of ‘Fake News’ craziness

federal investigators are looking at whether the Trump campaign helped Russia disseminate “fake news.”... just as the Trump administration appears poised to ramp up its own campaign against the news media... a new phase of escalation in Trump’s “fake news” wars, in which he will counter reports ... by calling those reports “fake news.”... Trump …

Debunking in a world of tribes
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Our findings confirm the existence of echo chambers where users interact primarily with either conspiracy-like or scientific pages.... Only few conspiracy users engage with corrections and their liking and commenting rates on conspiracy posts increases after the interaction.

The Definitive Guide to External Sharing
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Sharing content with external users is an important piece of the Office 365 collaboration puzzle. But it has its risks. With this eBook you’ll know exactly what external sharing is, how to configure it, and how to apply best practices in your organization.

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