
Overview: Social Media Strategy

Social media can be a time- and resource-vampire if it's not integrated into the rest of your communications strategy.

How is your social media strategy? Are you simply broadcasting your content? That's inexpensive, but you're simply adding to the noise. Do you really want to be part of that problem?

The secret is to not have a "social media strategy": as a separate strategy, it will prevent social media becoming an integral part of your content marketing, community development, digital transformation and innovation strategies.

It also tends to put social media in Team Ghetto, when you should be mainstreaming it across your workforce.

Instead, view social media as a set of tactics within an integrated communication strategy, with each social platform harnessed to your overall communication goals.

Need help? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

Relevant resources

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google Prepare for Their ‘Big Tobacco Moment’ - The New York Times
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Amazon is accused of abusing its role as both a retailer and a platform hosting third-party sellers ... Apple ... unfairly using ... App Store to block rivals and to force apps to pay high commissions.... Facebook has a monopoly in social networking... Google... multiple antitrust allegations ... dominance in online advertising, search and smartph…

Blogging on Platforms and on MyHub.ai: 3 options
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Andrew Sullivan: See You Next Friday
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my last column in this space is not about “cancel culture.” Well, almost... The quality of my work does not appear to be the problem... A critical mass of the staff and management at New York Magazine and Vox Media no longer want to associate with me ... orthodoxy in mainstream media, that any writer not actively committed to critical theory in …

Opinion | The Future of Nonconformity
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Designing social platforms fit for the future
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Facebook removes 3 white supremacist band pages — leaves 117 others
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Dataminr Helped Police Use Tweets To Surveil BLM Protests
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When It Comes to Managing Online Content, Americans Want It All. Can They Get It? – Knight Foundation
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Integrating Zettelkasten Pages into MyHub.ai
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Institutionalizing Inclusion - The Community Roundtable
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The true history of fake news | 1843
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Stop Hate for Profit
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Prebunking interventions based on the psychological theory of "inoculation" can reduce susceptibility to misinformation across cultures. | HKS Misinformation Review
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We’re Not Polarized Enough | The New Republic
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Dear Facebook employees, - Barry Schnitt
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White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter
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Defying Trump, Twitter Doubles Down on Labeling Tweets - The New York Times
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Trump signed an executive order ... easier for federal regulators to argue that companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter were suppressing free speech when they suspended users or deleted posts... Twitter has doubled down... added fact-checking labels to ... spokesman for China’s foreign ministry ... tweets that falsely claimed a photo... was …

Nearly half 'reopen America' Twitter accounts are bots: report - Business Insider
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Twitter Labels Trump's Tweets for First Time - The New York Times

Twitter added information to refute the inaccuracies in President Trump’s tweets for the first time... urged people to “get the facts”... a CNN story ... and ... bullet points that Twitter had compiled rebutting the inaccuracies... Twitter determined that those unsubstantiated assertions could lead to voter confusion and that they merited a correc…

Why We Keep Digging When We're Stuck In A Hole : NPR
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when something important is missing in your life, your brain can only seem to focus on that missing thing... scarcity... leads you to take certain behaviors that in the short term help... in the long term only make matters worse... robs people of insight... in a hole, we sometimes dig ourselves even deeper...human brain is wired to respond to scar…

Opinion | Trump Is Staking Out His Own Universe of ‘Alternative Facts’ - The New York Times
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In less than a year... weekly church-attending white Protestants convinced that Donald Trump was anointed by God to be president grew from 29.6 percent to 49.5 percent... Capitalizing on that devotion is integral to Trump’s re-election ...all-enveloping digital campaign website... campaign app... a self-contained, self-reinforcing arena where Trum…

These disinformation researchers saw the coronavirus 'infodemic' coming
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For a handful of disinformation researchers, the information crisis that has unfolded around the coronavirus pandemic seemed inevitable... get a sense of what we should be watching for and what the internet might look like after the virus has passed...Joan Donovan... coined "strategic silence," editorial discretion ... notion that users…

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