
Overview: Social Media Strategy

Social media can be a time- and resource-vampire if it's not integrated into the rest of your communications strategy.

How is your social media strategy? Are you simply broadcasting your content? That's inexpensive, but you're simply adding to the noise. Do you really want to be part of that problem?

The secret is to not have a "social media strategy": as a separate strategy, it will prevent social media becoming an integral part of your content marketing, community development, digital transformation and innovation strategies.

It also tends to put social media in Team Ghetto, when you should be mainstreaming it across your workforce.

Instead, view social media as a set of tactics within an integrated communication strategy, with each social platform harnessed to your overall communication goals.

Need help? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

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'Dat cheeeeeeeze': How publishers from the HuffPost to The New York Times are using Instagram Stories
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three days after Instagram debuted Stories... publishers of every stripe have pounced on the opportunity to show off some more off-beat storytelling sensibilities.

Gimlet Media’s latest membership perk? A Slack channel for die-hards
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the company's newest tweak to its membership program is one that puts listeners in direct conversation with the company's staffers. The idea: Give Gimlet's members access to the company's Slack team

Translating and Promoting Medium Stories
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The feature enables Medium users to volunteer to translate Medium stories into the language of their choice. Approved translators see a “Translate” button on Medium stories and clicking that button clones the post and seeds the clone with a Google translate version of the story in the language that they select. They then go in and make the Google …

Trash talk: how Twitter is shaping the new politics | Technology | The Guardian
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You may not care about social media now, but if you read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, then it’s shaping your world already... The real game is hardening your own support in ways dramatic enough to be picked up by the mass media ... the easiest way of doing that is to pick a rollicking fight... Lacking an established political mac…

Facebook is a media company, not a journalism company - Business Insider
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Facebook is a weird beast that a lot of journalists still don't understand. That is because it has taken the definition of "news" back to the era before mass media even existed. Yet, as a business, it looks exactly like a mass-media company and competes aggressively for the same advertising budgets... Facebook's flirtation with journalism wasn't d…

Building a Better News Feed for You | Facebook Newsroom
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Today, we’re announcing an update to News Feed that helps you see more posts from your friends and family.

It’s your filter bubble — not Facebook’s
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“I am actively searching through Facebook for people celebrating the Brexit leave victory,” ... to no avail. He called on his friends in the technology industry to act on this ‘echo-chamber problem’.... Why are they making the demand of social media companies — and not news organisations?...how we see technology now: both as something separate fro…

“Medium’s team did everything”: How 5 publishers transitioned their sites to Medium » Nieman Journalism Lab

In April, Medium rolled out a suite of new tools for publishers, and began giving a beta group the option to make revenue from the platform as well. I spoke with five of these publishers ...

The Washington Post and The Atlantic start running sponsored content on Facebook Instant Articles » Nieman Journalism Lab

The Atlantic expects native campaigns to drive 70 percent of its ad revenue this year, up from 60 percent in 2015... the NYTimes’ branded content division, T Brand Studio, now includes 70 staffers and will “deliver more than $50 million in revenue this year,” up from an estimated $35 million in 2014

Building relationships with your audience is more important than ever. Here’s how you can do it. – Poynter
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the Post is employing a concept called “laddering,” converting unique visitors into paying customers by getting them to increase social engagement with its website.

Everyone’s Welcome at the Newsroom Cafe - Nieman Reports
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In our new office space, we’ve created the Register Citizen Newsroom Cafe, open six days a week to bloggers, students and senior citizens as well as public and elected officials. Ordinary citizens stop by our offices nearly every day and share their news with us, sometimes over a cup of coffee in the cafe... Here we have a gallery, a cafe with cof…

Death to the Mass — Whither news?
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imagine instead if news were a service whose aim is to help people improve their lives and communities by connecting them not only to information, but also to each other, with a commercial model built on value over volume... select communities that identify themselves as communities (that is: not fake, demographic labels like “millennials”) and th…

Facebook, Mobocracy & Augmented Reality - (Top3ics, 23 May)

This isn’t the first time I’ve covered the impact of social media on news; technologies like augmented reality; and the impact of both on society. It is the first time these Top3ics have meshed so perfectly in one month.

Is Facebook Suppressing Conservative News? Some Context and Questions
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Instead of trying to bludgeon online companies to conform to some opaque standard of objectivity, we need to shift towards more fruitful endeavors... none of the outlets mentioned by name... are particularly well known news institutions... the underlying bias might not be based on institutional outlook, but an internal pressure to cite sources wit…

How the U.S. Could Regulate Facebook
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Facebook’s reputation for neutrality took a major hit...not all of the examples cited by the employee indicate journalistic malpractice. Curators were told to not “trend” a story if only Newsmax or Breitbart... reported it. This is just good editorial guidance: Breitbart and Newsmax have a reputation for playing fast and loose with xenophobia and …

Publishers 'feeding on scraps from Facebook'
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Newspapers, magazines and other publishers are "feeding on the scraps" of Facebook's multibillion-dollar ad business despite playing a central role in keeping the social network's users happy... "They keep the $16bn to $18bn they get in the news feed... with personal sharing down, is ... effectively just an aggregation of premium publishers' cont…

Facebook's algorithm will control journalism if we let it
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Facebook is not a friend of journalism.. Yes, Instant Articles are sexy and monetisable... a hugely important route to readers, but the more dependent we get on them, the more they’ll be able to charge us to access that audience... Facebook is seeing an alarming (to them) drop in sharing of personal information...we’ll see Facebook start to turn d…

Facebook ‘Live’ Doesn’t Have to Be Live - WSJ
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Media companies are ‘broadcasting’ pre-recorded clips use the social network’s new feature... does not recommend streaming pre-recorded content... a strength of the feature is the ability for on-camera hosts to interact with viewers in real time... After they are streamed, Facebook Live videos function as normal Facebook videos.

Newsonomics: In the platform wars, how well are you armed? » Nieman Journalism Lab

Think about platforms as fishing places where you can find large, engaged audiences and build a relationship with them by providing content. Then offer these users some other services off-platform... Never outsource the future... a great primer for news organizations just starting to tackle the distributed world and a good checklist for those mor…

How to build audiences by engaging your community
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journalists can engage their audiences as contributors, advisors, advocates, collaborators and partners. This study describes in detail how newsrooms and independent journalists can grow their readership, boost their relevance and find new sources of revenue by listening to and learning from their audiences.... This is about how journalists can ge…

Prototypes - The Trust Project - Journalism Ethics
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As we learn about the ways people use the news, what features might invite their trust and loyalty?... 32 senior strategists, designers, and developers... created prototype tools to surface the Trust Project indicators of quality, a set of fundamental journalistic principles that align with today’s news users wants and needs.

Your Media Business Will Not Be Saved
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Video will not save your media business. Nor will bots, newsletters, a “morning briefing” app, a “lean back” iPad experience, Slack integration, a Snapchat channel, or a great partnership with Twitter. All of these things together might help, but even then, you will not be saved by the magical New Thing that everyone else in the media community is…

Inspired by “independent YouTubers,” wary of cable, Vox.com takes its explainer mission to video

thinking of videos as pieces that can stand on their own, not “the way to slightly better monetize an article page"... There’s usually no reason to watch an interview. It’s better in text or as a podcast.... the Vox team works like independent YouTubers.” For any given video, a single person is responsible for the entire production process, from …

Escaping the Digital Media ‘Crap Trap’ — The Information
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Digital media companies are caught in the "crap trap," mass-producing trashy clickbait so they can claim huge audiences and often higher valuations... This era is getting flushed away... A content revolution is picking up speed, promising a profitable future for companies that can lock down loyal audiences, especially those built around higher-qua…

The Rise of the Publishing Platform Specialist - WSJ
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Publications are hiring a point person to coordinate with new platforms like Facebook Instant Articles and Snapchat Discover... product changes of platforms happen on a daily basis. Just to track those changes and newly emerging platforms is a full-time job in itself

How the Financial Times is balancing reach versus return
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Last spring, the Financial Times altered its former metered access model and introduced paid trials, letting users pay £1 ($1.42) for a month’s access to content. At the same time, the newspaper also changed its policies toward social platforms and began making more content free to people coming to its site from Google, Facebook and Twitter. It la…

Cosmo, The Washington Post and The Guardian on the platforms that matter to them
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At The Guardian’s Media Summit in London, those publishers and others discussed what’s working for them with their platform strategies, and how sustainable off-site publishing is likely to be for media companies in the long term... Cosmo’s Snapchat Discover editions get 76 percent completion rates... 56 percent ... coming back to us five days …

Notes from Beyond Comments
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Comments on our own content create real community and offer vital feedback to content creators and consumers both. And thus, we should fight for them to be better. Comments are not just a nice-to-have but a core part of a media site’s mission... Lots of broken comment systems are designed for a platonic ideal of how people ought to behave.... Can …

Facebook is letting publishers use Instant Articles to collect email newsletter signups - Digiday
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Email, for all the claims of it being dead, is critical for many publishers as a distribution (and marketing) channel they continue to control... Email newsletters have become an important part of publishers’ audience development strategies as a way to deepen their relationship with readers by providing an antidote to the endless stream of news in…

News agencies must evolve or meet extinction

The institutional brand building you create by having your journalists be great on social platforms cannot be underestimated. Part of having your journalists on these platforms is giving them the freedom to be a normal human being, not a robot, a PR machine or a slave to the wire.

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