Blogging is very much alive — we just call it something else
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Sound familiar? "All it takes is the retirement of one blogger ... and the social web explodes with a mixture of praise, recriminations, eulogies for the death of blogging..." Good piece on how blogging has evolved, in the process pushing forward the evolution of the online world. "bloggers stopped thinking as much about being part of a larger …

The BBC gets its own 'innovation report'
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With a very nice longform, multimedia html5 presentation to boot. "In this bustling environment, there is less news and more noise. ..." More news but even more noise, rather.

TransferWise: an 'Uber-Type Situation' In Banking
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"banks and bank regulators don't seem to be aware of how much danger they're in, or how fast tech is moving to destroy traditional financial services" - TransferWise, Mark Carney, And 'Uber-Type Situation' In Banking - Business Insider

Are we ready for companies that run themselves?
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"Get ready for companies that run themselves. But will the autonomous economy set us all free, or just make the rich richer?" Good intro, setting companies like etherum into a wider context and using a hypothetical example to show how a DAO could emerge and propagate. And then it sets alarm bells ringing. "the true economic significance of autom…

"Innovative Hiring = Hiring Innovators

Over on Medium, a terrific piece taking apart how bad most hiring processes are, and exploring one experiment with fixing it: hiring hackathons. The actual results were mixed - it was a pilot, after all - but the idea definitely deserves traction for a company like Intrasoft."

Conde Nast: Branded Content by Editors
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"Condé will have editors from its fleet of magazines work directly with marketers to produce branded content.... ... raises another potential tension point: the extent to which journalists should be involved in the business side of publishing. In the media world, the two wings have long had a church-and-state separation." - Conde Nast Unveils Br…

Twitter Launching Video and Group DMs
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"Twitter video allows users to post up to 30-seconds of video clips directly to Twitter... expect to see videos from live events and breaking news coverage ... also presents an opportunity for marketers to create unique content in a variety of ways..." Most intriguing suggestion: "Crowd-Sourcing Video Content" - Twitter Launching Video and Grou…

Stop Trying to Go Viral
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Interesting study of "whether having a video go viral leads to long-term success [defined as] increased activity with the brand on the whole.... After 15 days from the creation of a viral video, these brand YouTube channels receive virtually the same amount of attention ... before the viral video was posted... Our data does not support that vira…

9 Time Saving Writing Tools for Content Marketers
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Of them all, I particularly like the look of Write Or Die, Wridea & StayFocused, which possibly says more about me than my 5 latest blog posts combined: "These tools will not only provide you with a way to write down your ideas whenever they hit you, but will also enable you to organize your time better and start writing more content through a re…

Get Your Team Thinking Differently About the Future
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"decision makers get stuck in a memory loop and can only predict the future as a reflection of the past... A way around... is a speed-dating version of scenario planning, one that takes hours rather than months... get participants out of their usual frame of reference, opening their eyes to a possible future that would require very different type…

People experiencing the Tesla P85D’s “Insane Mode"

"This video would have cost peanuts. Although it’s not something that can be directly applied to most of what we do, it’s here because of what it reminds us: there’s no better comms than filming people loving what you do. Unfortunately, you first need to give them something insanely great. The greatest communications can’t transform fish’n’chips…

How to tell if the guy in the next cubicle is an everyday sadist
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This one's a mustread, helping you identify and understand all four 'Dark Tetrad' personality types (everyday sadists, narcissists, Machiavellians & psychopaths). Useful not just for navigating your own organisation, but also that of your client ... "Blessed with a surfeit of confidence and knack for lying, they dazzle in interviews, make great…

Forget Your Personal Brand and Do Some Work!
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"people keep asking about how to start a personal brand... without having a clear understanding of what comes before that, which is actually knowing something about something... To position yourself as an expert is difficult, but most people aren’t asking the first important question, which is: expert in what? ... You have to earn the privilege…

Creating Consumer-Driven Social

"Starbucks’ first-ever brand campaign, Meet Me at Starbucks ... showcases stories of how people use Starbucks as a meeting point, with an emphasis on the idea that technology brings us together, but there’s nothing quite as authentic as an in-person cup of joe. ... an incredible job of striking an emotional connection with people by associating t…

6 tips on Facebook analytics
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"reach is an easy-to-see vanity metric and not what you should be focusing on.... Facebook Insights provides some handy numbers, but the most useful ones are somewhat hidden." - 6 tips on Facebook analytics and going beyond...

BBC Taster: new approach to innovation

"Taster is a place for the BBC to try new ways of telling stories, develop new talent, and put new technology through its paces. It also allows the BBC to showcase a range of editorial and technology projects that may have previously remained behind closed doors... Enables the BBC to ... innovating quickly, gaining valuable feedback and respond…

The Blockchain is Important and so is Bitcoin
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"At the moment, it seems to be fashionable for venture capitalists and tech journalists to say “I love the blockchain, just not bitcoin.” There are a few things that people that make this claim completely ignore: The blockchain does not work without bitcoin" - The Blockchain is Important and so is Bitcoin — Medium

How to Stay in the Present Moment
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"If you spend a lot of your everyday moments and time in the future or the past or you have difficulty focusing and you feel this may have a negative effect on your life then maybe you want to learn to live more in the present moment. Here’s what works for me to do that. Just a few simple things that I use in my normal day." Particularly relevan…

No Time to Think
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"the majority of participants reported that they found it unpleasant to be alone in a room with their thoughts for just 6 to 15 minutes.... in one experiment, 64 percent of men and 15 percent of women began self-administering electric shocks..." How our mobile-phone-driven flight away from idletime and interiority damages our psychology, physical…

14 Things I’ve Learned About Content Curation In Social Media
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"many brands even ignore the importance of curation in their streams and instead continually talk about themselves.... Content Curation is the act of discovering, aggregating and posting online content that was produced by others... typically focused on a specific topic or small number of topics that are considered relevant to the audience you’re…

Working Anything but 9 to 5
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"Scheduling Technology Leaves Low-Income Parents With Hours of Chaos" Within 24 hours of this article's publication, Starbucks changed their scheduling policy. - Working Anything but 9 to 5 - NYTimes.com

The Environmental Scandal That's Happening Right Beneath Your Feet
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"Uprising: Winner of the 2013 AAAS Kavli award for online science journalism." - The Environmental Scandal That's Happening Right Beneath Your Feet - The Matter Archive - Medium

Vox, rethinking presidential election coverage

"Vox is placing bets on political coverage that aims to break free from the echo chamber ... creating policy-driven campaign coverage by reimagining what a traditional political reporting team looks like.... At most news outlets, journalists who cover big policy issues like healthcare and education are kept separate from reporters who tag along w…

IBM's Proof of Concept for Blockchain-Powered Internet of Things
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"ADEPT ... Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry ... taps blockchains to provide the backbone of the system... IBM and Samsung chose three protocols – BitTorrent (file sharing), Ethereum (smart contracts) and TeleHash (peer-to-peer messaging) – to underpin ADEPT... blockchains deployed within the ADEPT system would serve as a ledger of…

Resist multitasking!
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"multitasking... is a powerful and diabolical illusion... When people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching from one task to another very rapidly. And every time they do, there’s a cognitive cost... "multitasking... can overstimulate your brain and cause mental fog or scrambled thinking ... creates a dopamine-addiction feedb…

The Future of Work and Business
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How industrial-era management structures hinder work today: "The industrial era approach to getting something done is to first create an organization ... metaphorically still a picture of walls defining who is inside and who is outside a particular box.... This way of thinking was acceptable in repetitive work ... As a result, organizational des…

Representation and the true value of social media data in an election

"Considering these difficulties it is, at best, disingenuous and at worst, fraudulent to claim that findings of such social media analyses are what “people think” " - Representation and the true value of social media data in an election | Gareth Ham | LinkedIn

What Knowledge Management should do?

Interesting ruminations on the limits of traditional knowledge mgt techniques. "the everyday experiences we have do not exist in a meaningful way in any documents. What has happened can seldom be understood from the Excel sheets explaining the results of our actions or the Word-documents explaining what we did or what we should have done." - Wh…

The Dirty Politics Of Native Advertising

"With election season starting up, will we see native ads masquerading as independent political reporting?" - The Dirty Politics Of Native Advertising | Tom Foremski | LinkedIn

Forget Currency, Bitcoin Tech is the Revolution - AlleyWatch
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" “[Currency] is not the killer app, it’s just the first app.”... “The potential to greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for litigation and courts ... smart contracts ... in principle removes the potential for parties to have a dispute..."

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