The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump
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The three-part process by which the gross becomes the taken for granted has been on matchlessly grim view this past week in the ascent of Donald Trump... thin-skinned authoritarians ... do not arrive in office and discover, as constitutionalists do, that their capabilities are more limited than they imagined. They arrive, and then make their powe…

Why Great Products Need Great Collaboration
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developers should not only be included in design and usability work from the beginning, they should also meet the people who eventually use their product... Developers need to be more vocal about the need to be included at these early stages... Excluding the developer from the design process will do nothing but prevent the project from living up t…

This is how fascism comes to America

His incoherent and contradictory utterances have one thing in common: They provoke and play on feelings of resentment and disdain, intermingled with bits of fear, hatred and anger... he has tapped into is what the founders most feared when they established the democratic republic: the popular passions unleashed, the “mobocracy".. Successful fascis…

A ‘view’ on a LinkedIn post is NOT like a pageview on your blog
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Just putting this up there for all those who think:a) a ‘view’ on a LinkedIn post is like a pageview on your blog or site. It’s not: it’s a ‘stream view’, a la Facebook, and does not tell you how many people actually clicked and readb) LinkedIn are consistent and care about their bloggers. They aren’t and they don’tMore: see LinkedIn Community for…

Facebook Must Be Accountable to the Public
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There is no such thing as neutrality when it comes to media. That has long been a fiction... It’s also dangerous to assume that the “solution” is to make sure that “both” sides of an argument are heard equally... It is even more dangerous, however, to think that relying more on algorithms will remove this bias.Recognizing bias and enabling process…

Information About Trending Topics | Facebook Newsroom
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Here is an overview of how Trending Topics works:

Is Facebook Suppressing Conservative News? Some Context and Questions
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Instead of trying to bludgeon online companies to conform to some opaque standard of objectivity, we need to shift towards more fruitful endeavors... none of the outlets mentioned by name... are particularly well known news institutions... the underlying bias might not be based on institutional outlook, but an internal pressure to cite sources wit…

A long talk with Facebook about its role in journalism
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A year ago today, Facebook introduced Instant Articles... people are 20 percent more likely to read Instant Articles, which are accompanied by a lighting bolt icon in the feed, and 30 percent more likely to share them with friends...70 percent less likely to bounce... 30 percent more likely to share ...tests with some publishers where we help them…

How the U.S. Could Regulate Facebook
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Facebook’s reputation for neutrality took a major hit...not all of the examples cited by the employee indicate journalistic malpractice. Curators were told to not “trend” a story if only Newsmax or Breitbart... reported it. This is just good editorial guidance: Breitbart and Newsmax have a reputation for playing fast and loose with xenophobia and …

Why Do We Care If Facebook Is Biased?
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"trending” section of Facebook... functions sort of like the front page of a newspaper...The difference comes down to a distinction in how newspapers and Facebook judge what’s important to their readers...Facebook is playing editor all the time—it’s just that we don’t recognize it, because the editorial influence takes a different form than it wou…

Facebook news selection is in hands of editors not algorithms
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Leaked internal guidelines show human intervention at almost every stage of its news operation, akin to a traditional media organization... This week the company was accused of an editorial bias against conservative news organizations... much of its news gathering is determined by machines... But the company relies on a small editorial team to det…

How can we automatically model human natural language understanding?
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Imagine that we have heard the sentence “The dog chases the cat” several times, but we haven’t ever heard the sentence “The cat chases the mouse”. As soon as we hear it, we infer that cats do some things similarly to dogs: at least they also chase. But we know even more: we also know that “cat” have the same syntactic behaviour in the latter sente…

Social Network Algorithms Are Distorting Reality By Boosting Conspiracy Theories | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
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The filter bubble... has evolved. Algorithms, network effects, and zero-cost publishing are enabling crackpot theories to go viral... impacting the decisions of policy makers and shaping public opinion, whether they are verified or not... Facebook's news feed ... tailored just to us ... to keep us interested and happy... drives engagement and mor…

Meet the Woman Who's Created the 21st Century Finance Model for Emerging Technologies
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the model of traditional venture capital didn't work for the kind of projects that interested me. It works well for consumer tech, but it doesn't work as well if you want to do anything long term... began working with two others on fleshing out that model- which was a hybrid impact investment fund... The problem is a lack of valuable deal flow... …

No one should have the word ‘strategy’ in their job title
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the distance between strategy and execution is unfathomably wide for most businesses and executives... Strategy people too often have ideas that aren’t rooted in the reality of the operations. And operations people too often aren’t invested in executing the plans that the strategy people craft for them.... saying a specific individual is responsi…

Science is not a democracy
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When it comes to a wide variety of issues ... many of us have opinions that are based on fear or ideology, rather than on what the science says... we even vote (or ask our representatives to vote) on not just policy but on the science ... voting on science is completely antithetical to the entire enterprise ... debate in science isn’t about achiev…

How to Teach A Robot to Flirt
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The Turing Test is supposed to determine whether a machine can think, or seem to think. How would you test whether a machine can process and simulate feelings so well that a human user could develop real feelings for it? Well, how do you test whether you could love anyone?You flirt.... The goals of flirting... resemble the goals of contemporary …

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Trump staged a rally in which three girls–called “The Freedom Kids”–lip-synched a pop song praising the brutality of their incumbent leader. “... Deal from strength or get crushed every time!” they sang... Many Americans found it baffling. For those familiar with the decadent patriotism of Central Asian national performances... it was disconcertin…

People will read your long stories on their phones

...people are willing to engage with longer content (i.e., news stories over 1,000 words) on their phones... All of the articles studied here were read on the mobile web, not via apps. Since most apps are designed to deliver a better reading experience, “that could further the time people are willing to commit to longer stories,”... Pew found no s…

Facebook’s Trending Topics and the growing power of the funnel filter

Ironically, with the widening of (national) news choices that the Internet has spawned, we’re depending on fewer pipelines of news. It’s a narrowing of the filter funnel...t as troubling as the filter bubbles that used to occupy our concerns, but likely more potent. As those pipelines narrow, necessarily, the decision on what is news, and what is …

GDS chief outlines vision for Civil Service
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The solution is in a new method of policy making with strong similarities to the agile approach ... “Policy making will be service design, and the designing of services will be the making of policy. Ideas and their implementation will be so close together... The way the law is made will have to change.

America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny -- NYMag
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the longer a democracy lasted, Plato argued, the more democratic it would become. Its freedoms would multiply; its equality spread. Deference to any sort of authority would wither... But it is inherently unstable. As the authority of elites fades... views and identities can become so magnificently diverse as to be mutually uncomprehending... There…

Publishers 'feeding on scraps from Facebook'
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Newspapers, magazines and other publishers are "feeding on the scraps" of Facebook's multibillion-dollar ad business despite playing a central role in keeping the social network's users happy... "They keep the $16bn to $18bn they get in the news feed... with personal sharing down, is ... effectively just an aggregation of premium publishers' cont…

Facebook's algorithm will control journalism if we let it
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Facebook is not a friend of journalism.. Yes, Instant Articles are sexy and monetisable... a hugely important route to readers, but the more dependent we get on them, the more they’ll be able to charge us to access that audience... Facebook is seeing an alarming (to them) drop in sharing of personal information...we’ll see Facebook start to turn d…

Facebook Owns the Future
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Advertising revenue grew by more than 50 percent since 2015, the company was hard at work on a future for artificial intelligence and virtual reality, and the average Facebook user is spending 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.... more time than people spend reading ... sports ... or social events... Politics is downstream f…

Facebook ‘Live’ Doesn’t Have to Be Live - WSJ
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Media companies are ‘broadcasting’ pre-recorded clips use the social network’s new feature... does not recommend streaming pre-recorded content... a strength of the feature is the ability for on-camera hosts to interact with viewers in real time... After they are streamed, Facebook Live videos function as normal Facebook videos.

30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails
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Why not take some inspiration from the best headlines of the best headline writers? The blueprints exist to get your tweets, emails, updates, and articles clicked.

UX vs UI vs IA vs IxD : 4 Confusing Digital Design Terms Defined

Here’s a quick overview on the four different primary forms of design to help you understand what they mean.

The New York Times is trying to make VR films that aren’t one-offs, and that keep readers coming back » Nieman Journalism Lab

Pluto-focused project, upcoming episodic series, and experiments with “meditative VR,” The Times is experimenting with different applications for the new technology... The idea is to do proper VR shows that have a through-line and episodic structure... We’re looking at an experience that we jokingly call “meditative VR.” These are single-shot, no…

True AI is both logically possible and utterly implausible
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After so much talking about the risks of ultraintelligent machines, it is time to turn on the light, stop worrying about sci-fi scenarios, and start focusing on AI’s actual challenges, in order to avoid making painful and costly mistakes in the design and use of our smart technologies... Believers in true AI and in Good’s ‘intelligence explosion’…

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