Auditor says GDS needs to redefine its role
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GDS does have a clear function and is learning from its experiences ... struggled to demonstrate the value of flagship initiatives... or to set out key priorities.... Another criticism ... not sustained its framework of standards and guidance, with some being removed and web links broken... leave scope for interpretation and disagreement... somet…

Government digital effort lacks ministerial weight
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Progress has been sporadic, but... plenty of observers wouldn’t have expected this much of GDS when it was set up in 2011... It made its mark largely because it had Maude, the senior minister in the Cabinet Office and a heavyweight in the Conservative Party, fully engaged and ready to back GDS chief Mike Bracken in inter-departmental tussles... i…

How Random Coffee Meetings Totally Transformed My Company's Culture | LinkedIn

people started sharing selfies on Facebook and stories around the office. Participants gained new insight into the workings of other departments. People realized they faced common issues and brought new perspectives to problems. Ideas for future collaborations and projects took root. It was assisted serendipity in action... this evolved...into r…

Building AI systems that work is still hard | TechCrunch
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Any real-world solution consists of these core algorithms and a non-AI shell to prepare and process data ... this non-AI part is oftentimes the real value proposition of AI-driven companies. It’s their secret sauce.... f you build your business in the path of the AI mainstream train, nothing can save you.... there are a few scenarios that are imp…

AI’s Gift: Rethinking the Purpose of Work
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Artificial intelligence has been hailed as the last invention human beings will ever create. Universal basic income... is now being discussed openly .... Design thinking has entered mainstream business lexicon ... These three unique concepts will have a powerful impact on work in the coming decades... If some people do not have to work to surviv…

A Neural Network Playground
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The things that you can change (depth of the network, the activation function, the learning rate, etc.) are called hyperparameters. So by clicking around in the playground, you are "modifying the hyperparameters of a feedforward multilayer neural network".

Vertical AI Startups: Solving Industry-specific Problems by Combining AI and Subject Matter Expertise — Bradford Cross
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a four-factor definition of what I consider to be a vertical AI startup:... full-stack fully-integrated solution to the end customer problem from the interface ... down the stack to the functionality, models, and data;... deep subject matter expertise... trust, respect, and relationships within the industry.... combine the subject matter and tec…

The New Moats
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startups today need to build systems of intelligence™ — AI powered applications — “the new moats.”... SaaS and cloud services can have strong economies of scale; ... your product or service has “network effects” if each additional user ... accrues more value to every other user;... Proprietary software or methods is where most technology compan…

Why AI Companies Can’t Be Lean Startups – Machine Learnings
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Here’s a discussion of the way machine learning-first startups are built, which ones are pushing the ecosystem forward, and why they look so different than the SaaS startups that came before them... you can do very interesting things with IBM Watson... if you spend a few months and a significant amount of money training it... their marketing claim…

Blockchains for Artificial Intelligence
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big data has transformed AI, to an almost unreasonable level. Blockchain technology could transform AI too... Some applications ... mundane... Some appear almost unreasonable, like AI that can own itself ... This article will explore these applications... blockchains introduced three new characteristics: decentralized / shared control, immutable …

Deep Teaching: The Sexiest Job of the Future – Intuition Machine – Medium
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Deep Learning systems will most likely not be programmed in the manner that we do today. Rather, it will be more like working with a biological system where we purposely condition the system to achieve our objectives.

AI Will Eclipse Moore’s Law As A Driver of Tech Innovation.
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Q Data is a marketplace for selling and buying raw and aggregate data, and Tasko offers on-demand data collection... Many enterprises have plenty of data but don’t know how ... Latent value lurks everywhere... many startups know how to turn data into value using AI, but they’re starving for data.... Blockchain... will allow figuring out who orig…

More than a Million Pro-Repeal Net Neutrality Comments were Likely Faked
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organic, authentic voices in the public debate — more than 99% of which are in favor of keeping net neutrality — are being drowned out by a chorus of spambots.

A16Z AI Playbook
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Building on our Primer on Artificial Intelligence, this microsite is intended to help newcomers (both non-technical and technical) begin exploring what's possible with AI... a resource for anyone asking those questions, complete with examples and sample code

Taxonomy of Methods for Deep Meta Learning – Intuition Machine – Medium
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Meta-Learning can be understood as algorithms the search and select different DL architectures. Hyper-parameter optimization is an instance of this, however there are another more elaborate algorithms

The Next AI Milestone: Bridging the Semantic Gap – Intuition Machine – Medium
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The video distills the current state of AI into 3 waves... simplified presentation because it lumps all of machine learning, Bayesian methods and Deep Learning into a single category. There are many more approaches to AI that don’t fit within DARPA’s 3 waves. Pedro Domingos ... talks about the 5 Tribes of AI: Connectionists, Symbolists, Evolutiona…

The unbiased view of an Artificial Intelligence on Sugar
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A.I. Writer ... wrote an article. The only instructions it received were to write a story with the headline “Sugar controversy history”. It received no other input ... AlphaZero, the A.I. from DeepMind, learned to be the best at chess than any human in less than four hours.

If your job consists of Tweeting for someone else, you owe it to yourself to think of something else in 2018
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“If your job consists of Tweeting for someone else, you owe it to yourself to think of something else in 2018. Particularly if you’re under 35."It’s early January, and so time to add to the slew of “What you should do in 2018” posts sloshing around the Net.

Defining Aggregators
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Aggregation Theory describes how platforms (i.e. aggregators) come to dominate the industries in which they compete in a systematic and predictable way.... how value has shifted away from companies that control the distribution of scarce resources to those that control demand for abundant ones; the purpose of this article is to catalog exactly wha…

The compelling case for working a lot less
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non-stop activity isn’t the apotheosis of productivity. It is its adversary.... the work we produce at the end of a 14-hour day is of worse quality than when we’re fresh... undermines our creativity and our cognition... make us feel physically sick... For people over 40, research found that a 25-hour work week may be optimal for cognition... elite…

Fake news | Digital Single Market
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The European Commission is discussing with platforms, news media, research and civil society organisations in order to design solutions to address the spread of fake news. The aim is to define the actors' responsibilities, while respecting the freedom of expression, media pluralism, and the right of citizens to diverse and reliable information.

Are you fluent in AI?

Reuters designed a social monitoring tool, the Reuters News Tracer, which can identify events that are breaking on Twitter, analyzing millions of tweets with almost 80 percent accuracy.

How much news makes it into people’s Facebook feeds? Our experiment suggests not much » Nieman Journalism Lab

The answer is different from person to person, and influenced by any number of muddy variables.... real News Feed samples from, 402 people ... half [news-related posts] were shared by someone other than the original publisher... Most of the obviously partisan stuff appeared not in news posts, but in the statuses of friends and family... journalis…

Three steps to engage Europeans with the EU
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Third of several posts written in reaction to Luc van den Brande’s Reaching out to EU Citizens: A New Opportunity. Sets out the public policy participation model first presented at EWRC 2017, and sets up the fourth.

Learning from #EUSuperGirl & Luc van den Brande (Top3ics, December 2017)
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I’ve recently published five posts on three interrelated ideas, two projects one report and a workshop. That happened because the competition brought a Brussels Bubble Outsider to Brussels. Which happens to be one principle of the participation model I presented at the EWRC workshop. Full circle.

The ISO knowledge management standard explained webinar
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help organisations understand what KM is and how to approach it. The standard represents current good practice in KM... To get the most out of the webinar, please take a look at the standard beforehand:

The scale of misinformation online is global. First Draft is pushing for more collaboration — and more research — as an antidote » Nieman Journalism Lab

a report published with the Council of Europe... offers better categorizations for the tangle of bad information ... more specific than “fake news” ... [for] The U.S. midterms ... build out a hub ... monitoring disinformation, connecting with newsrooms around the country... we can start scaling it globally in 2019... The benefit of having centrali…

Blockchain browser Brave makes push to reward content makers
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an ecosystem that rewards publishers in a new kind of way... to disrupt the current financial norms of online publishing... reward users for browsing the web... make advertising less intrusive and more relevant... let readers ... ‘tip’ websites that they visit based on time spent on the site.

Study identifies Europe’s six ‘political tribes’ – POLITICO
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When it comes to how Europeans identify themselves, there are actually six different “political tribes,”... the current polarized debate of “pro-EU” versus “anti-EU” fails to capture the complexity ... 36 percent were the “hesitant Europeans”... proud to belong to the EU but also concerned about issues like immigration.... “contented Europeans.…

Former Facebook executive: social media is ripping society apart | Technology | The Guardian
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The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works....exploit[s] a vulnerability in human psychology” by creating a “social-validation feedback loop”... you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed

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