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The Rise of the Like Economy - The Ringer

The Rise of the Like Economy - The Ringer

my notes ( ? )

uses the social network to promote her business... set up various safeguards to avoid becoming too emotionally invested ... a web browser plug-in ... replaces the social network’s endless stream ... with a single inspiring quote.... hired a social media manager ... because she could no longer stand the addictive feedback loop ...
She had been a manager at Facebook... in 2006, she began evangelizing for a new feature on the nascent website: a Like button...
Demetricator strips Facebook of all numbers, including the notification alert, Friend counts, Like counts ... take something that is familiar ... remove it temporarily, so we can get a sense of what it was doing ... teenagers are more willing to give Likes to a photo that already has lots of Likes... images with more Likes tended to trigger greater brain activity in the neural regions tied to reward processing, social cognition, imitation, and attention,..
A system that rewards appealing content with Likes must also punish unappealing content with fewer Likes... may help silence ... contrarian views... makes us want to post material that will get a good crowd reaction...
designers and researchers have been advocating ... seamful design, which trades ease of use for greater user clarity about how a complex system works. The pop-up warning about fake news is an example ... lower engagement by adding complexity ... But engagement at all costs is a fundamentally unethical way to design products.

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