Cargo cults or the Wright Brothers? Metrics can improve newsrooms but only if the culture is ready — paidContent
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A great article on preventing the data tail wagging the editorial dog. " It turns out that what loyal audiences care about is what good editorial teams care about too: great articles that capture time and attention."

Google News at 10: How the Algorithm Won Over the News Industry - Megan Garber - The Atlantic
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"That's about 100,000 business opportunities we provide publishers every minute." - good article on how slow the newsindustry was. Interesting thoughts too on balancing algorithmic approach with human concerns. Google News at 10 - The Atlantic http://t.co/Fupf11B6

5 ways to use social media curator RebelMouse | Poynter.

"Almost six months after RebelMouse launched, the service is finding a home in the digital journalist’s toolbox."

Tuesday Q&A: Newsana’s Ben Peterson on story discovery, how readers become experts, and celebrating high-quality news » Nieman Journalism Lab

"what we are trying to focus on is building a site that's optimized for those people who are news curators. For people that take joy and satisfaction out of sorting through all the stuff they read and identifying the best of that." - Newsana looks good. A model for @bloggingportal or a tool for Hubs? http://t.co/plsalGq0K2 profile on @NiemanLab

Robot news curator NewsCred launches human editorial team — paidContent
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"The NewsCred announcement coincides with a shifting perspective on automated news. While some feared that the arrival of robot story writers and editors would phase out journalists, the human touch now appears to be back in fashion..." - Human touch back in fashion for news #curation? http://t.co/uQqLSTw5 via @NiemanLab cc @bloggingportal

RebelMouse Will Now Auto-Update Your Blog for $10 a Month
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If only RM also read the article you link to, auto-tagged it (auto-translating it if necessary) and provided faceted search, it'd probably provide 70-80% of a Hub. Neat tool for group efforts like bloggingportal, too.

So what’s a Hub?

An update to a post first published in 2013, as I created a first version of MyHub on Tumblr.

Study: Generosity Is More Evolutionarily Advantageous Than Selfishness - Julie Beck - The Atlantic
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" In the long term, extorting, selfish strategies did not work as well as more generous strategies. Players who defected instead of cooperating suffered more over time than players who recognized the value of cooperation--though extortion might provide an advantage in a single head-to-head matchup, in the context of a whole population, over time, …

Study: Hashtags are a turn-off on Facebook, reducing the viral reach of posts - The Next Web
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"A recent study by Facebook analytics service EdgeRank Checker states that posts with hashtags do not have as great of reach than those without."

How Klout Is Twerking Your Mind About Influence - InNetwork

"By calling social scores “Influence Scores,” companies like Klout have set expectations in the market that influence can be measured with scoring algorithms. However, influence is much more complex. By setting the wrong expectations, social scoring companies have changed how marketing and PR professionals think about influence, and how to identi…

Smartsheet integrates with Dropbox and Zapier

"Smartsheet, a project and work management platform based on the spreadsheet user experience, announced integrations with Dropbox, and Zapier today. Dropbox is the well-known file sync-and-platofmr, used by millions. Zapier is an integration clearing house that allows users to connect participating applications in dozens of inventive ways. Smartsh…

Dancing YouTube Sensation Karen Cheng's 10 Tips For Making Your Video Go Viral | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
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"I did a ton of marketing, and it started long before the video was released. Going viral was not an accident--it was work. I tried a lot of things. This is what worked for me."

Prezicast: Taming the Firehose
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2019 update: a short Prezicast video from 2013 on my personal productivity system, since covered on Medium: https://medium.com/better-humans/manage-the-firehose-or-it-will-manage-you-791097bc53e2

Project Issue Management - Project Management Tools from MindTools.com
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"Since most issues are, by their nature, unexpected, how do you make sure you'll be able to deal with them quickly and effectively? Ideally, you need an issue resolution process in place before you start your project – to make sure that you stay on schedule, and meet your objectives."

The Reply To Email Overload? Prioritize — Or Turn It Off : All Tech Considered : NPR

"But if these practical tips don't help, remember that overload is a matter of perspective. We could also say when we walk out the front door of where we live, 'Oh my gosh, there's so many blades of grass, I have lawn overload ... [but] Are these things really flying at us, or are we not making the choices we need to make?""

Do you really read? « The Art of Living
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"I challenge myself to answer the following questions in everything I read: - Has this taught me anything new and valuable? (If not, move on quickly) - How can I apply insights from this article today? (Wait and I’ll forget) - When have I applied the ideas from this post? Where have I not, but could have? (What was the difference?)"

Keeping up with social media--in 30 minutes a day
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You have absolutely no time. Yet your boss is asking you to stay on top of all things social media-related. And, you need more information to do your job more effectively–and efficiently. And you want to stay smarter about industry trends. ... In my presentation, I lay out 8 strategies for staying up-to-date on all the changes, new products/tools …

Trello Project Management
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"Trello is a to-do list manager and project management webapp that’s based on the metaphor of index cards pinned to a board. The cards each flip over, giving you a workspace where you can discuss the task, create smaller checklists, assign responsibility, or add other notes. To change the status of a task, move it to a different list on your board…

'Social Fiction' Brings Characters to Life via Facebook and Twitter
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"Illustrator Steve Lowtwait and writer Michael Smith are telling a fictional story through social media that's centered around a protagonist called "Hawk Funn." They have set up real social profiles on Facebook and Twitter for fictional characters in the story, and they post about the characters' lives just like real people would. If you follow Ha…

Content Strategists Must Become Engineers of Content-Driven Customer Experiences | The Content Wrangler
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Good questions on content strategy: "Is a content strategist someone who is a master of the English language, someone who can spin snappy marketing content into a flexible web design that responds to the screen real estate and capabilities of a mobile device? Or, is a content strategist someone who examines your current content lifecycle in an a…

Factchecking enters 'Conversation' in Oz : Columbia Journalism Review
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"and the idea was to get academic expertise and research into the broader public conversation."

Why We Desire, But Don't Promote, Creative Leaders | Psychology Today
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Worth a read, food for thought: "But while we love reading up on how these leaders turned the tide in their industry or organization, recent research suggests that most creative people aren't given the opportunity to lead. We love stories of creative people; we just don't want to be led by them."

Google Only Wants to Kill Bad PR Agencies
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Some good advice in reaction to Tom Forenski's "Did Google just kille PR" meme ... "Google did NOT kill PR. Maybe they are at war with SEO companies, they are perhaps at war with bad PR companies, too. Good agencies do not feel the need to keyword stuff press releases. Good “content” strategies do not need the filler content of keyword stuffed pr…

Too many priceless lines in here to quote individually! QI - Euro Myths

Too many priceless lines in here to quote individually! QI - Euro Myths

Hands On With Google Chromecast
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A great example of using a photogallery to answer questions with pictures.

Content Marketing Is Owning, As Opposed To Renting Media!

"Content marketing is the art and science of using text and visual content to promote your business without being overtly sales-oriented. Content marketing can be in the form of articles, blog posts, white papers or eBooks as well as visual and audio content like videos, Google+ hangouts and podcasts. In contrast to newspaper writing, which repo…

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