Hashtag Europe dans one minute de video en franglais, wireframes compris!

Pour le Journée Européenne du blogging multilingue, a video of one minute (waltz) length sur the bloggingportal.eu reboot, avec une "first look" à les wireframes et pas un mot dans mon accent francais de vache espagnol.

EU Trade Policy explained - YouTube
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The EC finally gets on the 'back of the envelope' bandwagon

My Biggest Takeaway on 37Signals’s New Book on Remote Work (Hint: It’s Not Technology) | The Art of Ass-Kicking
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"They went out and interviewed a bunch of companies that do remote work... useful tips for making the case for remote work ... - In today’s economy, the quest for talent is so great that organizations can no longer afford to merely look at individuals co-located in their physical presence ... - It is easier than ever to coordinate the work of ind…

The Small Business Guide To Google+ - Simply Business
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"Follow this step-by-step guide and make Google+ an effective part of your marketing strategy. Simply work your way through the questions. Clicking 'no' will reveal links to further resources."

The third way of office space is beyond open — Gigaom Research

"‘social desking’, where personal workspaces are geared to co-work as well as solitary work. This involves rethinking the office as a shared space, that should be organized around something other than optimizing square meters per employees. Ultimately, it has to be judged by productivity and worker engagement. And the tricky part is not space, but…

Drop A Pin, Tell A Story With Google's New 'Tour Builder' Tool – ReadWrite
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" Tour Builder allows users to create a virtual tour using photos, descriptions and mapped points (or pinned locations). "

Be More Persuasive with a Story
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"The idea here is that when you use storytelling tricks to get your point across, people are going to be more responsive. This is true in everything from PowerPoint conversations to business deals. "

5 best content formats to engage your audience | Articles | Main
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"Basically, your business blog should provide prospective customers another tool to research your industry, company, products, and services without giving them a hard sell. "

Great HTML5 walkthrough of a complex issue

This article showing how ranked-choice voting works is a great example of using html5 to explain a complex system.

This Might Not Work - The Discipline of Innovation
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"Innovation is challenging because to innovate we must seek out uncertainty. For most people, this isn't comfortable - that's why we don't like "this might not work." Nevertheless, if we want to do work that makes a difference, that's where we need to be. To grow we have to try, stumble, and learn."

Why Your Innovation Contest Won't Work - Tim Kastelle - Harvard Business Review
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"Innovation is the process of idea management - so, yes, you need great ideas to innovate, but that is only part of it. You also need to be able to select ideas. Once you've done that, you need the ability to execute them. While all this is going on, you have to keep people inside your organization enthusiastic about the ideas. And at the end …

eDiscovery by SearchBlox
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"Concept search allows users to specify a concept and documents that describe that concept to be returned as the search results. It is a technique to identify potentially relevant documents when a set of keywords are not known in advance. SearchBlox uses text clustering, which is a technology that analyzes a document collection and organizes the d…

Does Content Marketing Produce Results? via @shelholtz

"The rise of content marketing, despite well-publicised scepticism, continues — as illustrated by a new report ... - almost two out of five marketers (38%) still question whether content marketing can deliver measurable ROI. - 70% believe that content marketing helps drive sales leads more effectively. The metrics that are being used suggest a …

Failing State Of Content Marketing (Mitch Joel)

Another salvo in the "Content is (not) King" debate: "For every hour of writing a piece of content, they spend two to three hours working on the distribution of it - within their own channels and beyond. The frequency of publishing is reduced in order to spend more time on the distribution of it."

Responsibility for Healthcare.gov's IT problems lie with dot gov
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File this under “Next time someone says they do it better in America”... “Everything about the way the government builds large technical projects contrasts unfavorably”... a management not a technology failure. Obama’s error was not to empower technologists to tell him the truth

Media Tools – Google
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Consider this your starting point to tap into Google’s suite of digital tools that can enhance newsgathering and exposure across television, radio, print and online. Whether it’s refining your advanced search capabilities, improving audience engagement through Google+, or learning how to visualize data using Google Maps, this website is intended …

The Myth of the Design Studio Turned Product Company - Leadership Journal - Medium
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Great article on Medium. Best part comes at the end: "This week we launched an initiative that aims to ease the conflict between these opposing forces. Each of our team members gets to study a subject of their choice over the period of a year. It's a long term study initiative that resembles a PhD. Think of it more like a thesis than project wo…

NSA files presented in HTML5
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Snowden, Snowfalled: an awesome HTML5 interactive feature.

Competition: rebrand bloggingportal (updated)

It's not strictly necessary to rebrand bloggingportal, but everyone I've spoken to thinks it's a good idea, so why not have a little competition?

Connected Enterprise 2013 - Home

"Constellation's Connected Enterprise is the intimate innovation summit for senior business leaders successfully using disruptive technologies such as social business, cloud computing, mobile enterprise, big data and analytics, gamification, and unified communications/video to drive business value and transform business models."

EU blogging by the numbers: 317k+ posts, 21 languages

Data from bloggingportal.eu, extracted by BrusselsBlogger, gives some idea of the dominance of English as a blogging language on EU policy.

4 Simple Steps to Content Marketing Success
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"Content marketing is in its purest form connection marketing. It is offering the right content to the right people with the right frequency and consistency. "

"the idea that creative people are different from everyone else is a myth"
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the company that invented Gore-Tex... “organised in small teams of 8-12 people.... three layers of management, the CEO, a handful of functional heads, and Associates … in a company of 8000!

8 Questions You Must Answer To Grow a Vibrant Facebook Community | The Marketing Nut
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"Knowing who is in your community is key to success for any and all Facebook marketers. Often times who you think is in your community is far different than who really is or who you wish was in your community. As part of Tabsite’s “Get a Grip” Series on Facebook Marketing where we help marketers look at key aspects of their Facebook strategy, thi…

How To Build An Effective Social Marketing Strategy | Digital Tonto
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" social marketers mistakenly equate the strength of their community with the size of their following. They establish fans on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks as key performance indicators and then blast them with brand messages. The truth is that the strength of your community has much less to do with how consumers are connected to y…

Don’t Hire Ball-less, Soul-less, Spiritless Idiots To Do Digital Marketing | Blackbeaks Blog, Digital Analytics and marketing optimisation blog
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"Idiots come in 3 types. The first type is what I call the politician, the second type is the spectator and then last but not least there is the the whiner. Every business I’ve worked with has them either in or around them."

Want a Viral Hit? Here Is an Inside Look at Our Ideation Process - Moz
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"the process we use here at Fractl to come up with ideas that we feel confident will find viral success. "

Think long-form journalism is dead? Think again
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“There is a huge audience of readers out there craving this kind of storytelling ... With phones and tablets, they now always have a reading device available on them to dig into something.”

Want To Fund Your Kickstarter? You're Not Steve Jobs--Ask People What They Want | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
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" "It takes courage to talk to customers but you have to do it,” Ritson would say. “First the qualitative, then the quantitative," he repeated. Interview customers (qualitative) before you create surveys (quantitative)."

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