my notes ( ? )
by RAND:
"What will be the key societal challenges that the EU will need to address within the next two decades? ...
a review of literature, data and insights from over 200 international experts ... explores evidence and uncertainties underpinning global societal trends and the challenges they provide for policymakers.
... put in place a lasting framework to assess salient global trends...
concludes that there are a number of salient policy challenges clustered around three themes:
1) Investing in citizens: Equipping EU citizens with the tools to seize opportunities and protect the most vulnerable;
2) Preparing for a new growth paradigm: Focusing on wellbeing beyond productivity growth and enabling businesses to compete globally and in the internal market; and
3) Reinventing government: Recalibrating the public sector machinery and services to accommodate the realities of the 21st century. ..."
Sounds good, but the final sentence of the summary does remind one of ursine defecatory practices:
"The report suggests that the EU should increase its own resilience, limit vulnerability to the most unpredictable trends, and better define and enact policy responses."
No, really?
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The above notes were curated from the full post