Facebook Timeline: 10 Simple Tips and Tricks
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"To help you switch over from the old design to the new, we've pulled together 10 simple Timeline tips and tricks, including how to hide content from your Timeline, how to emphasize what you want to show off, and how to activate other useful customization options. "

Reminder: add expiration dates to Hub specs
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Basically sums up why I want a Hub, not just a stream, for my virtual presence: "If I had my way, Facebook would have a hard and fast expiration date for posts. I generally don’t want most of what I say hanging around longer than I’d keep eggs in the fridge. Sure, some links and videos are worth revisiting—but does anyone really care that I was t…

Funneling Innovation
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The focus here is on business, but why not government? "By using communities, businesses can look beyond their four walls to access a global talent pool ... Communities allow businesses to accelerate and scale innovation by widening the funnel of what they can evaluate, by filling in missing skills and talent, and flattening the distance between …

Open Access Research & Horizon 2020
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Scientific publishing increasingly open to blogs & social media: "An important step towards this goal will be that researchers no longer view dissemination as a separate activity that takes place when research has been concluded. Instead, the research community must consider it as an inherent part of research ... the line between academic and n…

More philosophers in boardrooms
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Great FT.com piece: "... to work through the psychology of their clients, businesses commonly rely on market research... But they do not typically step back and properly think about human nature from a 2,000-year cultural perspective, and their analyses of their customers suffer as a result... There is (fortunately) no enduring conflict between …

Big Data Myths Give Way To Reality In 2014 – ReadWrite
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"everyone is keen to board the Big Data bandwagon, yet a comparative few really understand why. " I don't know a huge amount about big data, but I can spot a bandwagon from a light year away, and this one is coming in at very high speed, judging by some of the stuff I'm starting to see. Expecting more entertainment in the years ahead ;)

Teenagers migrate from Facebook as parents send them friend requests | Technology | The Guardian
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This turned out to be one of those stories that litter Facebook itself and social media generally - quite wrong, easily checkkble but not facthecked, and virally good. Only the truth suffers ... and who can make money out of that, right? "Facebook is 'dead and buried' to older teenagers, an extensive European study has found, as the key age gro…

Starting A Successful Blogger Outreach Program
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"She was presenting on Blogger Relations – Why and How to Get Started. A perfect topic for her since she knows the issue from both sides. I asked her what was an important takeaway from her talk. Here is what she shared." - from the @Steveology blog

Replacing Bureaucracy With Pairs, Ceremonies, and Storytelling
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"At Menlo Innovations, structure and multiple keyboards allows you to split the difference between chaos and bureaucracy". - How One Company Replaced Meetings and Bureaucracy With Pairs, Ceremonies, and Storytelling, from Fast Company

2013 in Interactive Storytelling
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NYTimes' collection: "the common thread is the form of storytelling — an integration of text, video, photography and graphics ... From a ship in the South China Sea to the cost of health care..."

Mapping the EU digital public sphere(s)
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Came out just after my post on applying network theory and the EU online public sphere: "For those of us who are interested in understanding and participating in the EU digital public sphere(s), social network analysis offers a useful way to identify key influencers and map different communities. I can see plenty of practical applications (for e…

Facebook isn’t going anywhere
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An unfortunately accurate corrective to the recent "Facebook is dying" meme. 2013 truly was the year everyone just couldnt be arsed checking the facts: "A British academic studying social media found that young people use lots of new-fangled services, such as Instagram, because their parents are on Facebook. “What we’ve learned from working with …

Review: The Brussels Business
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via @bloggingportal. @poljourno finds no smoking gun: "... the European Union is still seen as a niche topic by the media in most EU member states. Ask the man on the street about the activities of the Brussels Bubble and you will also be met with a shrug and a ‘who cares’, in the majority of cases. But a fascinating documentary The Brussels Busi…

The Year We Broke the Internet
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Nothing new, but then it's 2013 review time: "this was the year someone isolated the DNA of the viral story, and the world ... saw for the first time the awesome potential of viral content ... Upworthy had about seventy-five thousand [Facebook] likes per article, twelve times more than fourth-place BuzzFeed. Among them were posts like the one wh…

Why Successful People Have So Many Groups Of Friends | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
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"Because ideas are like germs: they don't diffuse through populations of people at random; they make their way through networks"

Network anatomy of the EU online public sphere

The above image is from Drake Baer's FastCompany article "Why Successful People Have So Many Groups Of Friends", which is all about networking for career success, something I've never done and am very unlikely to start.

Basically the editorial policy of I-Labs in a nutshell
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Some key points from "The Benefits of Quality Content and Genuine Social Engagement ... to create great, sharable, engaging content and become an active participant on social platforms: - Quality content is what your clients want to read, not what you want to tell them.... - Content that gets highly shared is content with heart. Real stories, re…

Why socialmedia platforms profit from our narcissism

Good post from @JamieJBartlett: "Social media wants to turn you into a narcissist. Tell everyone about yourself: you're important! Where are you? What are you eating? Who are you with? What films do you like? The world wants to know! Actually, the world doesn't want to know: it's a marketing ploy. The more you share about yourself, the more …

Big Data in 2013
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"Just understanding “what is Big Data” is a challenge for a significant number of people" - ReadWrite, quoting Gartner. "Different industries have different priorities ... Industries that are driving the customer experience priority are retail, insurance, media and communications, and banking, while process efficiency is a top priority for manufa…

Even if it’s fake, it’s real. #storytelling

Maybe EU hoax stories can be useful ... An interesting take from Nieman Journalism Lab on the value viral hoax stories can bring to conversations on complex topics. The point being that the hoax would not have gone viral in the first place if it did not touch upon a complex, important topic in some way: "Yet at the same time, these strings of …

Storytelling Techniques For Effective Business Communications » The “Catch 22” of Native Advertising
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"For those of you not familiar with native advertising, it refers to a publication serving up paid stories and editorial content the same way. You’ll hear this technique also referred to as sponsored content and branded journalism. With no one clicking on banner ads, publications hope to find economic salvation in native advertising. But here’s …

Connecting the dots

"We've never had this much access to information ... Making it meaningful, discoverable & accessible is simultaneously the media’s toughest challenge and greatest opportunity... In 2014, we can do a better job of connecting with each other, sharing the tools that are out there and working on the problems yet to be solved in ways that make the mo…

Fire the consultants

"Semantic web, social network analysis, entity extraction, and news-as-API ... nerd stuff, but it will become important — a few news projects are already working on it. If they can prove these ideas can be good for business, others will follow." Nieman Journalism Lab with a few trenchant views on reinvigorating news in S. America, of which only o…

Food for thought from @Storyneedle: Better content governance

A good holiday break longread: "As people talk back to organizations, organizations find they have trouble telling their story and listening to their customers at the same time. The forces of change affecting content can test the conventional responsibilities of marketing and IT and customer service. "

Covering content using fluid beat structures

The rapid evolution in newsmedia provides a lot of ideas for better content strategies in a less organisational, more networked society. One such concept is ideas-based, or fluid, beats for journalism: "... a way for reporters to be human-centric rather than newsroom- or bureaucracy-centric", according to the latest piece in Niemanlab's Journalis…

Moving responsive design beyond screen size

#Context emerging as 2014 theme: "...newsrooms are going to reframe our understanding of “responsive design.” We’re going to see content move beyond simply responding to screen size and instead respond to reader context, adapting to behavior." - Nieman Journalism Lab

EED - European Endowment For Democracy
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"The European Endowment for Democracy has been created to promote the European values of freedom and democracy. A joint effort of the Member States and European Union institutions, the European Endowment for Democracy remains an independent private law foundation with its seat in Brussels. Fostering - not exporting - democracy and freedom The Eur…

Open Discovery Space
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"If we want a powerful innovative culture in schools which is self-sustaining we have to empower system-aware practitioners, working ever more closely with the service users, to create it. And to avoid simply creating interesting but isolated experiments, we have to design in collaborative ways of learning and enquiry between professionals – a “pu…

Interview: Open Innovation in Siemens
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Apart from the obvious platitudes ... "If Open Innovation is not seen as a long term capability building exercise then it will fail.... The NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome is a big barrier and should never be underestimated." ... there's some interesting case studies in here - e.g.,: through "TechnoWeb, our internal social media tool, we …

If only all press releases were like this:
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Opera release a new browser, offering users to "Choose your level of corporateness... Use the slider to choose between super-geek and super-suit. If you really like buzzwords, go full corp..." Very clever. Not only do they cater to all tastes, they ensure wider coverage by helping the geeks to laugh at the suits and PR hacks, and making the lat…

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