
Overview: Psychology

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How Twitter Bots and Trump Fans Made #ReleaseTheMemo Go Viral - POLITICO Magazine
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The vote marked the culmination of a targeted, 11-day information operation that was amplified by computational propaganda techniques and aimed to change both public perceptions and the behavior of American lawmakers...Computational propaganda... the use of [ICTs] to manipulate perceptions, affect cognition, and influence behavior”... #releaset…

Crowdsourcing trusted news sources can work — but not the way Facebook says it’ll do it » Nieman Journalism Lab
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crowdsourced trustworthiness ratings are actually much less effective if they exclude the ratings from people who are unfamiliar with a given site. Which is what Facebook plans to do.. “a lack of familiarity is an important cue for untrustworthiness... Excluding ratings from participants who aren’t familiar with a given news source ... “dramatical…

Stop Calling It Fake News. – Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast
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it just felt like the conversations that we were having subsequently were actually pretty shallow and actually pretty useless, because we were talking over each other because everybody meant different things... we can only really start talking about interventions if we understand what we’re talking about... I say, “Please don’t use the term.” “Yea…

Google suspends fact-checking feature over quality concerns | Poynter
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Google is suspending a search feature that displayed fact checks associated to publishers after receiving criticism from conservative news outlets.... Reviewed Claims column that matched outlets’ disputed claims with fact checks contributed by independent fact-checking organizations to the Schema.org ClaimReview markup... The Daily Caller publishe…

Facebook will now ask users to rank news organizations they trust
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it will rank news organizations by credibility based on user feedback... trust rankings will emerge from surveys ... Google announced it would cancel a two-month-old experiment, called Knowledge Panel, that informed its users that a news article had been disputed by independent fact-checking organizations... Facebook learned the wrong lesson fro…

Building Credibility Indexes from Fact-Checking to #TackleFakeNews
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Fake News is suddenly on the boil in the Brussels Bubble. Here are some ideas I brainstormed earlier this week. Comments welcome.

WEIRD psychology: Social science researchers rely too much on Western college students.
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a lot of psychology and other social science studies... participants are overwhelming Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries... not only are they WEIRD, they are overwhelmingly college students in the United States participating in studies for class credit.... from countries that represent only about 12 percent …

Our experiment into how voters think shows that they go with their guts
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my team and I studied how people use different information when it comes to voting... presented voters with ... “Public information” was seen by everyone and referred to as “expert”. “Private information” was given to individuals and referred to “personal opinion”... with a probability of it being correct,... They followed their personal informa…

Creative thought has a pattern of its own, brain activity scans reveal | Science | The Guardian
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The scientists asked the volunteers to perform a creative thinking task as they lay inside a brain scanner... strong connectivity between three networks of the brain... default mode network, is linked to spontaneous thinking and mind wandering... executive control network, is engaged when people focus in on their thoughts... salience network, help…

If your job consists of Tweeting for someone else, you owe it to yourself to think of something else in 2018
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“If your job consists of Tweeting for someone else, you owe it to yourself to think of something else in 2018. Particularly if you’re under 35."It’s early January, and so time to add to the slew of “What you should do in 2018” posts sloshing around the Net.

The compelling case for working a lot less
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non-stop activity isn’t the apotheosis of productivity. It is its adversary.... the work we produce at the end of a 14-hour day is of worse quality than when we’re fresh... undermines our creativity and our cognition... make us feel physically sick... For people over 40, research found that a 25-hour work week may be optimal for cognition... elite…

Former Facebook executive: social media is ripping society apart | Technology | The Guardian
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The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works....exploit[s] a vulnerability in human psychology” by creating a “social-validation feedback loop”... you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed

The Myth of Independent Thought – The Polymath Project – Medium
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we evolved to solve complex problems not independently but dependently in a group setting.... the knowledge illusion... much of our “knowledge” is not knowledge in the sense of understanding how things work but ... faith... in other people  -... smart people with PhDs... whatever  -  who I trust to know these things that I do not know.... for tho…

Some groups are smarter than others, and psychologists want to understand why – You Are Not So Smart
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to create a team that is collectively intelligent, you likely need to focus on three specific factors that he and his colleagues have identified in their research...

YANSS 103 – Desirability Bias
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Confirmation bias... such a prevalent feature of human cognition, that until recently a second phenomenon has been hidden in plain sight. Recent research suggests that something called desirability bias may be just as prevalent in our thinking... When future desires and past beliefs are incongruent, desire usually wins out.

Listen & Learn: how to absorb podcast knowledge (Top3Pods, September 2017)

This edition focuses on getting the most out of podcasts and so includes a new tweak to my personal content strategy.

Ep. 66: Liar, Liar : NPR

What separates honest people from not honest people is not necessarily character. It's opportunity... rationally, more people ought to get away with cheating than actually do.... the flip side ... is that people are also unthinkingly dishonest... small slips without really thinking about it ... the brain reacts very strongly to a first act of l…

YANSS 063 – How search engines make us feel smarter than we really are – You Are Not So Smart
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Habitual googling leads us to mistakenly believe we know more than we actually do ... even when we no longer have access to the internet. The more you use Google, it seems, the smarter you feel without it...

Tagging fake news on Facebook doesn't work, study says
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a major new Yale University study finds that fact-checking and then tagging inaccurate news stories on social media doesn’t work... “disputed” tags made participants just 3.7 percentage points more likely to correctly judge headlines as false... Trump supporters and adults under 26... could actually end up increasing the likelihood that users wil…

Outrage .com – On Advertising – Medium
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outrage explodsd... because it allowed us to make the story about ourselves... we could effortlessly and instantaneously join a global conversation... attracted more agreement from our following than resentment, and invigorated our social capital. We were putting our best face forward, aligning ourselves with an ethical and moral high ground, virt…

The best shot at overcoming vaccination standoffs? Having doctors listen
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Clinicians should aim to understand parents’ values and engage in genuine, respectful conversations; these processes can help vaccine-hesitant parents feel heard and understood... Recognizing cognitive biases ... can also help ... omission bias may lead parents to blame themselves more if a child develops a vaccine-related side effect ... than ...…

Who Falls for Fake News? The Roles of Analytic Thinking, Motivated Reasoning, Political Ideology, and Bullshit Receptivity by Gordon Pennycook, David G. Rand :: SSRN

we investigate the cognitive psychological profile of individuals who fall prey to fake news. We find a consistent positive correlation between the propensity to think analytically – as measured by the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) – and the ability to differentiate fake news from real news ... suggests that factors that undermine the legitimac…

On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit

we focus on pseudo-profound bullshit, which consists of seemingly impressive assertions that are presented as true and meaningful but are actually vacuous. We presented participants with bullshit statements consisting of buzzwords randomly organized into statements with syntactic structure but no discernible meaning

Trump’s ‘Dangerous Disability’? It’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect - Bloomberg

the knowledge illusion is a common form of human fallibility, but Trump takes it to an exceptional degree... When asked to explain something, he changes the subject, his confidence in his knowledge unwavering... reflectivity... whether people are likely to be highly deluded about their own knowledge... Low scores on the reflectivity test correlat…

How to become better at smelling and avoiding the many varieties of bullshit – You Are Not So Smart
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In this episode we explore both of those concepts as well as what makes a person susceptible to bullshit, how to identify and defend against it, and what kind of people are the most and least likely to be bowled over by bullshit artists and other merchants of feel-good woo.

Arrange your time and tasks according to these seven categories, and you’ll be a creativity machine
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four “stages of control”: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification... The unconscious mind “Incubates” the information collected, and finds connections that lead to “Illumination”... If you arrange your creative work according to these seven categories, you can ease creative insights through the four stages of control.

This Is How Your Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit
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Every time you open your phone or your computer, your brain is walking onto a battleground... Your captive attention is worth billions ... This has actually changed how you see the world... walls of code have turned you into a predictable asset — a user that can be mined for attention... by focusing on one over-simplified metric, one that suppor…

The Tantalus Problem: Why More Cannot Make Us Happy
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Riches do not satisfy. They only bring desire for more riches.... Winning a lottery typically allows someone to live the life of his dreams. It turns out, though, that after an initial period of exhilaration, lottery winners end up about as happy as they previously were...victims of accidents, despite permanent injury, were soon as happy as they w…

Debunking in a world of tribes
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Our findings confirm the existence of echo chambers where users interact primarily with either conspiracy-like or scientific pages.... Only few conspiracy users engage with corrections and their liking and commenting rates on conspiracy posts increases after the interaction.

Being open-minded literally changes the way you see the world
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openness to new experiences is linked with creativity... we’re constantly filtering out what sensory information to focus on.... “The ‘gate’ that lets through the information that reaches consciousness may have a different level of flexibility... Open people appear to have a more flexible gate and let through more information than the average pers…

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