
Overview: Change & Project Management

Noone will notice your new communications, innovation or digital transformation strategy if you never implement it.

A new strategy implies change, so implementing it requires both project and change management. These are ideally integrated, so that change is rolled out across the organisations along with the new features, tools and processes.

I’ve been innovating online since 1995. Every online innovation involved planning for unknowns, coordinating experts who had never worked together before, and rolling out change across organisations.

So Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy..

Relevant resources

GE's FastWorks: agile product design & manufacture
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GE's FastWorks is "a framework for entrepreneurs, building on “The Lean Startup” ... an approach to developing new products that came out of “Agile” software development... It’s now being tried in manufacturing since GE and others believe that rapid learning cycles with customers will reduce the risk that you build something you can’t sell." Star…

What Frugal Innovators Do
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"Frugal innovation is more than a strategy. It denotes a new frame of mind: one that sees resource constraints not as a liability but as an opportunity — and one that favors agility over efficiency. Frugal organizations ... create good-quality solutions that deliver the greatest value to customers at the lowest cost... we have gleaned five valuab…

Making Work As Natural As Play

" What was simply needed was to tweak the ‘rules of the game’ and to incentivize the right people so as to drive the right behaviors. In other words, by turning a predictable work process that had always led to the corresponding predictable sub-optimal outcomes into something fresh that talked to people’s EQ, we managed to make ‘work as natural as…

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A fun interactive setting out the 'ideal team & process' required for building interactives. Rarely seen in real life, sadly. - One Approach Leading Interactive Expeditions: Eric Cade Schoenborn | Creative Director | Knight Foundation

Slack lets bosses read your messages
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"companies that subscribe to the Plus plan will be able to request every message that employees have sent on the service from that point forward, including direct messages to coworkers and a history of any changes you made to your messages." - Slack alters privacy policy to let bosses read your messages | The Verge

Chief Innovation Officers: Why? What? How?
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Quartz and The Economist on culturing innovation

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HR for the Connected Enterprise
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Make Your Employees Happier: Stretch Them
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Does employee engagement reinforce or create success?
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The Job of Leadership
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How To Create A Movement Within Your Organization
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Conversation and our Quest for Insight
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LessMeeting Resources for better meetings
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6 Steps to Fewer, Shorter and More Efficient Meetings
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Facebook and the fear of being judged

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Get a journalist for your newsroom

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Growth = Developers without Project Managers, email or meetings?
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"We couldn't understand why people without technical knowledge had to tell programmers "what" to do and, furthermore, they had to supervise "how" programmers did it." At last. Someone said it. And also quite a bit more about the timesucks that are meetings, email and commuting. These guys avoid all of them, work 4 days/week and are growing …

What is Employee Engagement?

"the biggest impact on competitive advantage comes not from products, processes or technology, but empowered employees. And with the lines between Internal and External Communication becoming increasingly blurred, ensuring your people are engaged and empowered has never been more critical.... Leading Internal Communication teams are already bla…

Start with user needs, not government needs
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"Government around the world is pretty good at thinking about its own needs — they often put their political needs followed by the policy needs. The actual machine of government comes second. The third need then generally becomes the system needs, so the IT or whatever system’s driving it... the user comes a poor fourth, really." Turning that ups…

Conflict Resolution: Being a Successful Manager
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"In a circumstance where two people who report to you are having an acrimonious disagreement, you will need a thoughtful approach with some options to resolve the problem. " - Conflict Resolution: Being a Successful Manager | LinkedIn

My Company Adopted a Holacracy
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Excellent insider's view of both theory & practice... "My first holacracy meeting made me want to quit my job. One year later, ... I can’t imagine going back to our old way of working.... a holacracy eschews titles and instead builds a chain of command based on the work that needs to be done. The group decides to distribute tasks. Those responsi…

Engineering Minimum Viable Inspiration. — Medium
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"this is the eternal founder dilemma — which hats do you wear, which ones do you give to others, which ones do you forget about? all in less time than you need, while your hair is on fire & your house is burning down. Choose. but there’s one job you can’t hand off to anyone else: setting the vision and inspiring your team. that job is yours & you…

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