More social media experts stride forth in Brussels

If I recall correctly, a lot of us in the euroblogosphere reacted to the announcement of the European Public Communication Conference and Network (EuropCom) with a mixture of scepticism, hope and amusement, particularly with the original launch video, which was so badly done I for one was actually charmed.

Scienceblogs: an inspirationally cautionary tale for EU social media? (updated)

When I came to Brussels in 1991 it was as a science writer. It remained my profession for many years, so when scienceblogs.com was launched in 2006 I checked it out ... but never really had the time to follow it. Now via another (ex?)science writer, I hear news of scienceblog's sudden implosion following a tragic loss of ethical compass.

Vacancies: Specialists required to build bridges

The lack of specialists in EU-oriented blogs is impeding the development of the European online public space.

That euroblogger influence survey (updated)

Any survey which lists my blog as a Top 20 'influential' blog (see Stuart's post and interview with the authors, and Jon's post) must be either very generous or not have more than 20 blogs to work with

Lisbon and the Euroblogosphere: my first use of the "c"-word

That's right - curation. Now officially Web2.0-buzzword-of-the-month (not quite sure which one).

More cool visualisation tools

Every now and then I see a neat new ways for displaying complex information simply and my inner child comes out. It really delights me that there are software and design geniuses out there, working together to provide visualisation tools for mere plebs like me to use. If I ever get the time.

How many eurobloggers can dance on the head of a pin?

So the debate about the Euroblogosphere, or the Eurosphere, or the European Public Sphere, or web2eu, or the European online public space, of whatever-we-call-it-next-week, has sparked again into life, like a Frankensteinian monster with dodgy spark plugs screwed into the base of its neck.

Astroturfing the Berlaymont

One of the topics I've been developing on this blog for quite some time came up at last week's get-together organised by the Belgian IABC chapter: the need (or not) for social media guidelines for EU staff.

Visualising complexity

I started out as a science journalist before moving to Europe, so I've always loved explaining complex things. Unfortunately, although I love words, they're often not enough - nothing beats an infographic, or better a narrated animation, to really get complex things across. Unfortunately, I'm a rubbish artist...

(When) Does EU blogging matter?

A Twitter conversation betweentwo much-followed EU-oriented bloggers over the weekend caught my eye. I won't identify them as you need to follow them on Twitter to see their tweets.It started when one asked whether anyone out there"still thinks that blogging is in any way likely to have an impact ... why should anyone listen to us? We st…

Poisoning the well for EU social media

PR firm interns posting fake reviews about iPhone apps for their clients. Ghost blogging and tweeting by just about everyone, including thought-leaders in social media.  Bloggers not disclosing sponsorship. It's just a matter of time before someone poisons the well for EU social media.

Raising the level of the debate

Over on Nosemonkey's blog, in yet another debate on the pros and cons of EU membership, Insideur is of the opinion that there is a real gap in the market, that Open Europe has sought but failed to fill, for serious, informed, and therefore constructive criticism of the EU

Creating trust by example

Over on the Belgian IABC's web2eu site, Philip Weiss embedded a TED video of Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody, discussing the revolutionary impact of social media. It's really so good I thought I'd repost it here and add some observations

On the EP's use of Web2.0 ...

Julien Frisch blogged about a very thoughtful post on writing for (y)EU by Steve, a web editor from the EP, who sounds distressingly like me (white, British, 40s and sceptical about the Generation Y definition of 'friend' despite having many) and seems to be coming down from a post-holiday Web2.0 overdose. The key paragraph, highlighted …

So, farewell thematic portals on EUROPA

Constructive discussions generally require good discussion documents. One of the Commission's major contributions to any European online space should therefore be a EUROPA that supports the conversations

Building Communities of Practice with Event-in-a-Box

Trans-European online Communities of Practice should become a key element in the European online community, but examples so far are few. This post looks at DG INFSO, which has been using online community principles since 2002, two years before the phrase "Web 2.0" was invented.

Thoughts on the European online community

Now and then the question arises: how can we get a transnational discourse on European topics underway, or create a European online public space? The two phrases in bold, above, both come from one of the latest posts on the topic, this time from Julien Frisch. They follow initiatives like Steffan's Bloggingportal.eu, which aggregates Euroblog…

A cluetrain manifesto for Europe?

Quite a few people look at me in quite a puzzled way when I mention how the techniques and approaches of online community management 'may have something to offer' the EU in terms of communications, but that this may require 'a change in mentality'. When they look like that, I say "You know, something along the lines of the…

Vacancy: EU Online Community Manager

Following rapid and significant expansion into new markets and sectors of governance and policy, innovative union of nation states ("European Union", or EU) seeks an experienced Online Community Manager to gain buy-in at all levels throughout our 27 Members, as well as with external stakeholders on a global level.

The semantic web and Europe

I stumbled upon a short video on the BBC of Tim Berners-Lee trying to explain the importance of the data web, aka semantic web, again. He himself says that he can't say where it will lead us, as it is paradigm changing. True - but I can think of a few applications that anyone interested in the EU should know about. I can't embed the vide…

Everything you (almost) wanted to know about twitter, part 1

OK, so sue me - I haven't posted in months. But I will post again soon, because the twittering is driving me nuts. I've been on twitter for around 18 months (since 7:24 AM Oct 18th, 2007, to be precise), and hardly ever used it. Didn't get the badge, didn't buy the t-shirt. Hell, if I can't find the time to blog on the blo…

User survey results, SmartCities Stakeholder Platform
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When you want to create a community, asking uses what they need is the best way to start. We launched the 1-page website, with user survey, newsletter signup and social, inside two weeks of winning the project. Everything we developed the following year (2010) was based on the results.

Financial crisis, innovation and European public services

[Note: this has been republished after it was lost during a software upgrade. Unfortunately, comments were lost. ;-( ] ReadWriteWeb published at the end of last year a thoughtful look at how the financial crisis may impact innovation in the online world:... we're clearly now at a point where the financial problems of the world will have a big…

Trust, the EU and Web 2.0

I was discussing online communities and the EU with some friends before Christmas, when a few interlinked thoughts and ideas popped up, stemming from an earlier post about "trust2". I thought I'd commit them to screen while they were fresh in my mind, and ask for some ideas.Trust and (election) turnoutGiven that election turnout is …

Losing our interiority in the blogosphere

I was reading Laurent's post What does it mean to become human?, but it was so long that I skipped to the end, illustrating exactly the point I wanted to make in this post. Laurent writes, amongst other things, about interiority:the capacity to reflect upon ourselves, others and the world, the whole of realityIt put a name to something I'…

Obama: A Man for all Bloggers (Blogtour)

So I thought it would be interesting, as the hysteria fades, to take a short, unrepresentative tour of how EU-oriented bloggers greeted Barak Obama's victory.This is by no means a scientific or exhaustive survey - just a few quotes and links - and it's highly unrepresentative because, of the acres of blogprint dedicated to the man, I…

Buzzword Watch: Trust 2.0 & the EU

Over on iBlog, Claus used a term that caught my attention:Networks such as ERRIN, which is funded by membership contributions and invests in what I would call “TRUST 2.0.”, help to establish that collective understanding and culture of cooperation and facilitate successful involvement in EU projects.While he freely admitted that "Trust 2.0 do…

Happy Birthday, Blogactiv!

By my reckoning, Blogactiv had its first birthday today... what really sticks in my memory was the eurosceptics. It led to an interesting experiment in handling certain types of online debate... The Pyjama People's immediate assumption was that Blogactiv was an EU-funded front company... CIA-style

Launching a EU policy blogging platform (2007)
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I lead the team that created Blogactiv.eu, the first blogging platform focused on EU policies

Piloting a thematic online architecture for the EU (2003-07)
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Project manager and architect of a successful pilot to reorganise EUROPA along thematic lines, so people could figure out What the EC did, Why and How, in areas of interest to them, without studying its labyrinthine internal structure.

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