Google’s brave new friendless feed
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Instead of having to look at what weird things other people are interested in... Google shows me the weird things I’m interested in... a fundamental shift in content consumption from curation based on our explicit choices to curation based on our implicit preferences mined from past behavior.

Being open-minded literally changes the way you see the world
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openness to new experiences is linked with creativity... we’re constantly filtering out what sensory information to focus on.... “The ‘gate’ that lets through the information that reaches consciousness may have a different level of flexibility... Open people appear to have a more flexible gate and let through more information than the average pers…

What the EU’s Mobile Roaming success taught me about innovation in bureaucracies
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EUrope’s success in eliminating mobile roaming charges may be the first “data4policy” case study where the data was website traffic, and illustrates the rewards of allowing innovation to flourish at the edges of large organisations.

Using social media appears to diversify your news diet, not narrow it » Nieman Journalism Lab

our analysis shows that social media use is clearly associated with incidental exposure to additional sources of news ... with more politically diverse news diets... The algorithms, of course, continually change... More sources does not necessarily mean more diverse... the majority in most countries and in most groups do not use sources from a…

Storylining: the best-kept secret of successful strategic communication
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Welcome to GAME — a four step process to improve the quality of your communications — and storylining, the step that comes before storytelling... moving straight to storytelling without first crafting strong, logical, persuasive key messages ... results in a ‘failure to communicate’ … when we don’t take the time to think from our audiences’ perspe…

Forget far-right populism – crypto-anarchists are the new masters
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The rise of the right is better seen as an early skirmish in a much longer, and far more significant, technology-led restructuring of our politics and society... Crypto-anarchists are mostly computer-hacking, anti-state libertarians ... believe that digital technology, provided citizens are able to use encryption themselves, is the route to a stat…

Building Great Bots: An Enterprise Chatbot Methodology
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This article focuses on the project management and bot building, more than on the coding and framework implementation.... The main feature, the core of your bot, can be one to three different intents... “A bot that does everything will be good at nothing.”

How Clients Sabotage Their Own Projects

some clients make it very, very difficult to work on their ideas... unknowingly sabotage their own projects.

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how to make anything accessible to anyone — Quartz
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The key to success, he says, is meeting your audience where they are. If you can relate to them, you can make them excited about anything... the people who are actively hostile to science. They pose the greatest challenge. But I’m not waking up saying ‘How can I get these people?’ I’m just offering what I do... My radio show, StarTalk probably ..…

Innovation Dynamics: Quick-Start Guide + Online Course
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Innovation Dynamics is the first systematic approach to real social innovation and solving people-problems. Purchase includes a beautifully-designed, printed quick-start guide and 90-days of online access... includes brief, animated instructional videos and an interactive workbook that can be printed for collaboration in teams.

How finding the right community can help your creativity - Crew Blog
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We may see ‘creativity’ as an individual trait... but real creativity depends on a community of likeminded people... what we call creativity is not the product of single individuals, but of social systems making judgements about individual’s products.... Brian Eno calls this community a ‘scenius’—a group of creative individuals who make up an ‘eco…

What does it mean to ask for an “explainable” algorithm?
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algorithms don’t provide an “explanation” for their results or the results aren’t “interpretable.”  ... different people mean different things when they ask for an explanation of an algorithm’s results... Surely an algorithm is more knowable than a brain... I can think of at least four types of explainability problems.

On Bullshit (pdf)

One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.

The Bullshitter-in-Chief
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to lie presumes a kind of awareness of and interest in the truth ... to convince the audience that the false thing you are saying is in fact true. Trump... isn’t interested in convincing anyone of anything. He’s a bullshitter who simply doesn’t care... he’s not really trying to persuade people that this is true. It’s a test to see who around him …

A Strategist’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence
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consider the three main ways that businesses can or will use AI:• Assisted intelligence, now widely available, improves what people and organizations are already doing.• Augmented intelligence, emerging today, enables organizations and people to do things they couldn’t otherwise do.• Autonomous intelligence, being developed for the future, creates…

Climbing Out Of Facebook's Reality Hole
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The problem with connecting everyone on the planet is that a lot of people are assholes. The issue with giving just anyone the ability to live broadcast to a billion people is that someone will use it to shoot up a school. You have to plan for these things. You have to build for the reality we live in, not the one we hope to create....digital laye…

Does Facebook Make Us Unhappy and Unhealthy?

researchers found that the more people use Facebook, the less healthy they are and the less satisfied with their lives... monitored the mental health and social lives of 5,208 adults over two years... Using Facebook was tightly linked to compromised social, physical and psychological health... each statistical jump ... in “liking” other people’s p…

Facebook is broken | TechCrunch
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The more you engage with a particular kind of post, the more you will see its ilk... eventually constructs a small “in-group” cluster of Facebook friends and topics that dominate your feed... causes your behavior to change... reinforcing their in-group status… ... because “engagement” is the metric, Facebook inevitably selects for the shocking an…

Data explorer - European Commission
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The data explorer provides an overview of the current state of play of European businesses as regards digital transformation.

27 best websites and resources for startup founders
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From talking and working with founders, a number of websites regularly come up as go-to resources for startups. So we’ve put together a cheat sheet of the 27 best websites and resources for startup founders…

The Government Starts an Incubator: The National Science Foundation Innovation Corps
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one of the most audacious experiments in entrepreneurship since World War II.They launched an incubator for the top scientists and engineers in the U.S.This week we saw the results.63 scientists and engineers in 21 teams made 2,000 customer calls in 8 weeks, turning laboratory ideas into formidable startups. 19 of the 21 teams are moving forward i…

Beware BackFiring when Battling Bullshit
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Fighting people with facts only makes them cling to their beliefs more strongly, further polarising our damaged societies. Different tactics are needed, and they start closer to home than you think.

Blockchains are the new Linux, not the new internet
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blockchains today aren’t like the internet in 1996; they’re more like Linux in 1996... vastly more democratic, and more technically compelling, than ... internet of today. Similarly, open-source Linux was vastly more democratic, and more technically compelling, than the Microsoft and Apple OSes that ruled computing at the time. But nobody used it …

The Lean Startup Is Doing More Than Transforming Business, It’s Changing The World
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it struck me how much more effective the lean startup process can be for an established firm. It’s much easier to do customer development when you already have loyal customers ... That’s what makes the ideas behind the lean startup so important. Whether you are a startup, an established company or a social enterprise, you need to identify a custom…

Why Tom Kelley of IDEO is the ultimate disciple of ‘design thinking’
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we talk with Tom Kelly, a partner at IDEO, about the definition of innovation, how to take back your creative confidence, and the habits that can shape not only your current design team, but the up-and-coming design leaders of the world.

Tumblr for diplomats – Digital Diplomacy – Medium
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the use of Tumblr by the U.S. Department of State, which is quite active on the platform, shows a keen interest mostly in infographics and videos, but uses less GIFs, or animated GIF images, then the previous administration... why GIFs can be key in the storytelling process: contextualize a quote or event; condense information, time, or process; c…

Facebook deflates filter bubbles by letting you follow topics, not just Pages | TechCrunch
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a “Topics to Follow” box in the News Feed that lets you swipe through a range of themes... Tapping “Follow” brings you to a dedicated feed for that theme populated by a collection of Pages ... tap through to see all the Pages you’ll then see public posts from in your main feed... Facebook could expose people to contrarian views that might make the…

Facebook shrinks filter bubbles with alternate news sources in Trending | TechCrunch
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instead of highlighting a single news outlet when you click through to a Trending topic, Facebook will now show a carousel of the other most popular articles written about the subject by different publishers... that could backfire by showing you more biased sources than you’d normally read. Not every fact needs an “alternative” take.

The Debunking Handbook

summary of the literature that offers practical guidelines on the most effective ways of reducing the influence of myths. The Debunking Handbook boils the research down into a short, simple summary, intended as a guide for communicators

Study: You Can't Change an Anti-Vaxxer's Mind | Mother Jones
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Vaccine denial is dangerous... you might think it would be of the utmost importance to try to talk some sense into these people. But there's a problem: According to a major new study in the journal Pediatrics, trying to do so may actually make the problem worse.

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