
Overview: Social Web

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The Deep Truth about “Fake News” – Medium
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... no one has direct access to reality. The real world is nearly impossible to see in this maelstrom ... because human minds need to “construct” their own version of reality — and each of us does this within a community of shared experiences and beliefs... there are many social worlds and each is built on its own version of what is real and true.…

Fake news is a convenient scapegoat, but the big 2016 problem was the real news - Vox
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the idea that fake news was central to the outcome of the campaign has little basis in fact... it’s mostly likely to be shared by people who have already bought into a partisan or ideological worldview... Clinton’s campaign ... problem was ... coverage that dwelled overwhelmingly on a bullshit email server scandal, devoted far fewer resources to…

The real history of fake news
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Broadsides against fake news amount to a rearguard action from an industry fending off competitors who don’t play by the same rules... an independent, powerful, widely respected news media establishment is an historical anomaly... Fake news is but one symptom of that shift back to historical norms... Just as Watergate gave the media a bright stor…

Why do we fall for fake news?
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fake news wouldn’t be a problem if people didn’t fall for it and share it. Unless we understand the psychology of online news consumption, we won’t be able to find a cure... online news readers don’t ... care about the importance of journalistic sourcing ... “professional gatekeeping.”... I mocked up a news site and showed four groups of partici…

Trump Supporters Are Trying to Reclaim 'Fake News'
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For a term that is suddenly everywhere, “fake news” is fairly slippery... government propaganda designed to look like independent journalism... any old made-up bullshit ... a hoax meant to make a larger point... only ... when it shows up on a platform like Facebook as legitimate news? What about conspiracy theorists ... satire intended to entertai…

Fake News: Be Careful What You Wish For – Whither news? – Medium
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Do we really want to set up Facebook or Google as censors ... to decide what is real and fake, true and false?

Facebook’s failure: did fake news and polarized politics get Trump elected? | Technology | The Guardian
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information bubbles didn’t burst on 8 November, but ... mainstream media and polling systems underestimated the power of alt-right news sources and smaller conservative sites that largely rely on Facebook to reach an audience... fake news is not a uniquely Republican problem... What is ... is the validation given to fake news by the now president-…

Exclusive: Riding Trump wave, Breitbart News plans U.S., European expansion | Reuters

Breitbart News Network is expanding its U.S. operations and launching sites in Germany and France... as it seeks to monetize the anger and anti-immigrant sentiment unleashed by Donald Trump’... Milo Yiannopoulos is ... explore launching a new television show... an opening to tap ... a wave of American populism similar to forces driving Britain …

Does 2016 have only one Top1c? (Nov 10)
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How to make sense of Donald Trump’s election? Here are some articles which helped me. Maybe they’ll help you.

How the Internet Is Loosening Our Grip on the Truth
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many of us have burrowed into our own echo chambers of information. In a recent Pew Research Center survey, 81 percent of respondents said that partisans not only differed about policies, but also about “basic facts.”... if you study the dynamics of how information moves online today, pretty much everything conspires against truth... when confron…

We the People: the charms and contradictions of populism
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Two convergent trends are making populism a potent negative force. First, democracies have morphed into unrepresentative plutocracies that lead growing numbers of people to feel shut out and voiceless... Media ... business model is now based on social media and clicks, not facts. Clicks depend on theatrical performance, stunts, celebrity, ent…

The forces that drove this election’s media failure are likely to get worse » Nieman Journalism Lab

Segregated social universes, an industry moving from red states to the coasts, and mass media’s revenue decline: The disconnect between two realities shows no sign of abating... American political discourse in 2016 seemed to be running on two self-contained, never-overlapping sets of information... today’s media ecosystem encourage that separatio…

Does it matter if Facebook is a tech company or a media company?
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The debate on whether Facebook is a media company or not is not new... My take: it matters how users perceive Facebook, not how others — Facebook insiders or not — define it.

Media should rethink coverage in wake of Brexit vote
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voters feel let down by the BBC’s coverage being hampered by impartiality rules... we are entering, as the Americans seem to have entered, an era of identity politics where the politicians, the campaigners, are seeking by a process of nods and winks to let you know: ‘Hey, this is where you belong. Your people are here.’”

Younger adults prefer to get their news in text, not video, according to new data from Pew Research » Nieman Journalism Lab

“So far, the growth around online video news seems to be largely driven by technology, platforms, and publishers rather than by strong consumer demand,”

4 charts: The state of publisher referral traffic from LinkedIn
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Referral traffic to publishers from LinkedIn ... has been on a steady uptick... In January, publishers saw traffic to their sites from LinkedIn explode, in some cases tripling...puts LinkedIn into the top-10 referrers of the web... Publishers are now in a better position to make decisions on LinkedIn editorial strategy... a very particular traffi…

'Facebook needs an editor': media experts urge change after photo dispute | Technology | The Guardian
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Facebook wants to have the responsibility of a publisher but also to be seen as a neutral carrier of information that is not in the position of making news judgments... when Facebook was still censoring the napalm photo ... the site’s trending bar began posting ... a story suggesting September 11 were caused by a “controlled demolition”.

Facebook Says Suspension Of Libertarian Groups Was An “Error
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Another controversial Facebook takedown, another muddy explanation for an erroneous removal.

Axel Springer chief warns traditional media risk extinction
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“a monopoly of content distribution that will be mainly driven by user-generated content, and by professional content by commercially interested players.... pretty traumatic scenario of information or propaganda. It will be very painful for democracies.”

Why Facebook is public enemy number one for newspapers, and journalism | Media | The Guardian
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“the news on Facebook is what Facebook says it is.”... before the arrival of the internet news in newspapers was what newspapers said it was... the controllers of news outlets - newspapers, TV and radio, online - make choices about what to publish and, more significantly, what not to publish. Facebook’s increasing dominance over advertising is c…

Did Facebook Just Deliver a Crushing Blow to Native Advertising?
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One small tag for Facebook, one giant disaster for your favorite publishers... For publishers sharing native ads ... have to tag the brand in the post... that brand’s marketing team gets access to the post’s insights... allow savvy marketers to calculate just how big a margin publishers are taking on these campaigns — and potentially walk away fe…

Lessons from the Facebook Live experiments at International Business Times UK | Media news
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Since Facebook made its livestreaming feature widely available earlier this year, publishers have been experimenting with on-the-spot video in a variety of ways... we are starting a series of in-depth articles chronicling their experiments IBTimes UK has been working on three different live video formats: Q&As; with columnists and reporters, panel…

How 3 publishers are using Instagram stories for visually compelling storytelling » Nieman Journalism Lab

media outlets are using different strategies when it comes to Instagram Stories versus Snapchat... I talked with The New York Times, National Geographic, and Sports Illustrated ... to understand how they are trying to make use of Instagram Stories for a new kind of visual narrative.

Facebook Versus the Media
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Facebook found itself in the middle of another media controversy last week... like watching an old couple fight: they are nominally talking about the same episode, but in reality both are so wrapped up in their own issues and grievances that they are talking past each other... Facebook screwed this up. But that doesn’t change the fact that Facebo…

'Dat cheeeeeeeze': How publishers from the HuffPost to The New York Times are using Instagram Stories
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three days after Instagram debuted Stories... publishers of every stripe have pounced on the opportunity to show off some more off-beat storytelling sensibilities.

Translating and Promoting Medium Stories
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The feature enables Medium users to volunteer to translate Medium stories into the language of their choice. Approved translators see a “Translate” button on Medium stories and clicking that button clones the post and seeds the clone with a Google translate version of the story in the language that they select. They then go in and make the Google …

Trash talk: how Twitter is shaping the new politics | Technology | The Guardian
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You may not care about social media now, but if you read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, then it’s shaping your world already... The real game is hardening your own support in ways dramatic enough to be picked up by the mass media ... the easiest way of doing that is to pick a rollicking fight... Lacking an established political mac…

Facebook is a media company, not a journalism company - Business Insider
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Facebook is a weird beast that a lot of journalists still don't understand. That is because it has taken the definition of "news" back to the era before mass media even existed. Yet, as a business, it looks exactly like a mass-media company and competes aggressively for the same advertising budgets... Facebook's flirtation with journalism wasn't d…

Losing my religion
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Brexit, as experienced by a British-Australian comms guy in Brussels.

Building a Better News Feed for You | Facebook Newsroom
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Today, we’re announcing an update to News Feed that helps you see more posts from your friends and family.

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