
Overview: Business

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Can LLMs Generate Novel Research Ideas?

A Large-Scale Human Study with 100 NLP Researchers

Introducing GPTs

OpenAI rolled out "custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose... GPTs are a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful ... at specific tasks". Built with no-code via chat.openai.com/create, you can share your GPT, and even monetise it, via their GPT Store later this month.Th…

1000x one part of yourself
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"My advice: Jump headfirst into AI with everything you’ve got."

The Jellyfish and the Flatworm. A Story About AI Strategy
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Is your organization more like a jellyfish or a flatworm?The author's "Jellyfish and Flatworm story has been remarkably effective at helping ... [executives] visualize the impact of AI on their customers, their products, and their employees... this story is about why Knowledge Representation (KR) must be the core of any cost-effective lo…

How knowledge graphs improve generative AI | InfoWorld

"despite the immense potential of LLMs, they come with a range of challenges... hallucinations, the high costs associated with training and scaling, the complexity of addressing and updating them, their inherent inconsistency, the difficulty of conducting audits and providing explanations, predominance of English language content... [they…

Navigating the Jagged Technological Frontier: Field Experimental Evidence of the Effects of AI on Knowledge Worker Productivity and Quality
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insights into the complex relationship between AI and knowledge work, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of AI's role in enhancing productivity and quality in different task domains - Harpa

AI tools as science policy advisers? The potential and the pitfalls
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Asks: could LLMs be used to "create tools that sift and summarize scientific evidence for policymaking... [for] knowledge brokers providing presidents, prime ministers, civil servants and politicians with up-to-date information on how science and technology intersects with societal issues... [who must] nimbly navigate ... millions of scientif…

AI in Obsidian — The Correct Way to Generate Ideas
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"how can you use ChatGPT to generate ideas and brainstorm within Obsidian?", which is currently my note-taking tool of choice. First, some generic advice for prompting:"be specific about the outcome that you want to achieve... providing a prompt that contains more descriptive language ...give preceding prompts ... [specify the] resp…

AI is not good software. It is pretty good people.
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Etan Mollick with "A pragmatic approach to thinking about AI", taking issue with the idea that "since AI is made of software, it should be treated like other software. But AI is terrible software... We want our software to yield the same outcomes every time", which LLMs clearly don't.He makes a couple of other arguments (w…

AI is not good software. It is pretty good people.

Etan Mollick with "A pragmatic approach to thinking about AI", taking issue with the idea that "since AI is made of software, it should be treated like other software. But AI is terrible software... We want our software to yield the same outcomes every time", which LLMs clearly don't.He makes a couple of other arguments (w…

Thinking About Organizational Change with ChatGPT

"effectively deploying these capabilities for our organization... build skills, processes, and structures to effectively leverage these tools’ advantages:"identify processes benefiting from LLMs (content)implement processes to ensure content accuracy, security"identify roles that will be displaced and identify upskilling" requi…

It's Time for ChatGPT Policies
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"But all good comes with new risks. With conversational AI, this includes data leakage, IP ownership conflicts and reproducibility requirements. Team members must be aware ... how and when to use it and the corporate policies around appropriate use... key questions your organization should be asking:"what can(not) you ask an AI tool?how …

Using ChatGPT to extract intelligent insights from multiple documents

"“Document Search Chatbot” ... field common questions (FAQ’s) based on the content of several documents.... Azure Search to extract and rank key highlights from a set of text documents based on a user query. This user query and Azure Search results are then passed to OpenAI to be interpreted and formatted into a chat based response..."Wh…

🤖 I tested Miro AI’s mind map feature for ideation and it’s awesome! | by Erik van der Pluijm | Pitchlab | Mar, 2023 | Medium

A sneak peek at Miro's new AI features for ideation and innovation, including their "AI powered mindmap... mind map with AI assistance"."While ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for generating ideas... the linear nature of chat threads" clashes with ideation's nonlinear nature, & "the sheer volume of ideas genera…

A step-by-step guide to building a chatbot based on your own documents with GPT
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" a step-by-step guide for building a document Q&A chatbot in an efficient way with llama-index and GPT API... ask the bot in natural language about your own documents/data... [see it] retrieving info from the documents and generating a response [1]... customer support, synthesizing user research, your personal knowledge management"K…

I Built an AI Chatbot Based On My Favorite Podcast
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This piece captures and then explores exactly what I've always thought about the future direction of myhub.ai: imagine what would happen if you had your own personal AI assistant operating across your content - your public posts, private library (including content shared from friends, stuff in your reading queue, etc.) and the wider web, emph…

Everyone's having a field day with ChatGPT – but nobody knows how it actually works
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Is ChatGPT creator OpenAI "a potential Google slayer. Why look up something on a search engine when ChatGPT can write a whole paragraph explaining the answer?" It's very capable, but "struggles to distinguish between truth and falsehood... often a persuasive liar... a bit like autocomplete on your phone... trained on pretty muc…

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