
Overview: Media

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Tagging fake news on Facebook doesn't work, study says
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a major new Yale University study finds that fact-checking and then tagging inaccurate news stories on social media doesn’t work... “disputed” tags made participants just 3.7 percentage points more likely to correctly judge headlines as false... Trump supporters and adults under 26... could actually end up increasing the likelihood that users wil…

Is my Medium membership worth it? – John Metta – Medium
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A few people have asked me recently whether my Medium membership is worth it... We’re trying to fight the dark forces of advertising that are destroying our minds and democracy.

Ev Williams on Medium’s Spotify-ish future, why publishers left, and why he changed his mind about ads » Nieman Journalism Lab

the future that Medium founder and CEO Ev Williams sees ... doesn’t include advertising, not even the native advertising that was a key piece of Medium’s plan ... a Spotify-ish model that pools subscribers’ $5 monthly contributions and doles them out to a select group of creators based on how many “claps” the creators get... once they’re in the …

The Cost of a Clap
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A Mathematical Journey Into How Medium Payment [Probably] Works for Premium Authors

It's time to #pay4content
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It’s time to #pay4content, which is why I’m wearing The Oatmeal’s t-shirt and brandishing the YANSS book on Bondi beach. Next time you read and use something from an independent content creator (like I did for my #backfire post), find a way of supporting them.

Now on Medium: Daily Stories from Leading Publishers
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Since launching Medium membership, our primary focus has been on funding the creation of exclusive content ... to empower writers and publishers to produce original content directly for our paying members and earn money based on depth of reader engagement... we’re partnering with many publishers we love to bring you... curated selections from The…

Countering Fake News
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how do we put the genie back in its bottle? Here are three approaches... If the first model leaves it to the legislator and ultimately the courts to decide what constitutes fake news, the second outsources responsibility to social media.... Instead of killing the story, you surround that story with related articles so as to provide more context a…

Why you need a Personal Content Strategy
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Whether you read, curate or create, you need to manage the content that matters to you if you want to extract maximum benefit from it.

The sixth scenario and Juncker’s white paper
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6th Scenario – More EuropeanismDemocracy needs an identity foundation that binds individuals into the demos... Europe does not have that. The proof?... There are no successful pro-European populists!The local and particular cannot be based on the general and universal.... There has to be something more ...

Our left-right media divide told through Charlottesville
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After violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 12, media coverage differed on what aspect of the event to cover... we looked at what partisan Twitter users shared ... found a clear split ... Despite the split narratives ... the voting base has been less conflicted.

The real fake news
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Financial incentive is key to Silverman’s understanding of fake news, which he defines as online misinformation that is completely false, created to deceive and economically motivated. If online misinformation is being created for ideological reasons it’s propaganda... delegitimising legitimate journalism... through delegitimising organisations t…

Platforms wield a worrying amount of power over news and information. Can a more decentralized web help? » Nieman Journalism Lab

platforms like Facebook have ... amassed unprecedented gatekeeping powers ... Can new decentralized systems with no single point of control... be a remedy? A new report ... concludes that “protecting the future of speech online involves not only these ambitious experiments in decentralization, but the cultivation of an ecosystem of competing publi…

The best shot at overcoming vaccination standoffs? Having doctors listen
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Clinicians should aim to understand parents’ values and engage in genuine, respectful conversations; these processes can help vaccine-hesitant parents feel heard and understood... Recognizing cognitive biases ... can also help ... omission bias may lead parents to blame themselves more if a child develops a vaccine-related side effect ... than ...…

Where is the Web Going?

The next stage of the web is the Curated Web... create massive opportunities for entrepreneurs who see the trend... characterized by a fundamentally different value to users than the social web... Web 1.0 was characterized by content published from one-to-many and social media was about easily creating and sharing content, from many-to-many, the c…

About that VICE Charlottesville documentary – Ranjan Roy – Medium
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Rupert Murdoch invested $70 million into VICE in August 2013... a portfolio company of the media genius that created the entire right wing tabloid machine’s is convincing a whole other demographic that the world is coming to an end. Anger and fear sell... exaggerated characters that create an extreme view of reality. It’s an appeal to your most b…

Who Falls for Fake News? The Roles of Analytic Thinking, Motivated Reasoning, Political Ideology, and Bullshit Receptivity by Gordon Pennycook, David G. Rand :: SSRN

we investigate the cognitive psychological profile of individuals who fall prey to fake news. We find a consistent positive correlation between the propensity to think analytically – as measured by the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) – and the ability to differentiate fake news from real news ... suggests that factors that undermine the legitimac…

On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit

we focus on pseudo-profound bullshit, which consists of seemingly impressive assertions that are presented as true and meaningful but are actually vacuous. We presented participants with bullshit statements consisting of buzzwords randomly organized into statements with syntactic structure but no discernible meaning

Trump’s ‘Dangerous Disability’? It’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect - Bloomberg

the knowledge illusion is a common form of human fallibility, but Trump takes it to an exceptional degree... When asked to explain something, he changes the subject, his confidence in his knowledge unwavering... reflectivity... whether people are likely to be highly deluded about their own knowledge... Low scores on the reflectivity test correlat…

How to become better at smelling and avoiding the many varieties of bullshit – You Are Not So Smart
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In this episode we explore both of those concepts as well as what makes a person susceptible to bullshit, how to identify and defend against it, and what kind of people are the most and least likely to be bowled over by bullshit artists and other merchants of feel-good woo.

Fake News in Social Networks
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exposing agents to the possibility of fake news can be an effective way to curtail the spread of fake news in social networks. Our results also highlight that information about the users' private beliefs and their social network structure can be extremely valuable to adversaries and should be well protected.

Inside The Partisan Fight For Your News Feed
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How ideologues, opportunists, growth hackers, and internet marketers built a massive new universe of partisan news on the web and on Facebook... publishers are generating hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in revenue, with small operations easily earning five figures thanks to one website and at least one associated Facebook page... since T…

How To – The Coral Project Guides
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Communities for Newsroom - Guides on: Manage ModerationUse Smart MetricsBuild Newsroom Skills

Google Glass 2.0 and the Future of Augmented Reality
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Google announced the return of Glass as Glass Enterprise Edition... a hands-free device, for hands-on workers... AR will stream into every niche where ... ‘hands on’ workers can apply AR... the consumer application of voice will benefit eyeables greatly... AR and voice represents the next computing platform... casually wearing AR goggles as we g…

Will AR/VR Replace Travel & Tourism? – IoT For All – Medium
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Hotels are beginning to use 360 photos and video to promote their spaces over the flat-photos Google Images provides. Many museums are utilizing technologies like the Hololens to place items, such as full-scale ships, within small buildings. Visitor bureaus, both small and large, are using the ability to envelope potential tourists in an action-pa…

We’re creating a Facebook Group to debate American politics
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with a group, I as a community editor will have much more control and freedom over managing the discussion.... Here are some of the more interesting ways that publishers are using this feature:

This Is How Your Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit
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Every time you open your phone or your computer, your brain is walking onto a battleground... Your captive attention is worth billions ... This has actually changed how you see the world... walls of code have turned you into a predictable asset — a user that can be mined for attention... by focusing on one over-simplified metric, one that suppor…

Forget Breitbart: the White House has a new favorite rightwing media outlet | Media | The Guardian
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Circa has attracted special attention from other news outlets for a series of scoops on the progress of the Russian investigation that many saw as shoring up the administration’s narrative.

Considering 2030: Misinformation, verification, and propaganda
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What will misinformation look like in 2030? The full report... includes some ideas for how Wikipedia can fight “misinformation and censorship...:

Predatory Journals Hit By 'Star Wars' Sting - Neuroskeptic

A number of so-called scientific journals have accepted a Star Wars-themed spoof paper. The manuscript is an absurd mess of factual errors, plagiarism and movie quotes. I know because I wrote ... a spoof manuscript about “midi-chlorians” – the fictional entities which live inside cells and give Jedi their powers in Star Wars.

The Future of Augmented Reality Ain’t Pokemon Go
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Meta is betting wholly on productivity and the enterprise... over 400 enterprise buyers of his first AR headset... were almost unanimously focused on productivity... he wears his Meta headset throughout the working day... AR’s first killer app in the enterprise, he offers collaborative 3D

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