Destroy Your Inner Multitasker
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Intention is a powerful force. But this force has its own special foes.Distraction. Multitasking. These weaken your ability to execute on your goals. What if you could get the power of setting intention, plus the superpower of beating distractions?... Niklas Goeke is going to show you how. - Destroy Your Inner Multitasker — Productivity Dea…

How We Use Data to Suggest Tags for Your Story — Data Lab — Medium
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Just as you’re about to publish your draft, we’ll suggest a couple tags for you to use based on what you’ve writte... to increase the number of tagged posts on Medium, but also to help users discover the right tags to use... In our algorithm, we use what is called a nearest neighbors approach... to compare posts... representing posts as vector…

Social Media: Beginner's Guide
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We hope you'll find this to be one of the most comprehensive social media resources available, and that no matter what your skill level is, there's plenty in here to help you improve your social presence. - Social Media: The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz

Change Needed for Commenting That Favors the ‘Verified’

NYTimes' “verified commenters.”... few hundred people whose comments are posted without moderation can end up dominating the reader commenting system... causes quite understandable resentment among thousands of others...Because they go up first, their comments are almost guaranteed to get the most exposure, “and hence rise to the top and be seen …

5 things the media does to manufacture outrage
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So is the world any more “outraged” than it’s always been? Nah. We’re just getting toyed with. - 5 things the media does to manufacture outrage. — Medium

Silver: Lightweight Mobile Prototyping in Sketch 3
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Silver is a combination of an iOS app, a Mac app, and a Sketch Plugin that seamlessly communicate with each other to make your mobile design process as smooth as possible - Introducing Silver : Lightweight Mobile Prototyping in Sketch 3 — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium

How do you organise communications skills?
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The number and diversity of communications skills needed to implement a communications strategy never stops growing. How are you organising them?

How to tell powerful narratives on Instagram
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the Instagram experience, with its constant flow of images and text boxes, presented an alternative story geometry that demanded from me new things. Shorter stories... a deeper consideration of photographs and the rich, nuanced ways that words and pictures work together. ... a powerful, unexpected, and mostly underutilized storytelling tool...…

Why Instagram Captions Are the New Blogging
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People are increasingly turning toward Instagram not just as a place to post filtered photos, but to spill their lives and thoughts into the captions as well... if you’re already posting pretentious, evocative images, you’re more likely to be in an artsy-musings state of mind... Facebook, at 1.5 billion users, has felt cacophonous and impersona…

How Innovative Is Your Company’s Culture?
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After studying innovation among 759 companies... found that corporate culture was a much more important driver of radical innovation than labor, capital, government or national culture... what is an innovative corporate culture? And ... is there any way you can build one? This article addresses both questions by offering a simple model of the k…

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Practices, research, and ideas from Google and other organizations to put people first. re:Work is organized around some of the biggest ways you can make an impact in your workplace. Each subject contains guides, with tools and insights, for addressing specific challenges.

Engagement is Relational, not Transactional
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focusing less on how audiences interact with content on the screen but more about how, because of stories, we engage with each other as a community. Less transaction, more relation; less on audience, more on community... in 2003 I launched the initial version of Interactive Narratives ... Finding inspiring multimedia work was one benefit. But f…

What Is Disruptive Innovation?
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disruption theory is in danger of becoming a victim of its own success. Despite broad dissemination, the theory’s core concepts have been widely misunderstood and its basic tenets frequently misapplied... refinements over the past 20 years appear overshadowed by the popularity of the initial formulation... too many people who speak of “disrupt…

How to develop Smart City strategies in large European cities

Two successful cases that have allowed to outline a step-by-step roadmap in which a possible approach for developing smart city strategies in large European cities is described. - Urban regeneration in the digital era: how to develop Smart City strategies in large European cities | Luca Mora, PhD | LinkedIn

How to Thrive in the Live Streaming Revolution
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Customers today can spot a phony from a mile away, and brand success will require that companies foster real, authentic connections that mirror human relationships... The live streaming revolution will be awkward. It will be messy. It will be funny, and it will be sad. And all of that is exactly what customers want... there’s something pure an…

The scientists with reasons to be cheerful
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Things that happen in an instant are mostly bad ... this earthquake or that horrible murder. ... But once you turn to statistics it gets much harder to have a pessimistic story... The kind of maths that people are taught at school focuses on algebra and calculus, which they hardly ever use later in life... You use statistics all the time - T…

'Trust' in News = Affirmation
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Americans say they want accuracy and impartiality, but the polls suggest ... most of us are seeking affirmation. Americans want the news to be patriotic ... The news media is most valued when it reflects our best selves... the Internet has ... enabled us to construct digital silos, battlements from which... we fire invective on the people below…

FarmShare: community-supported agriculture using blockchains
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FarmShare is a decentralized platform for community-supported agriculture (CSA) organizations, using the blockchain to tokenize shares and enable community governance... enable communities to buy, sell and trade cryptographic tokens that can be exchanged for weekly deliveries of locally produced organic food... an evolution of the CSA model ...…

Want a Better Pitch? Master the Move
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Take a look at any successful sales pitch, investor pitch, or marketing message, and you’ll nearly always find the Move... can make your website messaging more engaging, your positioning more powerful, and your product collateral more effective. - Want a Better Pitch? Master the “Move.” — Firm Narrative — Medium

The Superhuman Guide to Twitter Advanced Search: 23 Hidden Ways
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Twitter has an amazing, yet somewhat little-known Advanced Search tool to help you find exactly what we’re looking for. Looking to find your next customers? ... Want to measure the happiness of your current customers? Advanced Search is what you need... some top tips and tricks to help your business win with Twitter Advanced Search. - The Su…

Communication usually fails, except by accident
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the human communications equivalent of Murphy’s Laws. - If communication can fail, it will. - If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm. - There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message. - The more communication there is, the more difficu…

Death of Hyperlink: The Aftermath
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Mark Zuckerberg proves not to be a fan of links... On Facebook, he doesn’t encourage you to link. On Instagram, he has simply forbidden them. He is quashing the hyperlink, thereby killing the interconnected, decentralized, outward network of text known as the World Wide Web. Facebook likes you to stay within it. Videos are now embedded in Faceb…

El País goes to war with the New York Times – POLITICO
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this week El País pulled the plug on Aguilar’s column after he told the New York Times that the Spanish newspaper’s financial problems were compromising its editorial line... there are people so exasperated that they’re leaving, sometimes even with the feeling that the situation has reached levels of censorship.” - El País goes to war with t…

BBC told to emulate Buzzfeed by producing 'informal' short videos
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BBC journalists have been told to follow youth-friendly media such as Buzzfeed and Vice by making more “dynamic” and “informal” short videos in which the reporter acts as “a friend” to the viewer... “snappy, energetic” films of between 60 and 90 seconds that will be more popular with viewers watching on mobile phones... 60 per cent of its digit…

Homo sapiens will be split into a handful of gods and the rest of us
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a new 300-page report ... looks at the likely effects of a robot revolution... huge numbers of jobs being wiped out: up to 35% of all workers in the UK and 47% of those in the US, including white-collar jobs... The longer you look, the more you find computers displacing simple work... while some jobs are replaced, new ones spring up that focu…

Meet “dialogue,” the new front in the Internet commenting wars

People who advocate for comments on social media ... often argue that Twitter and Facebook engender higher-quality discussion in part because commenters are (usually) attached to real names ... [but] Twitter trolls are rampant, too. And a retweet or quick comment isn’t exactly the same as a thoughtful response. So recently we’ve seen a couple o…

Parting #hottakes on the life cycle of the media business

Extinction-level events have more or less become the new normal in the news business... journalism should have been wiped out by now. And yet it’s surprisingly resilient ... necessary to step back from the #contentwars and start, well, building new things. Every minute spent debating whether bloggers are journalists... is time not spent making …

Tech Is Eating Media. Now What?
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news operations  are... losing a degree of ownership over their audiences... the number of people they reach is potentially greater than ever [but] through much larger third parties... coming to terms with just how directly their industry’s business model is coming into competition with that of their new, and much larger, partners... The tec…

A Digital Team Is Helping Obama Find His Voice Online
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looking for ways to bring his voice directly to people... a balance of focusing on the president’s priorities and being flexible and opportunistic as conversations are happening online ... to open the White House, to pull the curtains back and show people how government works... data metrics showed how his appearances on social media — like You…

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