
Overview: Social Web

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Fake news. It's complicated. - First Draft News
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the term fake doesn’t begin to describe the complexity of the different types of misinformation (the inadvertent sharing of false information) and disinformation (the deliberate creation and sharing of information known to be false)... once you start breaking these categories down and mapping them against one another you begin to see distinct patt…

Seeking truth among 'alternative facts'
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There are always “alternative facts.” What matters is how we decide which of those alternative facts are most likely to be true... Conway’s statement based ... on a much older tradition of deciding what is true: the argument from authority.... the culmination of a long retreat from the scientific perspective on truth... pitted against creationist…

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
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If reason is designed to generate sound judgments, then it’s hard to conceive of a more serious design flaw than confirmation bias... a trait that should have been selected against. ... it must have some adaptive function... related to our “hypersociability.” ... Living in small bands of hunter-gatherers, our ancestors were primarily concerned wit…

I’m a Scientist. This is What I’ll Fight For.

scientists and their supporters need to paint a positive vision of the future, where science re-affirms its moral authority, articulates how it will help us, and advances a noble cause

Is ‘fake news’ a fake problem? - Columbia Journalism Review
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We know little about the amount of fake news an average citizen consumes, or how it fits into their overall news diet... What we found calls into question the severity of the fake news crisis.... We gathered data for both the real and fake news sites from comScore... First, the fake news audience is tiny compared to the real news audience–about 1…

How to cover pols who lie, and why facts don’t always change minds: Updates from the fake-news world

Several contributors suggested that different media organizations could come together both on a reporting level and on a broader level. There’s the idea for a “‘pooled’ White House new dashboard,” “a new kind of aggregation site for specific topics.”

AI and the end of truth
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our current misinformation problem is only the tip of a massive iceberg — and this looming disaster starts with AI...when we see a picture that seems very unlikely, we naturally assume that it is photoshopped... with AI, we are heading toward a world where this will be the case with every form of media: text, voice, video, etc.

Fake news’ power to influence shrinks with a contextual warning
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pro-active warnings designed to contextualize and pre-expose web users to related but fake information in order to debunk factual distortion in advance... the more detailed warning was about twice as effective as the general warning at shifting opinion towards acceptance of climate science consensus despite exposure to fake news. Warnings were pre…

Fake News Is About to Get Even Scarier than You Ever Dreamed
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incipient technologies appear likely to soon obliterate the line between real and fake... you or I will be able to create fake digital clips as easily as regular people created fake-news stories

Why each side of the partisan divide thinks the other is living in an alternate reality
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To some liberals, Donald Trump’s inauguration portends doom... to many conservatives, it’s a crowning moment ... as if each side is living in ... a different reality.... information avoidance... all of us ... ward off any new information that makes us feel bad, obligates us to do something we don’t want to do or challenges our worldview... we’re …

Journalism, Media and Technology Trends and Predictions 2017 | Reuters Institute for the study of Journalism
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... fears about how changing technology is affecting the quality of information and the state of our democracy. ... heated debate about the role and size of tech platforms and the extent to which their activities should be regulated. Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes over from mobile as the hottest topic in technology...Expect widespread innovati…

BBC sets up team to debunk fake news
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BBC’s Reality Check team will focus on content that is clearly fabricated and attempting to mislead the public into thinking it has been produced by a reputable news organisation... part of the BBC’s attempt to do more “slow news”, using in-depth analysis and expertise in a bid to help the public understand an especially tumultuous period in the …

A Digital Fact-Checker Fights Fake News

Storyful released Verify, a free add-on for Google’s Chrome browser that automatically tells users whether its 40 journalists around the globe have vetted the videos they’re watching... browser icon lights up green if the video is in Storyful’s vetted archive, or red if it isn’t... index is fed largely by automated bots ... Verify incorporates its…

Facebook’s European media chief: Fake news is a 'game of whack-a-mole'
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European countries... still behind the U.S. in terms of sheer volume of fake-news ... But posts designed to be entirely false and deliberately trick people is growing. In the U.K.... “It’s rare that a complete falsehood goes viral ... stories written by hyper-partisan sites, that have a kernel of truth and then are expanded into lies lathered with…

Germany's plan to fight fake news
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German Interior Ministry proposed creating a Center of Defense Against Misinformation, to help hunt down and eradicate fake news or other false information... Czech Republic... plans to open a fake news center .... strategy to force Facebook to delete suspicious or fake news could backfire... 'the story Facebook didn't want you to read' could beco…

Science loses out to uninformed opinion on climate change – yet again
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Freedom of speech, and of the press... also brings responsibility. The Editors’ Code of Practice... requires the “highest professional standards”... IPSO’s overall message is that ocean acidification is just a matter of opinion – not a hard-won, testable understanding ... Why support any research if 250 peer-reviewed papers ... can all be summaril…

How to Destroy the Business Model of Breitbart and Fake News - The New York Times
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thousands of activists have started to push companies to take a stand on ... “hate news” ... Sleeping Giants ... and their followers have communicated with more than 1,000 companies and nonprofit groups whose ads appeared on Breitbart, and about 400 of those organizations have promised to remove the site from future ad buys... In the old normal,…

Did Media Literacy Backfire?
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Anxious about... propaganda and fake news ... progressives are calling for an increased commitment to media literacy ... Others ... focus on expert fact-checking and labeling.  ... fail to take into consideration the cultural context ... Understanding what sources to trust is a basic tenet of media literacy education... underlying assumption ... N…

German police quash Breitbart story of mob setting fire to Dortmund church | World news | The Guardian
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German media and politicians have warned against an election-year spike in fake news after the rightwing website Breitbart claimed a mob chanting “Allahu Akbar” had set fire to a church in the city of Dortmund on New Year’s Eve... local newspaper said Breitbart had combined and exaggerated unconnected incidents to create a picture of chaos and of…

I am in full agreement that it is a self-organizing system
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Where things get interesting is to consider the deep cognitive mechanisms that shape the emergence of truth networks where a coherent shared set of understandings, assumptions, and beliefs are in play.

Fake News Is Not the Real Media Threat We’re Facing
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Fake news has been around as long as real news...  Social media has certainly transformed how fake news circulates, speeding up its circulation and extending its reach and impact...  a much more important problem ... is the continuing delegitimization of real news by American conservatives...  This is not “fake news.” It is a blatantly ideolog…

Italy antitrust chief urges EU to help beat fake news
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Italy’s antitrust chief has called for EU member states to set up a network of public agencies to combat fake news... “it is not the job of a private entity to control information. This is historically the job of public powers.

Stop saying that 2016 was the ‘worst year'

Americans almost always think that the year coming to a close is the worst... Many misunderstand how the world is changing or ignore positive change... Surveys from long before 2016 — the era before the world turned “post-factual” — show the same levels of ignorance. .. There are several reasons for this...structure of the media means negative sub…

Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking U.S. Electric Grid
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THE WASHINGTON POST on Friday reported a genuinely alarming event: Russian hackers have penetrated the U.S. power system...media reactions... were exactly what one would expect: hysterical, alarmist proclamations ... It did not happen. There was no “penetration of the U.S. electricity grid.” ... The level of groupthink, fearmongering, coercive p…

Facebook's fake news problem can be solved through design—just look at Twitter and Nextdoor — Quartz
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thoughtfully designed user interfaces can make us a freer, more humane, and more just society, just as poorly designed ones seem to have made many of us less compassionate, less informed, and more antagonistic... for a case study, we only need to look ... online forum Nextdoor.com originally ... a way of fostering community through neighborhood-s…

Fake News: A New Name For An Old Problem
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It’s easier than ever to spread misinformation.... social media tools are, after all, just that: tools.... fake news has been with us, in different guises, since long before anyone ever had the chance to tweet it.

The Deep Truth about “Fake News” – Medium
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... no one has direct access to reality. The real world is nearly impossible to see in this maelstrom ... because human minds need to “construct” their own version of reality — and each of us does this within a community of shared experiences and beliefs... there are many social worlds and each is built on its own version of what is real and true.…

Fake news is a convenient scapegoat, but the big 2016 problem was the real news - Vox
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the idea that fake news was central to the outcome of the campaign has little basis in fact... it’s mostly likely to be shared by people who have already bought into a partisan or ideological worldview... Clinton’s campaign ... problem was ... coverage that dwelled overwhelmingly on a bullshit email server scandal, devoted far fewer resources to…

Facebook now flags and down-ranks fake news with help from outside fact checkers | TechCrunch
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if publishers disagree with their labels they’ll have to take it up with the third-parties... won’t receive any payment from Facebook, but may get a traffic and branding boost from the debunk post links... Facebook is still working on better classifiers to automatically detect fake news, and preventing fake news from appearing as “Related Article…

Facebook Is Turning To Fact-Checkers To Fight Fake News
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Mantzarlis expects the partnership will result in a huge increase of applications to sign on to the IFCN’s code.... leads to a surge in genuine fact-checking projects, so much the better... Facebook decides which fact-checkers to include; the IFCN code is just the ‘minimum condition...

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