
Overview: Learning from Andy Matuschak

After discovering Andy Matuschak's site and work, I decided to create an outline, following his strategy and ideas, in order to understand and them to myhub. This is therefore closely related to the Thinking Tools overview.

Relevant resources

Why note-taking apps don't make us smarter
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Note-taking apps are "designed for storage, not sparking insights. Can AI change that?".Casey's info overload is worse then ever: "As a journalist, I’ve never collected as much data as I do now ... browsing four or five social feeds ... arXiv and pre-prints ... [leaves] a stack of research that I will never get through. Book ga…

Turning notes into remixable slides

via Chris Aldrich: "This template is used to turn a wiki page into a slideshow for presentation during IndieWebCamp events."Example: https://indieweb.org/2018/Baltimore/Building_Blocks#As discussed with Jerry, it creates a slideshow from the page's content, in the order as defined by the page. But I imagine the idea would be realiti…

Orbit: Andy Matuschak's new spaced repetition tool

More or less exactly what I described in my PKG Chapter, although that includes AI and it's not clear that orbit does. "As you read, Orbit occasionally prompts you with quick questions to reinforce the ideas ... after a few days, Orbit will send you an email ... If you still remember an answer, you’ll next see it two weeks later. Then a …

Peripheral vision | A reading inbox to capture possibly-useful references | Beware automatic import into the reading inbox

Interesting colection of notes from Andy Matuschak:Peripheral vision: "My physical workspace is full of subtle cues... together give me a kind of “peripheral vision”: when I’m doing one thing, it’s easy for me to fluidly notice other nearby things... Software systems, by contrast, often lack this kind of peripheral vision.". I started he…

Anti-marketing | Work with the garage door up | Working on niche, personally-meaningful projects

Another echo of one of my recent posts (Simplifying Zettelkasten by working out loud), but almost certainly published before: "One of my favorite ways that creative people communicate is by “working with their garage door up,” ... giving a lecture about the problems you’re pondering in the shower; it’s thinking out loud".Essentially this…

morning writing practice | daily routine | Daily log | Note Taxonomy

Andy Matuschak's daily routine and content strategy appear similar, but much more complex, than my own. It starts with something we share: "When my days don’t go well, it’s often because something derailed me in the morning, and I never really got back on track", and manages his day so that he spends the first two hours of the day f…

Evergreen notes, outlines and executable writing strategy | Andy Matuschak

Having fun using Andy Matuschak's wonderful site to explore his innovative ideas on note-taking, zettelkasten, writing, etc. This link opens a number of his interrelated notes, displayed horizontally using his innovative 'stacked notes' information architecture.Key ideas from this stack:the importance of 'task division' in…

About these notes | Andy Matuschak

Andy Matuschak's working notes "are mostly written for myself: they’re roughly my thinking environment... But I’m sharing them publicly as an experiment ... [see] Work with the garage door up... Write notes for yourself by default, disregarding audience)... there’s no index or navigational aids: you’ll need to follow a link to some start…

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