How to stop Perplexity and save the web from bad AI
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Casey first gets the Perplexity.ai scandal off his chest: "the Clearview AI of generative artificial intelligence companies: scraping billions of pieces of data without permission and daring courts to stop it. Like Clearview, Perplexity’s core innovation is ethical...".Is the Fediverse a solution? He likes it, but "a partial one... …

Introducing GPTs

OpenAI rolled out "custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose... GPTs are a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful ... at specific tasks". Built with no-code via chat.openai.com/create, you can share your GPT, and even monetise it, via their GPT Store later this month.Th…

Everyone's having a field day with ChatGPT – but nobody knows how it actually works
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Is ChatGPT creator OpenAI "a potential Google slayer. Why look up something on a search engine when ChatGPT can write a whole paragraph explaining the answer?" It's very capable, but "struggles to distinguish between truth and falsehood... often a persuasive liar... a bit like autocomplete on your phone... trained on pretty muc…

The most important technology critic in the world was tired of knowledge based on clicks. So he built an antidote - The Correspondent
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The Syllabus collects the best articles, podcasts and videos about the political, economic and social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on a daily basis...world’s foremost technology critic... scans 100 pages per minute, 12 books in an hour, 100 in one day... can determine the relevance of every book in the world... all information and know…

FAQ: How is MyHub.ai free and without ads? What is your business model?
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MyHub is an ad-free, manipulation-free zone. Your privacy is 100% safe. How?

Vertical AI Startups: Solving Industry-specific Problems by Combining AI and Subject Matter Expertise — Bradford Cross
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a four-factor definition of what I consider to be a vertical AI startup:... full-stack fully-integrated solution to the end customer problem from the interface ... down the stack to the functionality, models, and data;... deep subject matter expertise... trust, respect, and relationships within the industry.... combine the subject matter and tec…

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