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How to stop Perplexity and save the web from bad AI

How to stop Perplexity and save the web from bad AI

my notes ( ? )

Casey first gets the scandal off his chest: "the Clearview AI of generative artificial intelligence companies: scraping billions of pieces of data without permission and daring courts to stop it. Like Clearview, Perplexity’s core innovation is ethical...".

Is the Fediverse a solution? He likes it, but "a partial one... giving up on the consumer internet as we know it today — the big walled gardens, the metastasizing LLMs — and trying to build something different".

Maybe instead "AI companies and creators work hand in hand to grow the web again, sharing the wealth they create with one another", as mapped out by Tim O’Reilly's approach as a publisher to "sharing a portion of subscription revenue with (or paying a fixed fee to) authors when it uses AI to generate summaries, test questions, translations, or other derivative works based on their writing".

Will it work? "it remains to be seen whether the average writer on his platform benefits meaningfully from AI royalties, if nothing else he has gotten the incentive structure right. Pay people to create high-quality writing and other content; use that content with permission to train powerful AI systems; and share the wealth that those systems create to fund and incentivize the production of further high-quality writing."

More or less the idea behind my vision for myhub, but focused on content creation processes, not simply content recommendation and management algorithms. Definitely worth further investigation.

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