Three apps that made me more productive this year
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Note-taking "software can’t automate your thinking. But I do think it can create the conditions for improved thinking: making new connections between ideas"helping reduce distraction"organizing your reading and making it more useful"Casey then intros a few apps he's started using since his last post, starting with "Ca…

Knowledge gardening is recursive - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious

Here's a good question: "If we carefully closed the right feedback loops, could we construct a creative flywheel that generates finished works?... knowledge gardening. You collect and plant idea seeds, returning periodically to water and weed... As a kind of self-organizing system, it can’t happen without some kind of feedback loop... …

From Beginner to Superuser: A Complete Roam Research Tutorial Course
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Watched the entirety over the last week of 2020. Highly recommended series for getting to grips with Roam, covering everything from the basic of how Roam works through to detailed HowTos on project & goal management, zettelkasten, etc. Having said that, I won't be migrating my tasks out of a dedicated task mgt tool, or pasting bibliograph…

Post-Alpha Feature: Simplifying Zettelkasten by working out loud
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What did I learn about learning as I explored using Zettelkasten idea and knowledge management to write five newsletters about disinformation in the 2020 US elections?

How To Take Smart Notes: 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and Writing - Forte Labs
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Books on note-taking... always too vague and boring, full of platitudes ... never an overarching system for turning notes into concrete results ... [but]How To Take Smart Notes ... is by far the most impactful and profound book I’ve ever read on the subject... most books are a few morsels of real insight wrapped in... fluff... I systematically unr…

Powerful analog method to increase productivity

Zettelkasten—German for “slip box.” Luhmann claimed that his Zettelkasten became a conversational partner, constantly challenging him and prodding him on to greater productivity... original system ... numbered index cards... contained a single and complete idea ... “atomicity”... as short as a simple sentence... had to fit into ... half-sheet of …

Integrating Zettelkasten Pages into MyHub.ai
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I needed to review everything I had ever Hubbed relevant to surveillance capitalism, polarisation, social media and society... As I cast around for something interesting to say, I realised a MyHub.ai Service Page could help organise and clarify my thoughts: I would use it to create a Zettelkasten Permanent Note...While not a blog post, it is defin…

How I apply Zettelkasten to Roam · Hrvoje Šimić
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How to take smart notes explains the Zettelkasten system... explain how I apply rules 1-4 of Zettelkasten when using Roam

What is the Zettelkasten Research Method?
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Zettelkasten allowed him to: build a huge web of knowledge, retrieve the right memory when needed, find meaningful connections among topics, and develop his ideas, arguments and discussions efficiently...The first step ... taking literature notes as you read something ... what you don't want to forget ... be brief ... in your own words ...sec…

Zettelkasten — How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive
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Luhmann... published more than 70 books and over 400 scholarly articles... one of the most important sociologists of the twentieth century ... “I’m not thinking everything on my own. Much of it happens in my Zettelkasten”...adopt his method and ... learn better, think better, publish more, and be more creative... A Zettelkasten is ... a box of not…

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