
Overview: Online Strategy

How should your online presence be shaped?

Is your website working? Do first-time visitors understand what you do, and find the content they need, before clicking away? If not, should you tweak your site or build a new one?

Perhaps you should spend more resources on social, but to do what: engage your audience, convene a community, or simply broadcast your website content?

How can you do both so that your social media presence and your website work together? And what are you measuring, so that you continuously improve?

Need help? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

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How The 2016 Election Blew Up In Facebook’s Face
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As Facebook attempted to capture the fast-moving energy of the news cycle from Twitter... it built a petri dish for confirmation bias... Here’s how... ‘Share’ Button ... encouraging people to share quickly and without much thought... “original sharing,” where people post their own photos, text updates... was declining..., content from celebritie…

Capgras Syndrome in the Digital Age
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“Capgras delusions,” ... the belief that loved ones have been replaced by identical imposters... the brain has separate modules for analyzing the cognitive aspects of recognition, and for feeling the emotional aspects of familiarity... these functional fault lines in the social brain... have given rise to the contemporary Facebook generation... …

Facebook’s failure: did fake news and polarized politics get Trump elected? | Technology | The Guardian
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information bubbles didn’t burst on 8 November, but ... mainstream media and polling systems underestimated the power of alt-right news sources and smaller conservative sites that largely rely on Facebook to reach an audience... fake news is not a uniquely Republican problem... What is ... is the validation given to fake news by the now president-…

How Facebook can escape the echo chamber
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Zuckerberg... suggested the real problem is that people by nature engage with content they like and find agreeable, and dismiss things they don’t agree with online as they would in real life... it needs to implement better features to help diversify the content we see... For such an influential platform ... it’s irresponsible for Facebook to give …

The forces that drove this election’s media failure are likely to get worse » Nieman Journalism Lab

Segregated social universes, an industry moving from red states to the coasts, and mass media’s revenue decline: The disconnect between two realities shows no sign of abating... American political discourse in 2016 seemed to be running on two self-contained, never-overlapping sets of information... today’s media ecosystem encourage that separatio…

Facebook is harming our democracy, and Mark Zuckerberg needs to do something about it - Vox
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Facebook makes billions of editorial decisions every day. And often they are bad editorial decisions — steering people to sensational, one-sided, or just plain inaccurate stories. The fact that these decisions are being made by algorithms rather than human editors doesn’t make Facebook any less responsible for the harmful effect on its users and t…

Your Fall 2016 Guide to Facebook Publishing - NewsWhip

Our latest whitepaper keeps you updated on what you need-to-know for your Facebook publishing into Fall 2016 and the holiday season...we consolidated our most recent and most important findings into a guide for you to master your social publishing on Facebook this season. 

Facebook’s fake news problem won’t fix itself – Poynter
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Facebook seems incapable of rooting out hoaxes even after acknowledging they are clearly fake news... at least five different pages shared a story after Facebook acknowledged it was fake and were still able to reach tens of thousands of people through the social network. None of the posts carry any warning that the content is fake... BuzzFeed anal…

Does it matter if Facebook is a tech company or a media company?
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The debate on whether Facebook is a media company or not is not new... My take: it matters how users perceive Facebook, not how others — Facebook insiders or not — define it.

Trump’s Campaign Is Launching a Nightly News Show on Facebook | WIRED
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will stream Trump’s rallies directly each night and feature pre-and post-event commentary... a way for the campaign to circumvent the mainstream media ... says as much about Trump’s future in media as it does about Facebook’s.

Younger adults prefer to get their news in text, not video, according to new data from Pew Research » Nieman Journalism Lab

“So far, the growth around online video news seems to be largely driven by technology, platforms, and publishers rather than by strong consumer demand,”

Some publishers appear to be cooling on Facebook Instant Articles
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NBC News has found that people are willing to click through to its site when there’s breaking news, so it’s posting less of those articles on Instant Articles while posting more feature-type content... The New York Times ... tended to be long-form think pieces or analysis, not breaking news

Facebook “Messenger Day” is the chat app’s new Snapchat Stories clone
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lets people share illustrated filter-enhanced photos and videos that disappear in 24 hours, just like on Snapchat.

'Facebook needs an editor': media experts urge change after photo dispute | Technology | The Guardian
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Facebook wants to have the responsibility of a publisher but also to be seen as a neutral carrier of information that is not in the position of making news judgments... when Facebook was still censoring the napalm photo ... the site’s trending bar began posting ... a story suggesting September 11 were caused by a “controlled demolition”.

Facebook to roll out tech for combating fake stories in its Trending topics | TechCrunch
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Following the controversial firing of the editorial team who managed the Trending Topics... technology that will help prevent fake news stories from showing up in the Trending section.

Facebook Ads: The Complete, Always-Updated Guide
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We’d love to make it easy for you to get up and running with Facebook Ads. These are the exact steps and lessons we’ve been taking to build up our own paid ads campaigns, and we’ll be keeping this post up-to-date with the latest news and learnings.

Facebook Says Suspension Of Libertarian Groups Was An “Error
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Another controversial Facebook takedown, another muddy explanation for an erroneous removal.

Why I decided to connect my blog to Facebook Instant Articles
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all the pros and cons had to be considered. Here are some of the reasons and learnings behind this decision.

Axel Springer chief warns traditional media risk extinction
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“a monopoly of content distribution that will be mainly driven by user-generated content, and by professional content by commercially interested players.... pretty traumatic scenario of information or propaganda. It will be very painful for democracies.”

Why Facebook is public enemy number one for newspapers, and journalism | Media | The Guardian
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“the news on Facebook is what Facebook says it is.”... before the arrival of the internet news in newspapers was what newspapers said it was... the controllers of news outlets - newspapers, TV and radio, online - make choices about what to publish and, more significantly, what not to publish. Facebook’s increasing dominance over advertising is c…

Did Facebook Just Deliver a Crushing Blow to Native Advertising?
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One small tag for Facebook, one giant disaster for your favorite publishers... For publishers sharing native ads ... have to tag the brand in the post... that brand’s marketing team gets access to the post’s insights... allow savvy marketers to calculate just how big a margin publishers are taking on these campaigns — and potentially walk away fe…

Lessons from the Facebook Live experiments at International Business Times UK | Media news
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Since Facebook made its livestreaming feature widely available earlier this year, publishers have been experimenting with on-the-spot video in a variety of ways... we are starting a series of in-depth articles chronicling their experiments IBTimes UK has been working on three different live video formats: Q&As; with columnists and reporters, panel…

Facebook Versus the Media
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Facebook found itself in the middle of another media controversy last week... like watching an old couple fight: they are nominally talking about the same episode, but in reality both are so wrapped up in their own issues and grievances that they are talking past each other... Facebook screwed this up. But that doesn’t change the fact that Facebo…

Is Facebook’s Targeting Completely Bogus?
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This new tool shows users what Facebook determines are their interests... has provided a glance into the deep flaws of Facebook’s interest targeting. Advertisers should be concerned about where their dollars are going... Here are the main flaws I came across:... I would just recommend approaching targeting differently:

Facebook Live: Too Much, Too Soon
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IT’S been just over four months since The New York Times started producing live video for Facebook... a lot should never have made the team... many that are either plagued by technical malfunctions, feel contrived, drone on too long, ignore audience questions or are simply boring... For The Times the goal is twofold... to develop video that appea…

Inside Facebook’s (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine
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a lot of media sources you don’t recognize ... a new and distinctive sort of operation ... political news and advocacy pages made specifically for Facebook... engineered to reach audiences exclusively in the news feed... Occupy Democrats; The Angry Patriot; US Chronicle... together make up 2016’s most disruptive, and least understood, force in med…

Your political Facebook posts aren’t changing how your friends think
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While our experience with political Facebook posts suggests, anecdotally, that the thrust of the story is correct, we cannot confirm the authenticity of the study... Our efforts to reach Rantic before publication were unsuccessful, and Wired has since retracted its story.

Facebook is a media company, not a journalism company - Business Insider
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Facebook is a weird beast that a lot of journalists still don't understand. That is because it has taken the definition of "news" back to the era before mass media even existed. Yet, as a business, it looks exactly like a mass-media company and competes aggressively for the same advertising budgets... Facebook's flirtation with journalism wasn't d…

Facebook is *really* boosting Live videos – Poynter
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Facebook Live videos will appear on many more News Feeds — regardless of whether users Like, Wow or Haha the content. Posts linking out of Facebook will need a lot more user interaction to get the extra eyeballs.

Facebook Signals Institutions Are Out, Individuals Are In | DigitalNext - AdAge
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News Feed Changes Mean Brands Should Invest in Facebook People More Than Pages... The News Feed algorithm is a lagging indicator, not a leading one. It now properly reflects what study after study shows the public truly values: relationships... No organization will ever be on the same footing as peers... Invest in Facebook people, more so than p…

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