
Overview: Media

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Women Journalists Are the Most Credible Voices on Covid-19
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data on the U.S. media ecosystem suggests that women journalists make up a disproportionately high number of the most credible journalists... about Covid-19... dominate ... top 100 most credible journalists ... 19 of the top 25 journalists and 58 of the top 100algorithm analyzes individual articles for credibility based on the author’s topical exp…

How We Reopen Safely - covidexitstrategy.org
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Tracking states as they make progress towards a new normal

FT's Coronavirus trajectory tracker explained
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FT senior data-visualisation journalist ... explains the must-see daily graphs...See also Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads | Free to read

A Text Renaissance
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The Four Horsemen of this emerging Textopia are... Roam attempts to implement a near-full conception of hypertext as originally conceived by visionaries... looks like a cross between a slightly weird wiki and ... Evernote. It’s not... block-level addressability, transclusion ... and bidirectional linking ... utterly transform the writing experienc…

This site publishes high-touch, time-intensive data visualizations (and has a business that sustains it) » Nieman Journalism Lab

every individual picks their idea, we vet it ourselves and make sure the data’s there, that it’s interesting, and we just go off and do it... We specifically seek out stories that aren’t news related, because we don’t want to compete in that space

One month in: 10,000 people signed up to Quartz's chart-building tool
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well-known for its data-visualizations — half of the 60 daily articles published contain charts — and on May 10, it officially took the wrapper off Atlas, so anyone can sign up and create their own graphs.

If you are reading this, we might be in the same news bubble
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Search engines, social media and news aggregators are great at surfacing information close to our interests, but they are limited by the set of topics and people we choose to follow. Even if we read multiple news sources every day, what we discover is defined by the languages we are able to read, and the topics that our sources decide to cover. Ul…

NPR Visuals
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The visuals team ... the product of merging two groups: the news applications team, who served as NPR’s graphics and data desks, and the multimedia team, who made and edited pictures and video... The multimedia crew wanted to make pictures and video that were truly web-native, which required web makers. And our news apps lacked empathy... Pictu…

Interative: Media Coverage in the 2016 Election
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Our interactive graphic offers a real-time snapshot of the race, using media attention to track the fortunes of the presidential hopefuls... explore the graphic and view a running picture of how the candidates are faring on television during the election season, or drill into the numbers by network using the explorer dashboard. - Media Cover…

Atlas, the new home for charts and data
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Atlas deepens our journalism by offering readers better access to the data and visualizations in so many of our stories. It also extends the reach of our journalism by letting you make use of our charts in new ways ... as we build out the platform, we are hoping to let anyone make charts in Atlas... Atlas gives each of our charts its own home, …

How to create a simple interactive graph
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Visualise your data and embed interactive, annotated graphs in your stories for free... At Journalism.co.uk we've been regularly using Datawrapper, Infogram and Google Sheets to name a few, and we have highlighted many others in our pieces. Plotly is perhaps one of the more complex resources, but it's free to use and enables its users to cre…

Data Visualization, Infographics and Online Journalism
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The Journalist's Toolbox

Swarmize: Guardian's OS data journalism tool
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"Swarmize enables journalists to tell new, collaborative stories by making use of real-time data collection and visualisation" Just the tests they've already done are awesome. The code's on GitHub. Think to use in surveys, real-time social media monitoring, live blogs ... anything where real-time is useful and/or you might want a second bite at t…

Tracking #Ferguson on Twitter. Via @Mathewi, GigaOm

Tracking #Ferguson on Twitter. Via @Mathewi, GigaOm

International Roaming Charges (2005-07)
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The first – and possibly still the only – site on EUROPA to tap popular support (via sheer user traffic) for a new EU regulation.

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