
Overview: Communications Strategy

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How Model Collapse could revive authentic human communities

"As AI-generated content blurs the line between human and machine online, “model collapse” might help us find new value in well-managed human communities."

How Artificial Intelligence will finance Collective Intelligence
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The 3rd part of my 1/1/2023 bundle of 5 posts looks at how AI could turbocharge collective intelligence "and finance the resulting ecosystem, providing an alternative to Big Tech AI monopolies".

Social knowledge graphs for collective intelligence
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The second in my 1/1/2023 bundle of 5 posts exploring collective intelligence looks at the role of decentralised social networks: "A personalised, decentralised Social Knowledge Graph for each user multiplies the knowledge available to them via a trusted network of Followers and Friends, and creating collaborative possibilities more akin to w…

Conversations and Knowledge, Fast and Slow - Developer Wiki (Massive Wiki)

we could, and should, be better at collective memory, collective thinking, and collective intelligence... level up from an oral culture that thinks big thoughts but doesn't do much else together

Collective Intelligence Design Challenges (CDL)
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Via FotL I discover "Canonical Debate Lab (CDL)... researchers, developers, and system thinkers who have independently been working on collective intelligence systems for several years... goal is to aggregate contributions of diverse stakeholders into a unified information space, which can be accessed through multiple views... tailored to a s…

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