FAQ: What is MyHub.ai, What is a Hub, and Who’s it for?
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MyHub.ai is a platform for individuals and companies who care about content. You use it to create your Hub: an AI-powered, ad-free centre for your online presence.

FAQ: How is MyHub.ai free and without ads? What is your business model?
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MyHub is an ad-free, manipulation-free zone. Your privacy is 100% safe. How?

FAQ: How does my Hub’s search and browse work?
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Hubs help your visitors easily find the content they're interested in. Your Hub's Homepage shows "All the Stuff you Like, Think and Do about Everything, Anytime...": - ie everything. Your visitors can alter that 'navigation phrase' to find what they want.

FAQ: How do I curate Stuff onto my Hub?
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Whenever you see something you want to Hub, just select some text and click the ‘bookmarklet’ button you’ve dragged onto your Browser’s toolbar.

FAQ: How is MyHub.ai AI-powered?
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MyHub’s AI engine automatically tags any content you put in your Inbox, Queue or Hub, in the process learning from you and your visitors.

FAQ: Who are you? How can I contact you?

All such questions are answered, obviously, on my Hub's About Page ;)

FAQ: Why are your videos so cheap?

Because the alpha version of MyHub.ai is self-financed. Thank Jennifer Baker (@BrusselsGeek) for the free voiceovers ;)

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MyHub.ai saves very few cookies onto your device: we need some to monitor site traffic using Google Analytics, while another protects you from a cross-site request forgeries. Nevertheless, you can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. By browsing our website without changing the browser settings, you grant us permission to store that information on your device. More details in our Privacy Policy.