Against “Don’t Read the Comments”
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what started as a cynical in-joke has become a bad habit, and an excuse for enabling abuse across the web... The fact that we joke about it documents an acceptance of a culture of abuse online. It helps normalize online harassment campaigns and treat the empowerment of abusers as inevitable, rather than solvable... we denigrate a form that use…

Productivity, innovation, community & more (Top3ics, 1 Dec)
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Over 40 new resources ... some great longreads to enjoy as the nights grow long, the productivity tips you’ll need to find the time to read them, and a free set of steak knives. The Christmas season, after all, is almost upon us.

Engagement is Relational, not Transactional
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focusing less on how audiences interact with content on the screen but more about how, because of stories, we engage with each other as a community. Less transaction, more relation; less on audience, more on community... in 2003 I launched the initial version of Interactive Narratives ... Finding inspiring multimedia work was one benefit. But f…

Fast, visual communications: a chat with Ezri and Charlelie (updated)
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I recently had a great live Hangout with Ezri Carlebach and Charlelie Jourdan to discuss visual communications, taking risks and creating energy in conferences.

EPALE online community of practice
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I won the epale online community of practice project and steered its inception phase. Years later, it is still one of the EC's most successful online communities, notably by its ambitious multilingualism strategy and high userbase, despite lacking any financial rewards for participation.

3 Drupal sites for smart energy (2009-2012)
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Some of the drupal websites my team and I launched for the EC's energy research programmes.

3 Drupal sites for development (2009-2011)
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Migrating and relaunching the ACP Courier magazine website using semantic analysis and launching two community-oriented Programme websites for the ACP Secretariat.

Lisbon and the Euroblogosphere: my first use of the "c"-word

That's right - curation. Now officially Web2.0-buzzword-of-the-month (not quite sure which one).

So, farewell thematic portals on EUROPA

Constructive discussions generally require good discussion documents. One of the Commission's major contributions to any European online space should therefore be a EUROPA that supports the conversations

Building Communities of Practice with Event-in-a-Box

Trans-European online Communities of Practice should become a key element in the European online community, but examples so far are few. This post looks at DG INFSO, which has been using online community principles since 2002, two years before the phrase "Web 2.0" was invented.

Launching a EU policy blogging platform (2007)
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I lead the team that created Blogactiv.eu, the first blogging platform focused on EU policies

Piloting Web2.0 for the EC
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Of course, when we launched the first interactive website for the IST Event (IST 2002) we didn’t know it was a Web2.0 site. That term only appeared two years later

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