Artificial Creativity. How AI teaches us to distinguish between humans, art, and industry

Really brilliant monologue on creativity and AI, putting the current moment in a historical context of industrialisation stretching back to the invention of the printing press."If we really could substitute for our labor with machines — ones that don’t pollute or create even more work — it wouldn’t be a problem, as long as we all felt okay ab…

Study finds quarter of climate change tweets from bots - BBC News
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tweets posted by bots created the impression there was a high level of climate change denial... 6.5 million tweets from ... Trump's June 2017 announcement that he was removing the United States from the Paris climate accord... Posts in support of action to protect the environment were far less likely to come from bots... only 5%...the number …

Technology, Social Change, and Future Scenarios
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Convergence is occurring not just across the technology and future scenario curves, but also the various aspects of social change... the social dimension is impacted or squeezed by the curves, while at the same time, social change has a reciprocal effect

An Antidote to the Age of Anxiety
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the root of our human frustration and daily anxiety is our tendency to live for the future, which is an abstraction... Writing more than half a century before our age of computers, touch-screens, and the quantified self, Watts admonishes ... "The working inhabitants of a modern city are people who live inside a machine to be batted around by its w…

10 Content Marketing Mistakes That The Amateurs Make
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Blog posts take hours to write, those great images need to be found or created and those social networks need to be managed and nurtured. It is often not done or persisted with because there are no apparent quick rewards. This is where the tortoise can beat the hare by slow persistence. It is a marathon and a journey not a sprint... you are bui…

The Work And Inequality Challenge Of The Digital Revolution
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A significant proportion of tasks embedded in white-collar jobs can and will be automated in the years ahead. ... as much as 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk, while the equivalent figures for European countries ...from about 47 per cent in Sweden and the UK to 62 per cent in Romania... For now, however, what all too often passes as…

How Bots Took Over Twitter
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"the rise of suggested content tools has shifted the balance between conversation and link-sharing, and in so doing has diminished the value of the links that get shared... a tweeted link no longer reflects any curation or judgment on their part; it may well be something that was found for them rather than by them. Nor is it a sign that they’ve…

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