
Overview: Business

Relevant resources

Can LLMs Generate Novel Research Ideas?

A Large-Scale Human Study with 100 NLP Researchers

Artificial Creativity. How AI teaches us to distinguish between humans, art, and industry

Really brilliant monologue on creativity and AI, putting the current moment in a historical context of industrialisation stretching back to the invention of the printing press."If we really could substitute for our labor with machines — ones that don’t pollute or create even more work — it wouldn’t be a problem, as long as we all felt okay ab…

AI in Obsidian — The Correct Way to Generate Ideas
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"how can you use ChatGPT to generate ideas and brainstorm within Obsidian?", which is currently my note-taking tool of choice. First, some generic advice for prompting:"be specific about the outcome that you want to achieve... providing a prompt that contains more descriptive language ...give preceding prompts ... [specify the] resp…

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