Robo-Coaches Are Here
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"AI-generated advice represents a huge shift"convenience: whereas a google search inundates you with results mixed with spam, splog and ads, "ChatGPT streamline this process... people choose convenience over almost anything else... [cf]Fogg’s behavior model: Behavior = Motivation × Ability × Prompt". With AI, it's finally …

Robo-Coaches Are Here

"AI-generated advice represents a huge shift"convenience: whereas a google search inundates you with results mixed with spam, splog and ads, "ChatGPT streamline this process... people choose convenience over almost anything else... [cf]Fogg’s behavior model: Behavior = Motivation × Ability × Prompt". With AI, it's finally …

re:Work - Guide: Coach managers to coach
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GROW is ... one of the tools Google uses to teach managers about coaching conversations. This model stresses the importance of adapting and flexing coaching styles based on the team member’s needs and receptiveness.

Business coaching to a media startup

Business coaching to a media startupOne of the smallest, yet sweetest, projects of 2016 was helping specialist online media Borderlexrethink its business and relaunch its website. Coaching ranged from overall business model right down to the nuts and bolts of social media promotion, engagement and monitoring.

Destroy Your Inner Multitasker
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Intention is a powerful force. But this force has its own special foes.Distraction. Multitasking. These weaken your ability to execute on your goals. What if you could get the power of setting intention, plus the superpower of beating distractions?... Niklas Goeke is going to show you how. - Destroy Your Inner Multitasker — Productivity Dea…

Your Coaching Is Only as Good as Your Follow-Up
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"Unfortunately, too many managers don't adequately follow through and thereby squander the important time they've invested in coaching. You can make the process more effective by adopting these practices after every session." - Your Coaching Is Only as Good as Your Follow-Up Skills - HBR

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