From task management to template process building: an idea for #bigdata application | Benchmarking e-government in web 2.0
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"I think companies such as Asana (which I love) will be the future of business consultancy. They will substitute the big consultancies leveraging big data, just like Coursera will displace traditional course providers by leveraging information on how people use training and using this information to design more effective training. Business consult…

Responsibility for Healthcare.gov's IT problems lie with dot gov
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File this under “Next time someone says they do it better in America”... “Everything about the way the government builds large technical projects contrasts unfavorably”... a management not a technology failure. Obama’s error was not to empower technologists to tell him the truth

The Myth of the Design Studio Turned Product Company - Leadership Journal - Medium
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Great article on Medium. Best part comes at the end: "This week we launched an initiative that aims to ease the conflict between these opposing forces. Each of our team members gets to study a subject of their choice over the period of a year. It's a long term study initiative that resembles a PhD. Think of it more like a thesis than project wo…

Don’t Hire Ball-less, Soul-less, Spiritless Idiots To Do Digital Marketing | Blackbeaks Blog, Digital Analytics and marketing optimisation blog
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"Idiots come in 3 types. The first type is what I call the politician, the second type is the spectator and then last but not least there is the the whiner. Every business I’ve worked with has them either in or around them."

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