we need to lock on our analytics to the people who willfully return to our work... There’s no one single metric that tells you how loyal... your audience is.... The Center for Cooperative Media ... audience explorer dashboard... plugs into Google Analytics... splits audiences into “Brand Lovers,” “Prospective Loyalists” and “Casual,”... free and e…
use it only to compare stats about two different topics over time
"If you come across a video, all you need to do is add "GIF" before "YouTube" in the URL, and you will be redirected to the app. For example: Original video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BT1cd49pIw To convert to GIF: www.gifyoutube.com/watch?v=2BT1cd49pIw " - Add "GIF" to the Start of YouTube Links to Convert Videos to GIF
"an open source tool ... has been used by a number of news organisations to show how stories or events have unfolded in an interactive manner. It is essentially a way to create an embeddable timeline with cards of text or multimedia to explain key moments in the story." - Screencast: using Timeline.Js to make interactive timelines for stories |…
"an app called Voice that makes producing animated videos really simple. Animated videos are any type of continuous video that uses moving shapes, graphic images or icons as part of the story. Pros generally use complex, expensive software to create these, but animation software — along with other video editing tools — is becoming more accessible.…
"...is a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; extending it with web services; and linking it to databases like Freebase."
"oCam is 100% free Screen Recorder for home and office."
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